I couldn't help not to post this 
The US today dismissed as "a stunt" an Iraqi offer to admit CIA agents to help arms inspections, as scores of UN arms experts swooped on at least three sites near Baghdad.
Iraqi officials said a biological weapons team from the UN monitoring, verification and inspection commission (Unmovic) spent two hours at what the officials described as a closed baby milk plant in Abu Ghreib, 16 miles west of Baghdad.
As the US rebuffed Iraq's latest offer, Baghdad unleashed a fresh wave of invective against the Bush administration. An Iraqi government newspaper said the US president, George Bush, was using lies to justify a war against Iraq.
"The administration of little Bush is launching a mad campaign based on lies and accusations in order to divert public attention from reality and find excuses for an aggression against Iraq," the ruling Baath party newspaper al-Thawra said in a front page editorial.
Could it be that Saddam is telling the truth
Originally Saddam offered USA to let CIA inspect the country to find WOMD's http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story...864782,00.html
Baghdad fought back in the highly charged propaganda battle with the US and Britain yesterday by inviting its arch-enemy, the CIA, to enter Iraq and track down the country's elusive weapons of mass destruction.
It seems that Iraq does not pretend that they do not have any WOMD's or be so certain in themselves and be sure that even CIA can't find it, which I doubt.
Still how can US reject such a generous offer from Iraq. Send in the agents if the "axis of evil" invites you to.

The US today dismissed as "a stunt" an Iraqi offer to admit CIA agents to help arms inspections, as scores of UN arms experts swooped on at least three sites near Baghdad.
Iraqi officials said a biological weapons team from the UN monitoring, verification and inspection commission (Unmovic) spent two hours at what the officials described as a closed baby milk plant in Abu Ghreib, 16 miles west of Baghdad.
As the US rebuffed Iraq's latest offer, Baghdad unleashed a fresh wave of invective against the Bush administration. An Iraqi government newspaper said the US president, George Bush, was using lies to justify a war against Iraq.
"The administration of little Bush is launching a mad campaign based on lies and accusations in order to divert public attention from reality and find excuses for an aggression against Iraq," the ruling Baath party newspaper al-Thawra said in a front page editorial.
Could it be that Saddam is telling the truth

Originally Saddam offered USA to let CIA inspect the country to find WOMD's http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story...864782,00.html
Baghdad fought back in the highly charged propaganda battle with the US and Britain yesterday by inviting its arch-enemy, the CIA, to enter Iraq and track down the country's elusive weapons of mass destruction.
It seems that Iraq does not pretend that they do not have any WOMD's or be so certain in themselves and be sure that even CIA can't find it, which I doubt.
Still how can US reject such a generous offer from Iraq. Send in the agents if the "axis of evil" invites you to.