did she have breathing problems???
I cant remember what the condition is called..but my auint had to get a nose job cuz her airway was deformed after having her nose broken maaaaaany years back...they did CORRECTIVE surgerey more so that cosmetic, ya know?
eithr way..15 year old changing their appearance....unless she had a streisand honker..I do not understand
its like 17 year olds getting boob jobs..freaking retarded
I cant remember what the condition is called..but my auint had to get a nose job cuz her airway was deformed after having her nose broken maaaaaany years back...they did CORRECTIVE surgerey more so that cosmetic, ya know?
eithr way..15 year old changing their appearance....unless she had a streisand honker..I do not understand
its like 17 year olds getting boob jobs..freaking retarded