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2 words about Russia

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  • #31
    Originally posted by David Floyd
    The problem is, though, that the definition of terrorism is based upon whatever the current government decides it should be, which is horribly arbitrary. One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter, perhaps? Not to say anything about the Chechan debate, but surely you can agree with that statement on general principles, right?

    I do hope this is not an arguement trying to bash Russia because, well, the US is not any better at all
    Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
    Long live teh paranoia smiley!


    • #32
      Originally posted by David Floyd
      The US seems to get on OK with no official language...
      Just curius. This true?
      How can education system work if all were free to use their own language/dialect/slang? Are laws written in Choctaw or Dutch (by small minority-language communities) valid?
      If you write a letter in italian to the city council, would the council be obliged to answer you? In italian? Or could they use ibo?



      • #33
        As I understand it the lastest Russian contribution in the "WAR on Terror" is to strap Chechan civilians to high explosives and detonate them.

        But I don`t think that we should expect too much from Czar Putin (short man funny walk) as he seems to think that a war on terror is a race to the bottom of the pit (and he had a head start IMO).
        Cheese eating surrender monkees - Chris 62

        BlackStone supporting our troops


        • #34
          And the latest word is;

          Russia will be introducing compulsory religious education into schools

          I am not sure which group of Americans this will annoy the most; those who seem Russians as godless communists or those who see the split of religion and state as one of the beauties of the US constitution
          "An Outside Context Problem was the sort of thing most civilisations encountered just once, and which they tended to encounter rather in the same way a sentence encountered a full stop" - Excession


          • #35
            I do hope this is not an arguement trying to bash Russia because, well, the US is not any better at all
            Never said the US was, in that way
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            • #36
              I agree with Heresson. I bet Russia will become a fascist state within next 20 years. Fascism is on rise there, people are hitting and killing non-Russians in streets, and that is not only Caucassians (which gets the most hatred), but also Jews, other people. Even in newspaper ads to buy things it is often written "only for Russians" bellow. Something what wouldn't be tolerable in any democratic country.
              Last edited by Sonic; November 19, 2002, 15:56.


              • #37
                Re: Re: Re: Re: 2 words about Russia

                Originally posted by Serb

                It's absolutely different situation, but I really don't have time now. Have fun guys I'm log off.
                Then please say how it is different.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by BlackStone
                  As I understand it the lastest Russian contribution in the "WAR on Terror" is to strap Chechan civilians to high explosives and detonate them.
                  David is it your new DL?
                  Anyhow it's only your understanding. Perhaps you didn't noticed last events and group of 50 terrorists wearing belt-bombs and threaten to kill several hundreds of people who just come to see the musical?
                  But I don`t think that we should expect too much from Czar Putin (short man funny walk)
                  The short man also holds black belt in Judo and master of Sambo title. I'm sure he could kick your ass easily if you dare to say smth of your bs looking directly in his eyes.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Myrddin
                    And the latest word is;

                    Russia will be introducing compulsory religious education into schools
                    I never heard about this. Link?
                    By our constitution Church is separated from the state.
                    Private schools could have such things. Is it wrong?


                    • #40
                      Saras, HE started this I'm sorry, but I must strike back.
                      Originally posted by Sonic
                      I agree with Heresson.
                      Oh sure. I'm not surprised.
                      I bet Russia will become a fascist state within next 20 years.
                      Your state is already fascist. The policies of YOUR government are already rasists.

                      Fascism is on rise there,
                      Fascism is on rise in Baltic states. Your nazi veterans have parades in your cities. You create monuments dedicated to nazi. You throw resistance fighters in jails. Not Russians.

                      people are hitting and killing non-Russians in streets,
                      Russians who live in Baltic states are beeing killed and beaten in Baltic states. They don't have civil rights because of their nationality or have reduced rights. The situation is various for each of three countries, but always bad.

                      and that is not only Caucassians (which gets the most hatred), but also Jews, other people.
                      I don't know why anybody should trust to man who saying "I don't believe that all Russians are criminals, only the ones who live here"

                      Even in newspaper ads to buy things it is often written "only for Russians" bellow.
                      I guess in your state it's easy to find signes "No Russians allowed".

                      Something what wouldn't be tolerable in any democratic country.
                      Look at your country closely. The government of 3 Baltic states- former Soviet republics are fortresses of neo-nazism and rasism in modern days.

                      Have a nice day.

                      P.S. Yeah..yeah... I know see you in a month. Right?


                      • #41
                        Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 2 words about Russia

                        Originally posted by Sonic

                        Then please say how it is different.
                        People of different National republics in Russian Federation have all civil rights and citizenship, no matter of nationality. They allowed to teach their national languages in schools among with Russian language (which is the language of entire state and should be learn to communicate freely with other people). Any national republic of RF have two languages- NATIONAL and Russian. All signs, papers etc have two languages in those republics- natianal and Russian (again state language).
                        This law just declare that alphabets of national languages should be based on Cyrilica, BECAUSE THEY ARE BASED, WERE BASED ON CYRILICA WHEN THOSE ALPHABETS WERE CREATED, WERE BASED ON CYRILICA FOR CENTURIES.
                        This law was created because leadership of Tatarstan made an attempt to switch its alphabet to Latin letters.
                        Consider that Tatarstan is part of Russian Federation, it's absolutely logical that their alphabet should be based on cyrilica, like it was for centuries, not on latin letters like president of Tatarstan wants. I've already tried to explain this to David. It's the same if Alaska switched to Russian language.

                        Now back to Baltic states. Russians who live there and are big % of total population often don't have citizenship because they are Russians, not to mention they don't have right to have education on Russian language in state schools. Citizens of RF who live in National republics receive education on two languages- their national and the language of state-Russian.
                        This is how it's different.


                        • #42
                          David, right now, I'm going to buy Hearts of Iron. Are you still interested


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Serb

                            David is it your new DL?
                            Anyhow it's only your understanding. Perhaps you didn't noticed last events and group of 50 terrorists wearing belt-bombs and threaten to kill several hundreds of people who just come to see the musical?

                            The short man also holds black belt in Judo and master of Sambo title. I'm sure he could kick your ass easily if you dare to say smth of your bs looking directly in his eyes.
                            Serb you have always been weird but why are you supporting that bankrupt country of loosers. i thought you lived in the US.
                            Cheese eating surrender monkees - Chris 62

                            BlackStone supporting our troops


                            • #44
                              Here is a link of one of Putins birthday presents he got from amnesty.

                              By the way thanks for telling me about his blackbelt I`ll watch wat I say about the impotent gnome in future.

                              Cheese eating surrender monkees - Chris 62

                              BlackStone supporting our troops


                              • #45

                                I thought you've already atmitted that you was wrong about Lithuania but it seems this is not the case. I am just too tired of saying that. All your arguments you've posted in the last post of second were nonsensial, since they all already were proven wrong by me, Saras and Herreson in other threads. Just re-read them or get more informed and you'll see that there are no fascist monuments, etc. in Lithuania or any of other Baltic countries, etc.

                                As for Russia, I could back my arguements about the neo-nazism there. There were several threads before for example about anti-semitic signs in Russia with bombs attached to them. Anti-semitism/racism/fascism is also more and more integrated into culture. For example, in some of new films ("Brat" could be a good example) main, good characters are portrayed as Jewish and Caucassian haters and this is even considered one of the good parts of the character.

                                About languages
                                Well, you see in Latvia or Estonia it is much harder to do everything that way, because Russians there lives everywhere, not just in certain places as minorities of Russia. For example, if Russian minorities would be spread throughout the country I seriously doubt each sign would still be written in every language. As for cyrilics, I think Tatarstan should be allowed to go on Latin alphabet. What is the difference if languages are still different. I doubt you would be happy if Latvia would decide that every Russian sign/symbol/word in Russian newspapers in the country should now be written in Latin alphabet for example, just because such alphabet is being used in Latvian language.

                                Serb, in Lithuania there were many Russian (and Polish) schools, in which Russian language is being used in all lessons. Get more information on that. But, however, here you also show your opinion that double standarts should apply for Russian treatment here and treatment of minorities in Russia. You said yourself that Russian should be learned by the minorities in Russia to contact with other people. In my opinion, Lithuanian also should be learned by Russians in Lithuania. Although they does that in Russian schools also, their (those people who goes to Russian schools) Lithuanian language will be much worse than ussual and they will speak with accent, because of lack of contact in Lithuanian (both children in Russian school and the teachers would be Russian and speak only in that language). By the way, this is definitely not the case in Sovetsk (Tilþë), Kaliningrad Oblast, where there are many Lithuanians and yet no Lithuanian school.

                                I don't think you will be restricted for month for what you said but let's keep this discution peaceful, backed with arguments and not just plain flaming.

