Originally posted by St Leo
Proportional Representation. Other than nuking the place () It seems the most popular idea amoung apolytoners
Damn straight. Ontario is getting screwed in Canada. We have 38% of Canada's population, the part that hasn't atrophied into worthless drones like the Prairies and the Maritimes, but we only control a mere 33% of the Federal government. It sounds to me as though we are getting shafted by the CCRAP-voting Westerners and the unemployable Easterners.
Proportional Representation. Other than nuking the place () It seems the most popular idea amoung apolytoners
Damn straight. Ontario is getting screwed in Canada. We have 38% of Canada's population, the part that hasn't atrophied into worthless drones like the Prairies and the Maritimes, but we only control a mere 33% of the Federal government. It sounds to me as though we are getting shafted by the CCRAP-voting Westerners and the unemployable Easterners.

Thats one of the reasons I support states rights and don't like PR. In the US, you don't have economic cestpools like you do here in Canada. Why? because states can control their own matters and aren't bullied by majority mobs from California, NY and Texas.