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Canadian Who Called Bush 'Moron' Quits

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  • #16
    funny, they did that topic on Crossfire on CNN last night
    Former President, Vice-president and Foreign Minister of the Apolyton Civ2-Democracy Games as 123john321


    • #17
      She quit because she's an idiot who likely pissed off the man who is in the seat to make a lot of decisions which could be good for Canadians, or bad for Canadians; and the issue was not going to go away until she left.

      Of course any citizen is free to call Bush or St Marcus a moron or spineless. However, not any employee of the Government of Canada or the Prime Minister's Office is free to do so while attending an international event.

      Good riddance. Now if we could find a quicker way of shedding another 200 lbs from the PMO...
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Richelieu
        We named her ambassador to France. They'll like her over there...
        That solution should make everyone happy. Bush detractors can take solice in the fact that she still has a job. Bush defenders can revel because she will now have to watch Jerry Lewis movies.


        • #19
          She quit because a large number of Canadian morons complained for being compared to Bush.

          Yeah, Albertans and National Post reporters.

          She quit because she's an idiot who likely pissed off the man who is in the seat to make a lot of decisions which could be good for Canadians, or bad for Canadians;

          Has Bush ever made any decisions that are good for Canada? I am sure you could think of a few decisions that were good for the US (I can't), but can you think of any that were good for Canada?
          Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


          • #20
            I'm sure he is more favourably inclined now.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #21
              The Conneticut National Guard could conquer Canada.

              Watch what you say.

              The lady made the comment in a room full of reporters, TO a reporter and acted SURPRISED when people found out about it.

              I think it's pathetic people like that are representing our country (as a communications person, no less) and also pathetic that some people can't understand why it's a bad thing. They say it was good she had the balls to say it (she does look manly after all), but it's certainly NOT good to say something like that to the press while representing a country on an international mission.

              Case closed. Some of you need to wise up.
              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


              • #22
                btw, who said this: A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven.???

                Who's status as a moron should be under discussion by the media?
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Messer Niccolò
                  ...but, the insult , is it Moron or is it Bush?
                  Maybe the administration heard it as 'mormon'.
                  A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by St Leo
                    She quit because a large number of Canadian morons complained for being compared to Bush.

                    Yeah, Albertans and National Post reporters.
                    That seems fair. You do have to write or at least dictate to work for a tabloid. Bush can't even speak English.
                    A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                    • #25
                      why do we let Canadians have their own country? They can't seem to handle diplomacy with other nations.

                      I say it's about time to incorporate them as the 51st state followed by Puerto Rico as the 52nd state.


                      • #26
                        I see... first an undemocratic seizure of power then a call for lebensraum. Sounds familiar....
                        A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Dissident
                          why do we let Canadians have their own country? They can't seem to handle diplomacy with other nations.
                          Maybe so you can keep alive the notion that countries can live defenceless right next to you and have no fear?

                          Might put the lie to some of the detractors who see only rape and pillage.

                          And besides, it's us that will take you over. Eventually common sense will prevail. That is when we will have won.
                          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                          • #28
                            A good democratic process is that all sides can voice their opinions, and come with arguments / counter arguments.

                            Bush is following this procedure, and even if you dislike his opinion, he's doing nothing wrong.

                            It seems like the majority agrees with Bush.
                            I know that it's very leftish to call names to the people you disagree with. Much leftish politicians think the world will be doomed if they don't rule it.

                            As soon as the debate is not about content, but is about name calling, the democratic system is going down.

                            In a position like this woman had, you need to be aware of this. And you don't deserve such a position if you treat democracy like this.

                            And all those people in this thread who are very happy with the "bush is a moron" thing and are very happy to reply it as often as possible, I wonder, do you really say that about everyone you disagree with? You'll have a small world in that case.
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by CyberShy
                              A good democratic process is that all sides can voice their opinions, and come with arguments / counter arguments.

                              Bush is following this procedure, and even if you dislike his opinion, he's doing nothing wrong.

                              It seems like the majority agrees with Bush.
                              I know that it's very leftish to call names to the people you disagree with. Much leftish politicians think the world will be doomed if they don't rule it.

                              As soon as the debate is not about content, but is about name calling, the democratic system is going down.

                              In a position like this woman had, you need to be aware of this. And you don't deserve such a position if you treat democracy like this.

                              And all those people in this thread who are very happy with the "bush is a moron" thing and are very happy to reply it as often as possible, I wonder, do you really say that about everyone you disagree with? You'll have a small world in that case.
                              Bush's rule is undemocratic in the sense that he fixed ( or rather had his brother Jeb whose campaign he funded fix on his behalf ) the florida election thus securing him 25 electoral college votes and thus, the election.

                              The majority? Bush wasn't elected by the majority, he was elected by a first-past-the-post minority which validity is debateable.

                              Besides... if eloquence is one of the factors which you consider in an estimation of intelligence then no one can turn round and say Bush is a smart cookie. Or am I misunderestimating him do you think?

                              What in the name of all that's ****ing holy is 'leftish' anyway. You can be leftist but not leftish. That's so vague as to be meaningless.
                              A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                              • #30
                                And Canadians are criticising first-past-the-post minorities?

                                Get a grip, man. And stop with the CIA/Aliens/Bush stole the election crap. It does not wear well on Americans. It is worse on foreigners.
                                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

