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Canadian Who Called Bush 'Moron' Quits

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  • #31
    The last elections at least show that the majority goes with Bush, or at least the GOP governament.

    The rules of your democracy are older than your grandfathers. They have widely concidered to be right. And yes, the 2000 elections were on the sharpest edge of the knife, but have been proven to be legal by judges.

    it's been the top of the democratic process within the law.

    Why can leftish people not respect people with different opinions?
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #32
      Originally posted by CyberShy
      The rules of your democracy are older than your grandfathers.
      He's not a Yank, and he doesn't have a clue.
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Faboba

        Bush's rule is undemocratic in the sense that he fixed ( or rather had his brother Jeb whose campaign he funded fix on his behalf ) the florida election thus securing him 25 electoral college votes and thus, the election.
        Would you like to supply some proof that Jeb Bush fixed the election for George Bush? If there is enough then both of them could be run out of office, which I'm sure would please you. So why not set the wheels in motion?

        Originally posted by Faboba

        The majority? Bush wasn't elected by the majority, he was elected by a first-past-the-post minority which validity is debateable.
        Clinton meanwhile never won a majority of the vote in the two elections that he won. The only majority that counts in the presidential election is a majority of the electoral college votes. Everyone knows this going into the election, and it has a huge impact on the way everyone's campaign is plotted.
        He's got the Midas touch.
        But he touched it too much!
        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


        • #34
          She obviously should not have said that, but what puzzles me is why everybody is so shocked with such an obvious thing.
          I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


          • #35
            What puzzles me is that people think it was an "accident". The exiting PM's communications advisor "accidently" calls Bush a "moron" in front of a reporter? Right.....

            Then the PM gets up and gives the "GB is not a moron"

            Then the PM won't fire his aid, and she quits after 2
            weeks when to story has pretty much run it's course,
            giving it new life. Which she was planning to do anyways.

            As for "damaging" relations, jailin' that guy for buying gas is just as petty a shot on the US's part.

            This is diplomacy in action.


            • #36
              Uh, the reporter she said it to didn't report it. The Nazional Post reporter from across the room did.:P
              Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


              • #37
                Originally posted by St Leo
                Uh, the reporter she said it to didn't report it. The Nazional Post reporter from across the room did.:P
                What's your point? She said it knowing someone would pick it up and print it. She is a PR advisor afterall. I don't think the post reporter was reading her lips from across the room, or had bionic hearing. The word got around quick enough for a "private" conservation at a public function in a room full of reporters.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Alexnm
                  She obviously should not have said that, but what puzzles me is why everybody is so shocked with such an obvious thing.
                  Only stupid consevatives like DinoDoc and the media are.


                  • #39
                    As a French, I'm very glad such a honest (and anti-Bush ) person will come to my country. Welcome !
                    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Ozz
                      What puzzles me is that people think it was an "accident". The exiting PM's communications advisor "accidently" calls Bush a "moron" in front of a reporter? Right.....
                      Yup, chalk up another small political victory for Chretien while the Conservatives/CA shoot themselves in the foot and Bush comes off looking dignified for once.

                      Bush goes to the NATO meeting and criticizes Canada indirectly for not spending enough money on the Forces (and rightly so).

                      Ozz is probably right that the Liberals set up the whole moron comment to jab back at Bush.

                      The spokeswoman was set to move to a new post, so her resignation doesn’t really make a difference. By not accepting her first resignation letter, Chretien looks like a loyal employer. By accepting the second resignation letter, Chretien can do the old “Well, if you really insist on leaving…”

                      Consider a Globe report about the resignation: “"She pushed it, and she insisted on it," a senior government official said. "It's something he [the Prime Minister] hates to do and something he did reluctantly."

                      So Chretien comes out smelling like roses. He manages to insult Bush, without actually insulting him. He looks like a nice boss. The Canadian government comes off looking like it has some backbone and that it is not a sniveling partner to the US. And attention is deflected away from the serious issues of the Liberal’s lack of funding for the Forces and the Kyoto agreement.

                      The Conservatives/CA end up looking like idiots by making a big deal out of nothing. More than that they come off looking spineless with their crying concern that Canada should rush out, apologize and kiss Bush’s butt.

                      Bush, meanwhile, takes the high road by ignoring the comment.
                      Golfing since 67


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Tingkai
                        Yup, chalk up another small political victory for Chretien while the Conservatives/CA shoot themselves in the foot

                        You really DO have major problems calling things as they are. No wonder you've got such whacky ideas.

                        You're like Ludwig, only you're in China.

                        It was all some grand plan by the brainchild Chretien (see his "proofs" comment) to "insult" Bush by getting his communications aid to call him a moron in a room full of reporters.

                        My God, Tingkai...take a step back and look around a bit.
                        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Sikander

                          Clinton meanwhile never won a majority of the vote in the two elections that he won. The only majority that counts in the presidential election is a majority of the electoral college votes. Everyone knows this going into the election, and it has a huge impact on the way everyone's campaign is plotted.
                          I don't give a squirrel-****ging ferret what Clinton won by, CyberShu claimed that 'the majority supported him'. What I was pointing out is that he didn't have the majority. I'm not one of these people that thinks that in itself is enough to deny him the presidency byt you cannot say that the man has the majoirty support of the country when he statistically does not.

                          Well you CAN, but you'd be WRONG.

                          Would you like to supply some proof that Jeb Bush fixed the election for George Bush? If there is enough then both of them could be run out of office, which I'm sure would please you. So why not set the wheels in motion?
                          You think if there was hard evidence he'd be in office still?

                          But how's about this for circumstantial evidence ( and while I'm at it notyoueither, shut the hell up. I can't have you dismissing what I'm saying with a wave of your hand in one ear and Cybershy complaining about 'leftish' people not respecting the opinions of others. )

                          * Thousands of convicted felons and PEOPLE WHO HAD SIMILAR NAMES to convicted felons ( including the electoral supervisor for madison county ) were not allowed to vote. Most of these individuals came from predominantly democratic-supporting black and hispanic backgrounds. This included 8,000 on a false list supplied by another state which claimed they were 'former convicted felons who had since moved to Florida'. The state which supplied the list was... Texas.

                          *Before the counting was finished and it was too close to call the winner ( though it must be mentioned at the time Gore was slightly ahead ) the head of Fox's election coverage made the decision to go on air and announce that Bush had won Florida and consequently the election. The head of Fox's coverage is the first cousin of Bush, John Ellis. Most the other networks quickly followed suit and soon Bush was declared the winner despite not actually having won anything.

                          * An investigation by the New York Times concluded that of the 2,490 overseas votes which were finally counted, 680 were considered flawed and questionable. This included 544 of Bush slips which cuts Bush's winning margin of 537 to a negative 7 in favour of Gore. I can go into further detail here if you wish.

                          * The Supreme Court ( in which many of the members had good reason to strongly desire a Republican victory including two who were hoping to retire and have an ideologically similar candidate appointed to replace them ) cancelled the recount when the statistics showed that Gore was "only 66 votes down, and gaining!". The Court concluded;

                          "The counting of votes which are of questionable legality does, in my view, threaten irreprable harm to [Bush], and to the country, by casting a cloud on what [Bush] claims to be the legitimacy of his election." - In other words if they counted all the ballots which were questionable rather than just the overseas ones in favour of Bush there was no way in hell it would come out in his favour and therefore put a dampour on his election celebrations.

                          Personally I found the weirdest part of the whole episode to be when Bush, with tens of thousands of votes still to be counted, informed Gore that his brother Jeb has assured him that 'the state was his'. Now... how would the brother be able to assure him if he didn't know that these very... questionable goings on listed above were happening and costing Gore votes - nearly enough to lose the election in fact? The obvious answer is that he did know, he knew full well as did his brother, now President-Elect George W Bush of the United States of America who had provided Jeb with a list of Florida citizens to take of the voting rosta.
                          A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Asher

                            You really DO have major problems calling things as they are. No wonder you've got such whacky ideas.

                            You're like Ludwig, only you're in China.

                            It was all some grand plan by the brainchild Chretien (see his "proofs" comment) to "insult" Bush by getting his communications aid to call him a moron in a room full of reporters.

                            My God, Tingkai...take a step back and look around a bit.
                            Once again, you attack the messenger because you can't attack the message.

                            Isn't it odd that someone with 10 years of experience would accidentally make this comment in a room full of reporters.

                            Isn't it odd that this happens when the House is debating Kyoto. What were people talking about during the past week: the moron or Kyoto?

                            Of course, this could have been an accident. In that case, the Liberals still did some great damage control and end up coming out smelling sweet while Harper looks like a wimp.
                            Golfing since 67


                            • #44
                              Tingkai: I can't attack the message because the message is so obviously bunk it's not worth the time.

                              If a drunken man stumbled around downtown chanting that Chretien is Satan, do you laugh at the man or do you sit down and try to argue with him?

                              You laugh, you move on, and you pity him.
                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Asher
                                Tingkai: I can't attack the message because the message is so obviously bunk it's not worth the time.

                                If a drunken man stumbled around downtown chanting that Chretien is Satan, do you laugh at the man or do you sit down and try to argue with him?

                                You laugh, you move on, and you pity him.
                                No, I would at least say hello to you.
                                Golfing since 67

