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Should BCS Be Replaced By Playoffs? -- Guynemer's Proposal

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  • I've always said that a regular season played against a quality schedule should be the most important and relevant yardstick for measuring college football teams. To claim that I've said anything different is to put words in my mouth.

    Play a good schedule and you become relevant. It's really quite simple.


    • Whether you like it or not... ALL these teams are in the SAME division. You may not like that, or think they don't deserve to be... but the simple fact is, THEY ARE.

      A championship playoff system like the current BCS is COMPLETELY unfair to over 1/3 of teams... making them irrelevent before the first game is even played.

      This is FAR MORE unfair then making a team play a 3 game playoff to prove they are the best.

      So every time you are saying it's unfair to such a such a team, it's not even close to the injustice being done to 1/3 of the teams in 1 - A... It's all hypocrasy on your part
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • This isn't the NFL, Ming. Despite the fact that Bowling Green and Ohio State are technically in the same division, it is completely absurd to argue that an undefeated season by Bowling Green is even in the same galaxy in terms of importance as an undefeated season by Ohio State.

        If you don't like that, then push for a severe reduction in the number of teams in Division 1. But don't try to label other people as hypocrites just because they can see the obvious realities of the situation. An undefeated season against MAC opponents does not earn you anything, especially not a shot at the national title. It would be like giving the Barcelona Dragons a spot in the Super Bowl if they go undefeated in NFL Europe...
        KH FOR OWNER!
        ASHER FOR CEO!!


        • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
          It would be like giving the Barcelona Dragons a spot in the Super Bowl if they go undefeated in NFL Europe...

          Your comparison is as accurate as the rest of your faulty logic. They aren't in the same league... but Bowling Green and OSU are. So trying to claim differently is just ignoring the facts and reality.

          You should be the one arguing to have the these schools that in your opinion suck and don't deserve to be in it, moved to another division. However, based on the Governing Body of College Football... they are all in the same division, and play at the same high level.
          Your opinion is meaningless on this issue. The fact is, they ARE 1 - A teams. And the BCS system excludes them from day one. The ultimate in an unfair system.

          Again, you are supporting a system set up by a bunch of greedy old bowl committee leaches who are not even involved in the governing body of the sport or the teams that play. Yet you want these guys to control the sport for their own profit.

          Fortunately, over two thirds of the people here see just how stupid your position on this issue is
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • they are all in the same division, and play at the same high level.

            So you're saying that Ohio State and Bowling Green are on the same level quality-wise, just because the NCAA decides to lump them both in the huge category that is Division-1? That they both deserve an equal opportunity at the national title despite the fact that one plays in a quality conference and the other plays in a joke? And you think I'm the one who is out of touch with reality!?!

            This might be funny if it wasn't so sad...
            KH FOR OWNER!
            ASHER FOR CEO!!
            GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


            • Again... you are ignoring reality... No matter what you or I, or anybody thinks... They are in the same division.
              That's reality. The NCAA sets the standards... you and I don't. Just like in any other league, some teams are better than others.. but that doesn't change the fact they are in the same league. Any team that goes undefeated, deserves the chance to prove on the field whether they suck or not... it's that simple. And that's all the LARGE MAJORITY of people at Apolyton are asking for. A playoff system that is more fair than the current system.

              In no other sport does the governing body have no say who goes to their own championship... what a farce.
              You will say that that is what makes college football great... The majority of people will say that this what is wrong with College Football.

              You and the small minority that suport your silly position are wrong
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • Any team that goes undefeated, deserves the chance to prove on the field whether they suck or not... it's that simple.

                Then I look forward to the days when Nebraska is playing only MAC teams, Florida is playing only Sunbelt teams, and Florida State is playing only ACC teams. Your plan sure will make college football more exciting and interesting, Ming!
                KH FOR OWNER!
                ASHER FOR CEO!!
                GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
                  Then I look forward to the days when Nebraska is playing only MAC teams...
                  Your sense of economics is as faulty as you sense of fairness and logic.
                  You would have to wait a long time (like when hell freezes over) before Nebraska only played MAC teams.

                  They would never give up the huge paydays they get by being in the Big 12... That's why Schools join Major Conferences in the first place. Only ND can truely survive on their own and get the big pay days the school desires, and that's mostly because of their private TV deal. Without the Conference TV money and hugh gates provided by other big schools, even a shot at the national championship won't make up the dollar difference for the Universities. So it won't happen. So don't worry about a excitement disappearing from college football.

                  Again... you come up with another stupid and irrelevent scenario to try to support your unsupportable position of maintaining the silly BCS system.
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • Again... you come up with another stupid and irrelevent scenario to try to support your unsupportable position of maintaining the silly BCS system.

                    I was hardly serious. Just trying to point out how ridiculous it is to consider Bowling Green a quality team with their schedule, when I wouldn't even consider Nebraska a quality team if they played in the MAC...

                    Anyway, to sum up, the only reason you have for giving Bowling Green a title shot is that "they're in Division-1". Is that really all you've got? You don't think that strength of schedule matters in the slightest?
                    KH FOR OWNER!
                    ASHER FOR CEO!!
                    GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                    • If they go undefeated... why not. In an 8 team play off system that most of us are advocating, they would be just one team... and if they were to win, they would deserve the championship... don't you think

                      At least in a playoff system... they would get the opportunity to prove they belong or not.

                      Strength of schedule does have some meaning... I have no problem with it be using to HELP pick the 8 teams to make the playoff. But strength of schedule is just an estimate... it creates some problems. A classic example of it could have happened this year. All the experts were saying that if OSU lost, then Washington State would be in the catbird seat for the second position in the BCS. Well... when OSU played Washington State, THEY WON... but based on the strength of schedule, Washington State would have the nod... That's crazy... two teams with identical records, but the team that lost when it played the other team would still be considered better. When only two teams go to the championship game, problems like this will occur. By allowing the 8 best teams in, then they can prove it on the field of battle... and yes, that would even include an undefeated Bowlling Green
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • and yes, that would even include an undefeated Bowlling Green

                        Like an undefeated Bowling Green would be in the top-8 of the BCS. You're going to have to ignore strength of schedule entirely if you want Bowling Green in your precious playoff...

                        At least in a playoff system... they would get the opportunity to prove they belong or not.

                        They could easily "prove they belong" in the regular season if they would schedule some real non-conference games. Why should we reward Bowling Green for avoiding any sort of challenge whatsoever?
                        KH FOR OWNER!
                        ASHER FOR CEO!!
                        GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                        • You need to learn how to read better... I even put "HELP" in capital letters to make sure you didn't miss that... but you obviously did

                          ANY 1 - A undefeated team should get into an 8 team tournament. (as has been suggested in earlier playoff proposals... I thought you would have remembered that, but obviously not ) The rest of the teams can be picked based on record/strength of schedule.

                          Your silly system puts TOO much faith in strength of schedule, and ignores reality in some cases, as can be seen in my original OSU/Washington State example... and not just some made up example, one that could have happened this year.
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • ANY 1 - A undefeated team should get into an 8 team tournament.

                            Fine, I give up. If you really think that this is a good idea, then more power to you. I hope you like watching Bowling Green vs. Miami or Southern Miss vs. Nebraska. I sure as hell won't be watching that garbage...

                            edit: One of those teams wasn't even D-1. Shows how bloated D-1 is when I can't even remember all the teams in it...
                            Last edited by Drake Tungsten; November 23, 2002, 20:05.
                            KH FOR OWNER!
                            ASHER FOR CEO!!
                            GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                            • Good, you should give up. What you are forgettting is that it will be only one game. And that we will have more MEANINGFUL games then just a single championship game. History shows us that even teams in the weaker conferences don't go undefeated very often. So maybe one such team every couple of years isn't going to take all the excitement out of the playoffs...

                              Four first round games... Two semi finals... and then a championship game. I can't wait for something like that. More excitement than the current system, even if one of he games has Bowling Green playing Miami.

                              On a side note... Maybe FSU should only play ACC teams, since they just lost to another one today
                              Keep on Civin'
                              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • On a side note... Maybe FSU should only play ACC teams, since they just lost to another one today

                                There's one thing we can agree on. Go Wolfpack!
                                KH FOR OWNER!
                                ASHER FOR CEO!!
                                GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!

