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  • #61
    Boy, Mingapulco must have been a REALLY nice place... you're trying so hard to get back there.
    Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).

    I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...


    • #62
      Originally posted by Saras
      Serb, can you please answer why Russia does not extradite people responsible for January 13, 1991 killings in Vilnius to stand trial in Lithuania?
      You mean Gorbachev?


      • #63
        Actually, I believe, it would be a great idea to extradite Gorbachev to Lithuania.
        Freedom is just unawareness of being manipulated.


        • #64
          No, I believe he ment not Gorbachev (who IMO wasn't even responsible for the tragedy; he already lost his control over the state at a time), but other people (most likely generals who ordered attacks).

          As for Medininkai massacre, there are actual people who did the shoottings and they are known, not hiding. Lithuania requested to extradite them, but Russia refused to do so. These people killed like 11 innocent Lithuanians as far as I remember.


          • #65
            Now I am going to sleep. Will reply more tommorrow, when you will write more posts, Serb .


            • #66
              Originally posted by Saras
              Geez, there's too much BS for me to handle during office hours...

              It is unfair to call SS soldiers from Baltic States Nazis. Technically speaking, you have to be a member of the NSDAP to be a Nazi, but whatever… Most of these young people thought they were joining the liberators of their homeland. They were, of course, in for a nasty surprise later in the war, but the fact of serving in SS does not AUTOMATICALLY make you a war criminal.
              So, being in SS don't make you a criminal, but it makes you a hero, because you fought for your country, right?
              Serb, can you please stop drochit on the issue of crackpot nazi groups (who are like 0.00005% of our population) and paint them as national policy?
              What? English language don't have analogs of Russian Drochit?
              What a silly language. And you guys don't want to learn Russian- the great and mighty?
              Anyhow, say it to bahchi-Sarai.
              Vot uzh kto otyavlennyi onanist. Esli emy mozhno nesti anti-Rossiiskuyu huynu, kotoraya na 99% yavletsya polnim bredom, pochemu mne nelzya otvechat adekvatno?
              Geez, I mean, look at your far-righters and far-lefters... Alksnis, the bastard, is in the freaking Duma
              I have no idea who is this guy.
              Re: the saintly creatures known as anti-fascists - while I believe they did a great job at fighting the Nazis, that does not give them immunity from persecution for other crimes. If they joined a butchering secret police force of a criminal state and committed crimes against humanity, they should be tried in a court of law (same as with SS officers from Auschwitz - no one cares if they were nice and charitable in Germany and loved clay gnomes on their well-done lawn).
              No one, never and no where thrown anti-fascists in jails. Baltic states are pioneeres of this. You should be proud.

              On the other hand, if you don't trust the due proces of law in the Baltics, you should shut up, look at your own judicial branch, and weep your eyes out.
              If I don't trust, it means I should shut up?
              Nice logic.
              Everything what consider neo-nazism, our laws works just fine. Few days ago bunch of neo-nazi were found guilty and received maximal punishment in accordance with code of laws.

              Latvia and Estonia, IMO, have all the rights to require its citizens to use the state language in official documents, especially bearing in mind the international laws governing "Settling of occupied territories".
              And also to bash its minorities, right?

              Occupied territories?
              Wake-up men. Those people are not citizens of Russia or any other foreign country. They were born in Latvia and Estonia, their ancestors were born there and all what they want is to have basic human rights and to be a citezents of countries where they were born. And all their fault is that they are people of different nationality. And because of this they don't have citizenship and civil rights. WTF is this if not nazism?

              And you drag out Murza to back your claims? Ha ha ha ha! Man, you’re soooo lost
              I typed neo-nazism in Baltic states in search engine and used two first articles. Why should I waste more of my time to shut up mr. Sonic?


              • #67
                Originally posted by Saras
                Augi, eisi alawz uz NATO pagert?
                Still calling for mummy like baby-boys?


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Sonic
                  Serb, yes I am still here.
                  Good for you. Personaly I think that person who started poll "What is your race" shouldn't be. But it really doesn't matter what I think.
                  Listen boy, I visited Mingapulco twice during last month thanks to you and my emotions toward you. It's a nice place, but I don't plan to visit it again in nearest future. For me argueing with person who determinate people as black, white, yellow and red is the same as
                  So, welcome to my ignore list.
                  Now, fell free to start whining that I escaped debate because lack of arguments. I don't hear you anyway.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Heresson
                    These are facts...
                    You introduced these laws, didn't You?
                    I think your problem is that You try to defend every movement of your gouverment.
                    I think your problem is that you try to attack every move of Russian government, even if you have no idea what are you talking about, like those laws for example.
                    To be a good Russian, You don't have to support every move of your gouverment. In fact, sometimes You should oppose it.
                    But to be a good Pole YOU should attack every move of Russian government, and use every opportunity to say "Russia sucks". Right?
                    Because there is no obvious definition of terrorism.
                    And sometimes, though terrorism is a bad thing, obviously, it fights in its monsterous way - in the good cause. I think that independance of Tchechenia is a good cause.
                    There is obvious definition of terrorism. Every one who want to achive any goals through terror and murders of inocent people is terrorist, imho. Exact definition in this law now.
                    Only a morons could believe that something, some kind of nice idea or goal could justify terrorists and their actions.
                    Terrorism is EVIL and nothing could justify it. NOTHING.
                    Phi. You are fighting with balloons, Serb.
                    I don't write that Russian shouldn't be (though it shouldn't, but that's another problem)
                    the official language of Russian "federation".
                    Of course, Polish language should be the official language of Russian Federation, right?

                    You have "one language for communication with each other" - Russian. If so, why do You need to write Tatar language in cyrylica if no-one except for Tatars understands it anyway?
                    Because, it was based on cyrilca for centuries. IT WAS CREATED AS CYRILICA-BASED alphabet.
                    Do you have any idea what is it to change your alphabet to new letters? Try to imagine if you've forced to type Polish words with Russian letters, esp. consider if all your entire life you've used absolutely different letters.
                    The current PRESIDENT of Tatarstan want to change letters of Tatar alphabet to latin. Could you guaranty that nex President wouldn't want to change it to new letters? Do you have any idea HOW MUCH it cost? How much troubles it will cause for population who used different letters during all their lifetime?
                    This law was created to prevent this NONSENSE situation.
                    Once again: ALL LANGUAGES OF NATIONAL REPUBLICS OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION was created based on cyrilica, remained based on cyrilica for centuries.

                    Ekhem, it had - even if Tatar language wasn't official. It was either Arabic or perhaps Mongolic one (based on Aramaic).
                    AFAIK it was only oral language, no writing or alphabet.
                    Oh, how good were You to them?
                    You simply wanted to ruthenise them.
                    If we wanted, then we should follow a North American example (USA, CANADA) where Native Americans, their children were beaten if they would talk on their national languages.
                    Instead of this we always trying to preserve such things.
                    The history of Tatars is nothing important here. Their nation has the right to choose the way they write down their alphabet.
                    Their current president is separatist and dreaming to gain all power in his hand for his life time. The Tatar people made their choice few centuries ago.


                    • #70
                      Well, it seems Serb just admitted he is not able to think off any arguements . He tried to portray me as nazi because he thought that then I will lose all my credibility here but thanks to clever people (probably 99% of posters in these forums) he wasn't able to convince that I am nazi. Note that he didn't ever backed great part of his arguements, he didn't replied to most of my arguemnets also. His last saying that he ignored me because of my thread is an absolute nonsense, yet again designed to bash me and make me to look like neo-nazi in front of other users... The fact is however that it is an absolute non-sense to say that "I will not discuss with you because I don't like you", because most of people you ever encounter and have to discuss against are ones you don't like very much. The only situation where anyone is stopping discussing in the middle of discution is when he lacks of arguements and is incapable to discuss ...
                      Last edited by Sonic; November 22, 2002, 08:48.


                      • #71
                        I think your problem is that you try to attack every move of Russian government, even if you have no idea what are you talking about, like those laws for example.
                        Well, explain us!

                        But to be a good Pole YOU should attack every move of Russian government, and use every opportunity to say "Russia sucks". Right?
                        It's not my fault that it does...

                        There is obvious definition of terrorism. Every one who want to achive any goals through terror and murders of inocent people is terrorist, imho. Exact definition in this law now.
                        Only a morons could believe that something, some kind of nice idea or goal could justify terrorists and their actions.
                        Terrorism is EVIL and nothing could justify it. NOTHING.
                        Then, Russian operations in Tchechenia are terrorism.

                        Of course, Polish language should be the official language of Russian Federation, right?
                        Now, that I think about it...

                        HOW MANY TIMES I SHOULD REPEAT THIS?
                        Because, it was based on cyrilca for centuries. IT WAS CREATED AS CYRILICA-BASED alphabet.
                        Do you have any idea what is it to change your alphabet to new letters? Try to imagine if you've forced to type Polish words with Russian letters, esp. consider if all your entire life you've used absolutely different letters.
                        What You are saying it's not true.
                        You forced Byelorussian to cyrylica,
                        earlier it was being written in both cyrylica and latin alphabet
                        and tried to do it with Polish language sometimes.
                        I know that it shall be hard - also for those that are introducing these laws - and that's why this law is going to came into existance only after many years - in 2011...

                        The current PRESIDENT of Tatarstan want to change letters of Tatar alphabet to latin. Could you guaranty that nex President wouldn't want to change it to new letters? Do you have any idea HOW MUCH it cost? How much troubles it will cause for population who used different letters during all their lifetime?
                        This law was created to prevent this NONSENSE situation.
                        I think that Soviets were changing their alphabet several times - as in other parts of former USSR.
                        Cost - having army, having a state costs as well.
                        Look point 3.

                        Once again: ALL LANGUAGES OF NATIONAL REPUBLICS OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION was created based on cyrilica, remained based on cyrilica for centuries.
                        Do You think these territories had no won culture before Russians conquered them? Of course they had different alphabets earlier.

                        AFAIK it was only oral language, no writing or alphabet.
                        Of course...
                        Only Russian was being written down...

                        Their current president is separatist and dreaming to gain all power in his hand for his life time. The Tatar people made their choice few centuries ago.
                        They didn't make their choice. They were conquered by You.
                        "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                        I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                        Middle East!

