Originally posted by Clear Skies
Doesn't anyone else think it might be a bit of an obvious target for possible future attacks?...
Doesn't anyone else think it might be a bit of an obvious target for possible future attacks?...

Anyhow, Fez had a good train of thought regarding defense. Although putting AA guns on civilian buildings is impractical, certain more strict guidelines regarding air traffic should be drafted and enforced. No-Fly zones around Downtown areas and major urban landmarks except for helicopters (News, Ambulance, Police, Government, and Military), flight corridors for approach and departure out to several miles from airport, and so on.
The thing about massive buildings (meaning girth, not just height) is that it is much harder to bring them down because of their size. More fire-suppression, more escape routes, more room to absorb the impact of a jetliner. The two jets of 9-11 were almost as wide as the two towers, I'm still suprised they didn't slice clear throught the buildings like cutting stalks of celery. If the towers had been twice as thick, they might not have collapsed, or at least stood much longer after the impacts.