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The shame nations of WWII.

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  • The shame nations of WWII.

    Which were the countries which colaborated with the nazis and helped actively in the killing of peoples and the extermination of Jews?

    I know 4.

    Sweden, Finland, Norway and Croatia.

    Were they any others?


  • #2
    I don't think Finland actively collaborated with the Germans.
    I think Switzerland may need to be added to that list though.


    • #3
      Originally posted by monkspider
      I don't think Finland actively collaborated with the Germans.
      They collaborated (AFAIK they considered Stalin to be the greater threat). That's why they were finlandized after the war.

      paiktis: I think that France may have also collaborated. Certainly the Vichy collaborated.
      <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


      • #4
        I thought Norway was conquered by German forces, so I´m not sure if they can count as colaborators.


        • #5
          Hungary shipped at least 75% of its Jews to the Nazis.

          Balts(Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) were willing executioners of Nazis. Some of their actions even caused "Einsatzkommandos" to object.


          • #6
            Austria definately. The Nazis had more support in Austria than they had in Germany. Most countries had Quislings of some sort, and the officials there would participate in rounding up and sending off the Jews. Even countries like Denmark and the Netherlands had people who helped the Nazis find Jews, even as both countries largely tried to hide their Jews.
            Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


            • #7
              Finland was a "co-combatant" with Germany, but the question is did they collaborate with rounding up the Jews for extermination. To my knowledge, they did not. When Himmler demanded they do so, they refused.

              Paitkis's list as only 2 correct ones, Norway and Croatia, and Norway did so because it was under direct occupation by the Nazis.


              In Europe, antisemitism, nationalism, ethnic hatred, anti-communism, and opportunism induced citizens of nations occupied by Germany to collaborate with the Nazis in the genocide of Europe's Jews. Such collaboration was a crucial element of the "Final Solution". Collaborators committed some of the worst atrocities of the Holocaust.
              A number of German allies (the Axis countries) cooperated with the Nazis by promulgating and enforcing anti-Jewish legislation and by assisting in the deportation of Jews to extermination camps. In German-allied states, fascist paramilitary organizations terrorized, robbed, and murdered local Jews, either under German guidance or on their own initiative. The Hlinka Guard in Slovakia, the Iron Guard in Romania, the Ustasa in Croatia, and the Arrow Cross in Hungary were responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews in their home territory.

              The pro-Nazi Ustasa government of Croatia built its own concentration camps. By the end of 1941, two-thirds of Croatia's Jews (more than 25,000) were deported to the camps. Most were killed on arrival. The Croats also killed at least 250,000 Serbs.

              The collaborationist regimes of Italy and Hungary did not hand over Jews for deportation until Germany directly occupied those countries. Bulgaria cooperated with the Nazis in deporting foreign Jews, but would not deport Jews with Bulgarian citizenship. Romanian police and military units murdered both deported Romanian Jews and Ukrainian Jews in Romanian-occupied Ukraine, but refused to deport Jews in Romania proper.

              In addition to the Axis nations, many people in the Nazi-occupied countries collaborated with the Nazis. Baltic and Ukrainian collaborators played an especially significant role in killing Jews throughout eastern Europe. Many served as guards in extermination camps and were involved in the gassing of hundreds of thousands of Jews. Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Belorussians, and Ukrainians spontaneously formed groups which the German SS and police then organized; these units became ruthless and reliable police auxiliaries that supported the SS and German police in the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Jews in the occupied Soviet Union.

              The government of Vichy France cooperated with the Nazis by enacting the Statut des Juifs (Jewish Law), which defined Jews by race and restricted their rights. Vichy authorities also actively collaborated by establishing internment camps in southern France, arresting foreign Jews and French Jews, and aiding in the deportation of Jews (mostly foreign Jews residing in France) to extermination camps in occupied Poland.
              After the German invasion of Norway in April 1940, Vidkun Quisling, a Norwegian fascist, proclaimed himself prime minister. The Germans quickly became disillusioned with him and established their own administration, but intermittently used Quisling as a figurehead. Norwegian police and paramilitary formations assisted SS and German police units in the deportation of Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

              The collaboration of Axis nations and pro-Nazi governments was essential for the Nazis to implement the "Final Solution." Pro-Nazi governments and police aided in the arrest and deportation of Jews to extermination camps, actively participated in the murder of Jews, and in several cases committed atrocities against their Jewish fellow citizens within their own national borders."
              Tutto nel mondo è burla


              • #8
                Lord Merciless, no, Lithuanians weren't "willing executioners" of nazis. Exact opposite was true, most of Lithuanian people helped Jews to escape from nazis. It seems you have believed to Serb's anti-Lithuanian propaganda...


                • #9
                  Yes, Austria. It's definitely the most shameful country. First, it produced Hitler, then hordes of SS troops, and finally, denied any responsiblities after the war.


                  • #10
                    Weren't the Swedes actually strongly on the side of the allies? I could be wrong, my recollection of Scandinavian involvement in WW II is a tad bit fuzzy.


                    • #11
                      The Swedes were surrounded by the Nazis, and knew which way the wind was blowing. They were the principle supplier of arms for the Nazis.

                      They saved a lot of Jews from the Nazis, however. If you could get to Sweden, they pretty much accepted you.
                      Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                      • #12
                        Were they any others?

                        Greeks. Every criminal law says that a crime can be commited by 'acting' or 'not acting'

                        Greeks, in their tradition of ethnic cleansing and mindless nationalism thought of large jewish communities of Thessaloniki as a 'problem' and were thankful to the Germans to do their dirty work.


                        • #13

                          Ravaged by the vicious and unending propaganda, most people have succumbed to the Zionist lies that the Jewish people have been victimized by just about every ethnic group! In their attempt to instill that belief in the Hellenic nation, they have launched a campaign of book publications and "memorial" raisings in Hellas and abroad.

                          The Holocaust Museum in the United States had an exhibit on the Jewish "experience" in war-torn World War II Hellas. Authors like Stanford Shaw (Greeks and Jews during WWII), Fred Reed (Salonica Terminus), and Anastasia Karakasidou (Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood) present a negative view of Hellenic actions during the Second World War. On top of creating this myth of "ancient" Jewish communities in Hellenic lands like Thessaloniki and Rhodes, they are also propagating the lie of Hellenic collaboration with Nazis and their "final solution".

                          Perhaps more "tame" in his accusations is Dr. Michael Matsas (dentist). In his new book "The Illusion of Safety : The Story of the Greek Jews During the Second World War", published by Pella Publishing Company, he gives an account of his experiences during the war (as a child), and the conclusions he has drawn from them.

                          In Dr. Matsas book presentation, conducted on Thursday January 22 at Hunter College in New York City (which was attended by the editor of the Hellenic Nationalist Page), more such propaganda was (attempted to be) introduced. Presenter at the event was Jim Koutroulakis, and "guest speaker" Steve Boweman. Mr. Boweman is a Professor of Judaic Studies at the University of Cincinnati (who will soon release his work on the "Jews of Byzantium").

                          Dr. Matsas contended that out of the "77,000 Jews" in Hellas prior to WWII, 65,000 of them fell casualties to the acts of Germans and Hellene collaborators ("thousands of Greek traitors" as he stated). When asked about the role of the Bulgarians and Italians, he asserted that they harmed no Jews. Dr. Matsas went on to say that had the allies informed the Jews of the acts of the Nazis ("holocaust"), they could have fled to the Italian and Bulgarian occupation zones in Hellas to seek protection!

                          Proof used for his assumptions was the "fact" that Jews in Bulgaria were not sent off to concentration camps, and that Jews that sought protection at the Italian consulate in Thessaloniki were aided. When confronted to answer why the Jews of Thessaloniki refused to declare themselves "Bulgars" (and thus avoid being sent to concentration camps) when asked by the Bulgarian administration, he stated that they were "proud Hellenes"! To that the editor of this page responded with "How proud could they have been if they were Hellenic citizens for less than a generation?"

                          The pleasant surprise was that out of the 50 people in the room, half were Hellenic patriots there to rebuff any attempt at anti-Hellenic propaganda! When one individual suggested that the Christian community of Hellas was "historically anti-Semitic", a Hellenic patriot rouse to describe his father's actions to smuggle and protect Jews in occupied Hellas.

                          This is the thanks and gratitude we receive for aiding the Jewish community in their time of need (as if we didn't need it ourselves), and for the memorials we create for them. While a memorial exists in Thessaloniki for the "65,000" Helladic Jews that died during the war, where is the memorial for the 600,000 Christian Orthodox Hellenes who died at the hands of the Italians, Germans, and Bulgarians? Where is the memorial for the hundreds of thousands of Pontian Hellenes (in a city largely populated by their descendents) that died at the hands of the Turks?

                          The only way for the Nation to survive is by honoring and commemorating the women and men that gave their lives for our country. Not by "honoring" our dubious "friends".

                          this is a Greek that tries to argue that 65000 killed Jews of pre war 75000 Jews was just a Zionist lie
                          most people have succumbed to the Zionist lies that the Jewish people have been victimized by just about every ethnic group

                          Ah another Shame Nation... at least in Croatia 1/3 of the Jews survived.

                          perhaps because it was helped by local people who did not support the Quisling government, (unlike in Greece)

                          hey only 1/6th survived there....
                          Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                          GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                          • #14
                            myth of ancient jewish communities in Salonika? Okay, so living in the city 400 years doesn't make it an ancint community? For a long time, the City was a Jewish city, as the Greeks fled when it fell to the Turks in the 15th Century. The main language in Solonika was Spanish.

                            Gotta love Greek hate propaganda.
                            Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                            • #15
                              I hope you folks are aware paiktis -the troll megamachine- produced this thread with only one purpose - trolling WWII Croatia.

                              Is anyone interested in serious discussion about the subject? I can start a thread.

                              OFITG, I browsed the internet a little and found following claims

                              - there was a large jewish population in Greece before wwII (much larger then in all ex-yugoslavia)

                              - most were in big cities, Thessaloniki and Athens

                              - they were not liked in Greece

                              - in areas occupied by Germany they were systematicaly exterminated, in areas occupied by Italy they were mostly saved

                              - Greek officials did nothing of mention to save these people

                              - Officials are quoted as saying it was 'good riddance'

                              - There was smuggling with boats, but Greeks charged high prices to transport jews


                              Given enough time and effort, I bet you I can find particulary nasty examples and dirty details. But I dont wish to participate in a stupid spitting contest. This troll will go without my assistance.

                              as I said, I am open to serious Croatia wwII discussion if anyone wants it.

