Originally posted by Aeson
My point is, what is proper searching for him? If God were an idol in South America, then proper searching for him would probably entail traveling there. Why should anyone undertake this journey before there is ample evidence given to do so?
My point is, what is proper searching for him? If God were an idol in South America, then proper searching for him would probably entail traveling there. Why should anyone undertake this journey before there is ample evidence given to do so?
As for evidence, the evidence will become self-apparent in time. If you are looking purely for evidence that is scientifically quantifable, then the best I can do is present some various pieces of evidence that seems to point toward God's existence in the universe. I trust that they will mean little to you. So why should anyone undertake such a journey then? Because it is the ultimate purpose of man in life, the ultimate expression of the Descartesian "I think therefore I am. You may laugh at such an explanation, but one day you will find yourself in the same situation I am. It may be far in the future, but it will happen.