The pink unicorn is getting very annoying.... 
It is also a false analogy, since the idea of one is absurd; but the idea of non-physical differences between peoples of different physical characters isn't.
I get your point about the lack of evidence - indeed evidence is lacking, since any difference is explained away by socioeconomic factors. Also, as either you or che said, the sceptre of power shifts from race to race, which means that differences between races in that respect aren't significant.
However, that doesn't mean that they don't exist. Perhaps the entire white population is .1% more violent than the black population genetically. The possibility is certainly there. In fact, if you told me that the black and white populations match each other exactly in every respect, I would think that's improbable.
As for music classifications, I personally find them intriguing.
Anyway, it's late... and I won't be posting any more tonight.

It is also a false analogy, since the idea of one is absurd; but the idea of non-physical differences between peoples of different physical characters isn't.
I get your point about the lack of evidence - indeed evidence is lacking, since any difference is explained away by socioeconomic factors. Also, as either you or che said, the sceptre of power shifts from race to race, which means that differences between races in that respect aren't significant.
However, that doesn't mean that they don't exist. Perhaps the entire white population is .1% more violent than the black population genetically. The possibility is certainly there. In fact, if you told me that the black and white populations match each other exactly in every respect, I would think that's improbable.
As for music classifications, I personally find them intriguing.
Anyway, it's late... and I won't be posting any more tonight.