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How can you not believe in evolution?

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  • Originally posted by Aeson
    My point is, what is proper searching for him? If God were an idol in South America, then proper searching for him would probably entail traveling there. Why should anyone undertake this journey before there is ample evidence given to do so?
    Proper searching for him depends on the person. It may be that Buddhism brings you closest to him, or perhaps hinduism, or perhaps Christianity. Discover whatever religion brings you closest to God. Although a lot of religions claim to have a monopoly on God, the truth of the matter is God wants you to persue whatever religion brings you closest to him. I have chosen Christianity, but perhaps you have an alternative choice. However, the basics of searching involve a basic semblance of the religious scriptures, prayer, and meditation. From there things will become easy.
    As for evidence, the evidence will become self-apparent in time. If you are looking purely for evidence that is scientifically quantifable, then the best I can do is present some various pieces of evidence that seems to point toward God's existence in the universe. I trust that they will mean little to you. So why should anyone undertake such a journey then? Because it is the ultimate purpose of man in life, the ultimate expression of the Descartesian "I think therefore I am. You may laugh at such an explanation, but one day you will find yourself in the same situation I am. It may be far in the future, but it will happen.


    • Loin - Communsim is the *only* economic philosophy reconcilable with Christianity actually.


      • No offense Monkspider but you are starting to sound like a Evangelical Preacher...

        What do you have to say about an atheist existentialist as myself? On second thought, I don´t think I wanna hear it.
        For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


        • Religion can be used to force peope to tow the line, as it commonly is in this world. But it also can be the greatest liberator. Jesus once said "I come to this world not to bring peace, but a sword". Meaning he was not going to accept the decadent status quo of the world, but turn it on it's ear.


          • Fez, you have a long way to come. You must learn to give yourself in willing service to others. That is your greatest fault.


            • *yawns* this thread is still going full steam.

              I believe in Creation. I believe Satan created this hellhole we call Earth. He did it in 6 days not 7. The 7th day he spent whacking off.

              That is my contribution to this thread.

              OK that is going to piss people off. maybe I should be serious.

              *thinking*. I really don't have much to add on this thread. Evolution does happen. Sure it is improbable, but it happened seeing as we are here. Because of the improbablility of evolution I find it difficult to believe there is any intelligent life form as us anywhere in our solar system (maybe in the universe- but not in our solar system).


              • Was just interested in why you feel the way you do, thanks Monkspider. For what it's worth, I spent the better part of my life actively searching for God, but have no answers. Either God has his favorites, which I'm not part of, or he's not there IMO.


                • I'm very sorry to hear that Aeson. Don't give up. I can assure you, God has no favorites, and he will one day make himself abundantly clear. Perhaps he chose to make himself difficult to see so that you would gain knowledge that you wouldn't have otherwise if you followed one of the various religions? But as I said, one day he will be made more than clear.


                  • It doesn't ring true. Religion is a faith and communism (marxist communism if it makes certain pedants happy ) is a sociopolitical model. It is also very clear that man holds the power, and that he is in control of his own destiny, hence he has to take that power and use it for the wellbeing of society. There is no place, and certainly no desire, for a deity in this.
                    Speaking of Erith:

                    "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                    • Originally posted by loinburger

                      Originally posted by CyberShy
                      I disagree with it, thus it's not a valid theory
                      Quiet a simplistic view you hold friend Boris!

                      Glorious irony, I've found you at last!
                      Whatever does that mean?
                      We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
                      If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
                      Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


                      • Originally posted by CyberShy
                        that you don't understand the bible doesn't mean it has contradictions.
                        That you don't understand how evolution works doesn't mean it didn't happen. See?

                        which is mutation / degeneration with profits.
                        Nonsensical doublespeak! Mutation with profits?!

                        you were there?
                        Huh? Who needed to be's in the text, silly.

                        If it's questoined by a creationist, the person who asks is a fool thus his question is not valid.
                        The difference is that Creationists have yet to scientifically debunk evolution or provide a scientifically alternative model that supports Creationism. So why should their objections be valid, when there's nothing to support them?

                        evolution is unquestionable in they eyes of most of you guys here. Again: you're not different, you're all fanatics!
                        The mechanics of evolution are questioned/debated all the time by scientists. Again you fail to see the difference in that science is open to experimentation and change, while Creationism is not. If any credible evidence were presented to bring evolution into serious question, it would be seriously considered. That has yet to happen.

                        I disagree with it, thus it's not a valid theory
                        Quiet a simplistic view you hold friend Boris!
                        you left out the word "scientifically" deliberately I see. You yourself don't think Creationism should be taught as science, so you obviously don't think it's scientifically valid either. Duh.

                        There are several scientific creationists who do scientific research and have a scientific grade.
                        Yes, the most prominent of whom have dubious credentials and have produced work that is rife with error, unreasonable assumption and/or flat our falsehoods:

                        And none of them have produced a shred of evidence to contradict evolution or prove Creationism.

                        - evolution needs much time
                        - the universe must be veeeeeeeery old
                        - fossils we found must be veeeeery old as well
                        - these old fossils we found show that evolution took muuuuuuuch time
                        Nice way to twist facts around.

                        We know evolution takes a lot of time, based on observance of microevolution. We know the universe is very old, based on astronomical calculations, infrared readings, etc. We know the fossils are very old, thanks to carbon dating, their placement in the geological layers (something Creaitonism has yet to explain, among many other things), etc. The fossils clearly show evolutionary ancestors of modern species. But nice try.

                        some scientists play with time as a child plays with water.
                        Time gives opportunities indeed. But time comes with problems as well.
                        Many problems!
                        BUt those problems are underestimated.
                        Given the massive potential due to the size of the earth, the problems are not so monumental. In fact, ambiogenesis and evolution are not as remotely improbable as Creationists like to pretend. Another example where they make up odds out of their butt.

                        Do you know what disasters can happen in a billion years?
                        Which means what? I could become president of the united states someday. Doesn't mean it will happen. There could be a billion earth-like planets where life was cut short by such disasters. We happened to make it. Ain't we lucky?

                        But as you demonstrated in your anthrocentrism, you're exactly the kind of person who if there were 99,999,999 empty universes and one with life (yours) would sit there, gawk in amazement and say "Gee, what a coincidence!"

                        I'm not sure if I'm a creatoinist, but I think it should not be teached as science.
                        Quoted this for good measure.

                        there are two ways to temp.
                        temp people by pressure (do they still follow God during pressure)
                        and temping people to sin.

                        God does not do the latter.
                        Temping is a sin?! Oh ****! I'd better tell my temp friends to get a permanent job or they are damned!!!
                        Tutto nel mondo è burla


                        • Originally posted by Boris Godunov

                          Nonsensical doublespeak! Mutation with profits?!
                          Mutation can be either beneficial, harmful or neither.


                          • Yes, Calc, but he's trying to assert that mutation is harmful and using a nonsensical phrase to define mutations that don't do harm without defining mutation as a non-qualitative term. It's part of the Dance of the Creationists.
                            Tutto nel mondo è burla


                            • Originally posted by SpencerH
                              Whatever does that mean?
                              One of the definitions for "irony" is "CyberShy accusing anybody of holding a simplistic view on a subject."
                              <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                              • Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                                Temping is a sin?! Oh ****! I'd better tell my temp friends to get a permanent job or they are damned!!!
                                Oh crap, that's me off to hell then

                                So is 'The Last Temptation Of Christ' now 'The Last Minimum Wage Paperpushing Tea Making Insecure Job Of Christ'?
                                Speaking of Erith:

                                "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith

