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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
France also has the most horrendous road death toll in Europe
Never ever, in fact don't even contemplate, drive around the Arc de Triomphe. A massive roundabout where you make your own lane because there are no road markings.
One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.
Oh yeah the Arc - I've been there a few times - just makes you shake your head. Huge dangers if you are on foot too - cars dart out and make turns from nowhere.
We've actually sent road safety experts to France at their request to try and help them because their death toll is the worst in Europe and ours is now quite low.
Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..
Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin
Never ever, in fact don't even contemplate, drive around the Arc de Triomphe. A massive roundabout where you make your own lane because there are no road markings.
I agree - I have driven round the Arc de Triomphe and it is rather nasty.
Having said that though, I just got back from Greece, where I hired a car to drive to a friend's wedding (in the back of beyond) and I have never seen traffic like it. 500 times worse than anything in Paris! even going along a straight piece of road (where you have priority) you still have to dodge and swerve to avoid cars that cut you off or pull out without looking. Absolute nightmare!
And I thought the Italy had the worst death toll...
Maybe it is one year France and Italy the next.
Anyway, going trough France there was a straight country road, a couple of miles, and three lines. The best part was that the middle lane was used by both sides for overtaking (and was marked as such with split lines marking all the lanes) .... never seen that before or after....
Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"
Don't you believe it! I was once fined in the UK and given 3 points on my licence for no good reason. There were two villages about half a mile apart. The limit was 40mph in the villages and the road in between them. Since there was absolutely nothing in between the villages (just fields), I didn't realise the speed limit was still 40. I was stopped by a speed trap which marked me down at 48mph. There was nothing else on the road.
I was really respectful to the cop - very polite - and the **** still gave me a ticket. Looking back, I wish I had shouted abuse at the little turd. At least it would have made me feel better.
he he ... call it bad luck.
I have had only good experiences here, and considering I am coming from Croatia... this is heaven.
A couple years back a friend of mine was stopped by police for not having the seat belt, but at the same tame his road tax and insurance were out too... and the cop let him off just with the normal fine, with him having to report with insurance and road tax to the police within a week with no charges well that was most generous, but I doubt they are still so linient, as I have read that the politicians are trying to make them rougher, and more strict.
Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"
Also, please note Washington State law's definiton of a Speed trap is what I said it was originally, a time distance calculation. I read a whole bunch of State law RCW's once when I was contesting my first ticket.... (I took it to court for the experience :P ).
BTW, I lost. But I did get to cross examine the officer. Real tough since I really was going 30 in a 20.
The states with Speed Trap Laws are
Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Michigan, Missouri, and Texas.
Oops, 7 states.
An interesting site... but very misleading. Out of the 11 states, only California really has a no speed trap law.
And even the California law allows for the setting of speed traps as most people would define them as long as they follow specific guidelines and the speed of the road is determined as a legal limit.
The other states you mention just have rules on how you can set the speed limit in certain areas, not that you can't enforce legal speed limits or how you enforce them. Or that you can't use tickets to make up more than "X" percent of a cities inflow of revenue, but not that you can't have speed traps. And some do say that the radar guns have to meet certain standards, but not that they can't be used.
I will grant you the Washington example in regards to timing... but it's only ONE state... yet they can still use radar, so what's the difference.
So even after reading that site (and what a snooze it was, especially the california section)... No state really has any laws specifically against the use of speed traps, just how they can be done.
If you are speeding, and the limit set is a legal one, you can be pulled over...
You know, I have never visited that site before, but I found I am not the only one who has noticed increased Wa state trooper activity during the end of the month. It may have something to do with the fact the WSP doesn't like to issue tickets, but also doesn't want to lose their jobs.
(I also noticed while working graveyard at a Chevron station many more people being pulled over by WSP towards the end of the month.)
Also, I did not start out hostile to the officer. She started lecturing us with her voice raised and angry, as if we were going 45 in a school zone. Her conduct oozed someone who flipped on her lights and waited for the first one to pull over.... they must have a guilty concience, and therefore they are. Just my assumption but.....
Also, now I am remmebering my conversation with Jo-Anne, (the ex-cop I worked with). She told me that the way the WSP quota system works is, every year, your per month quota increases. So if you issued 150 tickets in June your first year, you have to issue 160 in the June of the next year. (the exact number I am not sure of). As you can see, veteran officers might start to have a tough time keeping up. (Even though she seemed to be a rookie, she acted as if she wasn't sure what she was doing.)
By your own admission, the car you were in was indeed speeding... granted, not by much, but still speeding.
As far as grumpy cops go... cops have bad days too.
That doesn't mean that they don't have a clue or are doing something wrong... it could just be that the cops boyfriend gave her grief earlier
The last time I got pulled over, the cop had one of those attitudes... Upon seeing that, I had not intention of pissing the guy off any more than he obviously was. I went out of my way to be VERY polite and respectful. In the end, he gave me a warning instead of ticket (which really means nothing since they aren't even recorded anywhere) and actually told me to have a nice day when he gave me my license back. Considering I was doing 49 in a 35 mph zone... I felt very lucky to get away with it.
Originally posted by tandeetaylor
The police act like you're so wrong for breaking the laws and it's so horrible, but they wouldn't be too happy if everyone started following the laws. They wouldn't be able to fill their quotas.
What you do to create more jobs in the government? Make more things against the law!
Do actually know a cop?
One trooper explained to me that many of the troopers are *******s because they go through as tough or tougher training than the military and after all the training and time spent learning, they are put on traffic duty.
The official quotas that you speak of do not exist. They do have quotas for what they call contacts. They must come into contact with the public a certain amount of time to show that arent pulled over somewhere eating or sleeping. This is mainly in rural areas i suppose. In a town about 20 miles from here they had a genuine speed trap. about 55% of the towns income was comming from court fees and tickets. A law was passed that forbide any city from getting more than IIRC 5% from court fees and tickets. Two years later the town still hadnt complied so the State Police moved in and city police was barred by law from issuing tickets on the state highway through town.
I have been pulled over many times for speeding and have only gotten two tickets in my entire life. You know why? Because i dont start *****ing or explaining as soon as the guy walks up to me. I know I was speeding, he knows i was speeding. I then get off with a warning. Mostly verbal. I have been told a cop knows if he will be writing a ticket within the first minute of the conversation with the motorist. Most of you talk your way into a ticket with your attitude. Most of the time it's not a matter of your car going to fast but your mounth.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
[quote]And last but not least... you don't sound like you were being "polite" in the example you give... If somebody like you was giving me that kind of crap if I was in the cops position, I would have treated you with the same lack of respect that you were showing them[quote]
He was not being disrespectful. Cops aren't anything special, and if they are being dicks they should be called on it. If he was not speeding (as he implied originally but later said he was), the cop had no right to pull him over, or ticket him for speeding.
One should not be respectful to a police officer when that officer is abusing their power.
Considering the 'mild rape' trial way back then (guy let off lightly because the act only took 5 minutes), traffic fines seem to be the only thing where Finnish law actually is tough.
This is a good law. This gets rid of the rich bozos who blantantly flaunt traffic laws because the fines are less than what they spend on a bottle of wine.
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
One trooper explained to me that many of the troopers are *******s because they go through as tough or tougher training than the military and after all the training and time spent learning, they are put on traffic duty.
That's no excuse to take it out on innocent people. If they don't like their job, they can quit, but being an ******* to innocent people isn't acceptable.
One should not be respectful to a police officer when that officer is abusing their power.
Playing it smart, perhaps?
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."