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Seqway makes $1 billion in sales

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  • #46
    That's pretty easy to solve Snoopy.

    All we have to do is hire some "urban marketing" firm to "plant" some PR out there in the urban scene to make it a "dope ride," and viola, every teenage white boy in america will want want one.

    Personally I'm trying to get my Segway decked out with crome rims, hydrolics, and a sub woofer.
    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


    • #47
      cars have keys and they get stolen easy. Esp if they don't have any anti-theft agents. And being the key slot is so easily accessible you can gurantee many will be stolen. It's not like they have a steering wheel that locks and other anti-theft devices.

      Maybe someone will invent the club for the segway.

      This is ridiculous. Scooters are longer, but more narrow than a segway. They don't require complicated gyros to keep the thing upright. What keeps them upright? That's right- the human brain and its sense of balance. Much more efficient than gyros and such. And scooters can carry more as well.

      And whay happens when that needlessly complicated gyro system fails? $6000 down the drain.

      Why not just invent a smaller scooter that runs on a battery? The segways are still too big to use on sidewalks. You won't be able to get two side by side. The only alternative is to redesign cities completely. Or ban cars- which I think is their primary motive for building these things.


      • #48
        well, it can travel at 40kmh, which is pretty good. (I'm pretty sure its k and not m).

        For the average person, it's quite useless, but there are people who would like it, mainly disabled people, then I imagine it catching on as a sport, and then it will be quite popular. But for me, it's totally useless, I prefer to walk everywhere. Hey, if African's can run 9 miles in one direction, stand there all day and run 9 miles back, I can walk 1 mile to work and back too. There's no excuse for laziness.
        be free


        • #49
          well you have to stand in it- which rules out disabled people. Disabled people where I live have those nice motorized carts. I want one

