(possibly long and rambling)
I went to Best Buy yesterday, thinking about getting a new PC game to carry me through to whenever Master of Orion 3 is coming out. Imagine my dismay when I see less shelving for PC games, with more Playstation/X-box games crowding onto the PC game shelf.
It used to be that PC games commanded 3+ full shelves, both sides, at Best Buy - now they cannot even fill up a single shelf. I remember 4+ years ago when the Christmas edition of Computer Gaming World (or PC Gamer) was over 400 pages in size... this years PC Gamer barely broke 150. Many companies are now releasing their PC games as an afterthought to the consoles - I believe even Blizzard is releasing the new Starcraft game as a console only game! (NOOOOOO!!!!!)
My story is probably very typical of the average PC gamer - I'm 35 and have been playing computer (well, microprocessor-based) games since my first Sears Pong box back in 1975. Atari, Colecovision, Mattel handhelds, I've played them all. I got my first PC back in 1990, bought Civilization, and never looked back. But now I have kids, career, family, and very little free time to spend at the computer - and when I do, I usually end up on the net. I just don't play the things like I used to, and when I do I find that going back to Civ2 or Starcraft or SimCity 3k more than suffices to cover my gaming desires. This past year I bought 2 (ONLY 2) games - Civ 3, and Unreal Tournament 2003, whereas in past years I have bought maybe 20-30 games.
I also find the games derivative. The two games I bought this year were sequels, the game I'm looking forward to (MOO3) is the third iteration of that game, and RPG's, no matter how pretty they are (NWN, Morrowind), are still just RPG's. (And who has 100+ hours to dedicate to a single game anyway)? I'm looking at the December issue of PC Gamer and out of 4 "scoops", all of them are sequels, 13 out of 20 reviews were for sequels and expansion packs (and this is for the CHRISTMAS issue!!! You'd think there'd be a hell of a lot more than 20 games to be reviewed!) In other words, a full 65% of the games being developed are dependent upon old coding and already developed "rules." And what good ideas there are breaks down under faulty coding or lack of playtesting (Black and White, anyone?)
So, are PC games dying? I agree that the market was pretty bloated around 1995-1998, but I'm seeing signs of true stagnation in the PC game market and I was wondering what your all's opinion was? I read somewhere that PC game sales actually fell for the first time since the early 1990's, fell by more than 12%. Are we becoming a niche market?
I went to Best Buy yesterday, thinking about getting a new PC game to carry me through to whenever Master of Orion 3 is coming out. Imagine my dismay when I see less shelving for PC games, with more Playstation/X-box games crowding onto the PC game shelf.
It used to be that PC games commanded 3+ full shelves, both sides, at Best Buy - now they cannot even fill up a single shelf. I remember 4+ years ago when the Christmas edition of Computer Gaming World (or PC Gamer) was over 400 pages in size... this years PC Gamer barely broke 150. Many companies are now releasing their PC games as an afterthought to the consoles - I believe even Blizzard is releasing the new Starcraft game as a console only game! (NOOOOOO!!!!!)
My story is probably very typical of the average PC gamer - I'm 35 and have been playing computer (well, microprocessor-based) games since my first Sears Pong box back in 1975. Atari, Colecovision, Mattel handhelds, I've played them all. I got my first PC back in 1990, bought Civilization, and never looked back. But now I have kids, career, family, and very little free time to spend at the computer - and when I do, I usually end up on the net. I just don't play the things like I used to, and when I do I find that going back to Civ2 or Starcraft or SimCity 3k more than suffices to cover my gaming desires. This past year I bought 2 (ONLY 2) games - Civ 3, and Unreal Tournament 2003, whereas in past years I have bought maybe 20-30 games.
I also find the games derivative. The two games I bought this year were sequels, the game I'm looking forward to (MOO3) is the third iteration of that game, and RPG's, no matter how pretty they are (NWN, Morrowind), are still just RPG's. (And who has 100+ hours to dedicate to a single game anyway)? I'm looking at the December issue of PC Gamer and out of 4 "scoops", all of them are sequels, 13 out of 20 reviews were for sequels and expansion packs (and this is for the CHRISTMAS issue!!! You'd think there'd be a hell of a lot more than 20 games to be reviewed!) In other words, a full 65% of the games being developed are dependent upon old coding and already developed "rules." And what good ideas there are breaks down under faulty coding or lack of playtesting (Black and White, anyone?)
So, are PC games dying? I agree that the market was pretty bloated around 1995-1998, but I'm seeing signs of true stagnation in the PC game market and I was wondering what your all's opinion was? I read somewhere that PC game sales actually fell for the first time since the early 1990's, fell by more than 12%. Are we becoming a niche market?