Always wanted to know the racial percentage of Apolyton. Does this website has any other races when white...
Something to note:
Races should be non-mixed. The mix of one great grandfather or less is allowed (so, if you are white and your great grandfather (one of them) was black, you should still vote white)
European means all whites, either in Europe, either in America, Australia, South Africa, etc. It includes Europeans, emigrants of European origin, Europeans, who (their descendants) went overseas via colonialism, Turks, Arabs, other (white) north Africans, Caucassians, etc. It doesn't includes certain people in upper South America/Central America (Brazil, Mexico, etc.) who are mixed of whites and amerindians.
African means all blacks, either in Africa or elesewhere. It includes most of sub-Saharan africans, emigrants of African origin, also many people in America (both north and south) who (their descendants) were sent there through slavetrading.
Asian means all Asians (yellows?), who lives in Asia or elsewhere. It includes Japanese, Mongols, Chinese, Eskimos, Sami, people in SE Asia and emigrants of such origins. It however does not includes Russians who lives in Asia (except certain tribes in Siberia).
American means native Amricans (or Ameridians) only, not Americans as a whole. That means people remaining from all Amerindian tribes, living in reservations or eleswhere, still non-mixed or almost non-mixed with other races
Australian means native Australians (Aborigenos), not Asutralians as a whole. That means descendants of all aborigenos stillnon-mixed or almost non-mixed with whites/other races. That also includes some South Indians/Sri Lankans.
Metiso means those Americans (Hispanics), who are mixed of whites and native Americans. This includes people in South America and Central America, who are commonly reffered to as "Mexicans" or "Hispanics, or people living elsewhere of that origin. If such person is mixed with white or amerindian, it is still considered Metiso unless only one great grandfather is of the other race. Thus the descendants of Metiso will be considered Metiso until the 4th generation.
Black/white means people mixed of black and white races. If such person mixes with black or white it still considered black/white unless only one great grandfather is of the other race. Thus the descendants of black/white person will be considered black/white until the 4th generation.
Other mixed means other unmentioned mixed races, like black/Asian, white/Asian or Aborigeno/Amerindian, etc.
Something to note:
Races should be non-mixed. The mix of one great grandfather or less is allowed (so, if you are white and your great grandfather (one of them) was black, you should still vote white)
European means all whites, either in Europe, either in America, Australia, South Africa, etc. It includes Europeans, emigrants of European origin, Europeans, who (their descendants) went overseas via colonialism, Turks, Arabs, other (white) north Africans, Caucassians, etc. It doesn't includes certain people in upper South America/Central America (Brazil, Mexico, etc.) who are mixed of whites and amerindians.
African means all blacks, either in Africa or elesewhere. It includes most of sub-Saharan africans, emigrants of African origin, also many people in America (both north and south) who (their descendants) were sent there through slavetrading.
Asian means all Asians (yellows?), who lives in Asia or elsewhere. It includes Japanese, Mongols, Chinese, Eskimos, Sami, people in SE Asia and emigrants of such origins. It however does not includes Russians who lives in Asia (except certain tribes in Siberia).
American means native Amricans (or Ameridians) only, not Americans as a whole. That means people remaining from all Amerindian tribes, living in reservations or eleswhere, still non-mixed or almost non-mixed with other races
Australian means native Australians (Aborigenos), not Asutralians as a whole. That means descendants of all aborigenos stillnon-mixed or almost non-mixed with whites/other races. That also includes some South Indians/Sri Lankans.
Metiso means those Americans (Hispanics), who are mixed of whites and native Americans. This includes people in South America and Central America, who are commonly reffered to as "Mexicans" or "Hispanics, or people living elsewhere of that origin. If such person is mixed with white or amerindian, it is still considered Metiso unless only one great grandfather is of the other race. Thus the descendants of Metiso will be considered Metiso until the 4th generation.
Black/white means people mixed of black and white races. If such person mixes with black or white it still considered black/white unless only one great grandfather is of the other race. Thus the descendants of black/white person will be considered black/white until the 4th generation.
Other mixed means other unmentioned mixed races, like black/Asian, white/Asian or Aborigeno/Amerindian, etc.