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Could you guys get the stick out of your *ss...

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  • #61
    And Americans make jokes about how loopy Canadians are...geez...
    (Then again, I suppose it's our tradition to bully on nations who don't really notice or care. I mean, how else could we have come up with French sissies, back-bone-less Swiss, British whose butts we saved 60 years ago, weak Canadians, commie reds...heck, even minorities in our own nation (I wish not to open a boiling pit of debate, however, so I won't continue with any more examples.)

    It's about time another nation tries to start bullying on America, then we can get to the point where us US citizens can start thinking instead of just taking everything for granted.)
    (note: threadrage is inspired from roadrage.)
    meet the new boss, same as the old boss


    • #62
      The solution to this particular problem is to move the border south so the entire town is in Canada.
      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin
        The solution to this particular problem is to move the border south so the entire town is in Canada.
        Shhhhhh. The plan is we don't stop with just this town.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #64
          Originally posted by notyoueither

          Shhhhhh. The plan is we don't stop with just this town.
          Yeah, most Americans I know wouldn't notice

          I don't think the government could be any worse if it was Canadian. (I mean, how could it get worse? Oops, did I say that out loud? No, sir, I--what, sir? No, I don't. Can I see your badge--okay, what? Where are you taking me? Augh!)

          meet the new boss, same as the old boss

