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Should East Europe countries be thankful to Soviet Union?

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  • As I said earlier in the thread, not occupying EE would have also been good for the USSR. No cold war. No massive expenditures on military. Etc.

    USSR's occupation of EE was also unnecessary.

    They did it for one reason, I believe. To spread communisim. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


    • Originally posted by Saras
      Serb, major blunders:
      I will not fight with you
      And most important of all - it is bad form to call everyone not happy about Soviets occupying free nations a nazi. Come on, you can do better.
      I called him a nazi, because he love nazis. Because he prefer to see your country a nazi's country today, then to see it Soviet republic for a 48 years. He BELIEVE that for your country it would be better to remain nazi country untill nowadays, and never see Soviets driving away nazi from there.
      Not that he is not thankful for occupation. I don't know a single men who could be thankfull for this.

      Augi - III reichas nebuvo kapitalistinis; galiu parekomenduoti literaturos
      Yep, send him books. It's clear that he needs a lot of them. I gde on uvidil capitalism v 3 reihe?
      I sporit s nim bespolezno. Upryami- pizdec, vidimo younosheskii maximalism.


      • Still a lot of bull**** in this thread. Have fun people. I don't have time or any desire to join you.



        • Originally posted by Serb
          Not that he is not thankful for occupation. I don't know a single men who could be thankfull for this.
          I must have misunderstood you in this at first, Serb. Sorry for that.


          • Serb, if you could listen better to Sonic, he said that the nazi occupation was less BAD for Lithuania than the soviet. Plain cold casualty figures would also tell you this. III Reich being capitalistic is a joke, but Sonic ain't a nazi.
            Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
            Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
            Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


            • Please pay attention to words- "liberation" and "be nazi then commies"

              Originally posted by Sonic
              Your words: Lithuanians shouldn’t be thankful to SU for liberation from nazim, because we in Lithuania prefer to be nazi then commies
              My answer: True


              • Serb, no, I wouldn't prefer to live under nazi regime over liberation obviously. I said 3rd reich would be better for Lithuania if we would assume that it also would collapsed in about 90s/00s. It wouldn't be better if it would lasted forever.


                • Is everyone heard this?
                  We have a nazi Apolytoner here.
                  To your knowledge sonic, in WW2 all leading countries forget about tensions about them and united in fight vs. absolute evil. And when they defeated this absolute evil, they have a tribunal over this evil. And on this tribunal they found that never in human history, NEVER, humanity faced such notorious ideology. And since this time this ideology is a crime.
                  If you want to see your country not liberated by Soviets and still remained a nazi country, then you should be ready that whole world as in old times will declare war on you again and again untill this evil will be destroyed.

                  And since I see what kind of new generation is growing in your country I guess this day might come when your generation will rule your country.

                  Saras, ti zhe znaesh u menya dusha dobraya ya tolko fashistov ne lublyu.


                  • Serb, the main point as I believe USSR is an absolute evil (on which by the way all world also united in cold war - ones who didn't were various dictators, unsupported by people themselves), not nazi Germany. I don't know what system of propaganda there are in Russia but I certainly didn't expected that Russians STILL believe that nazi Germany was the worst state in the world, especially when Soviet Union was much worse.

                    BTW, you don't know history, since world didn't united against fascism or Hitler, they fought against him only when he started the warmongering (and at the same time Soviets also started it).

                    Come on, you can't explain yourself why SU is better than 3rd reich except calling me nazi. That just shows you are full of propaganda, because any of non-propagandic belief should be easy to explain.


                    • If believing that the SU was even worse than the 3rd reich makes you a Nazi, I guess there are plenty of nazis around...
                      If Sweden would have had the misfortune to be occupied of one of these pests, I know which one I would have preferred, so I guess I'm a Nazi too
                      The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand.


                      • Serb, what kind of new generation is growing up by the way? In new generation there is much less (almost no) dislike of Russians than on the older one.

                        I am however quite unsure about times when your generation will rule Russia.

                        Combat... Yes, you are very right. Serb is very biased an have lots of pre-justice. His last post just showed that.


                        • Sarai,

                          Trecio reicho ekonomine sistema buvo paremta kapitalizmu. Is viso pasulyse buvo keturios pagrindines ekonomines sistemos: vergovine, feodaline, socialistine ir kapitalistine Vergovine ekonomine sistema buvo paremta vergais - turtingieji turejo vergu o pastarieji dirbo visa darba, mainais uz tai gaudami tik maista, drabuzius ir busta. Prekyba daugiausiai vyko mainu budu. Feodaline ekonomine sistema buvo techniskai pranasesne, nes valstieciai ten turedavo tik sumoketi tam tikra mokesti feodalui, o visa kita likdavo jiems. Tai reiske, kad jie turejo didesne paskata darbui. Abi pries tai isvardintos ekonomines sistemos dabar jau niekur nebetaikomos, didziojoje dalyje saliu veikia socializmu ir kapitalizmu paremtos ekonomikos. Per daug neuzsitesiu jas aiskindamas, nes jos ir taip gana zinomos ir suprantamos. Tik pasakysiu, kad fasistine Vokietija buvo daug arciau kapitalizmo nei socializmo. Siuo metu mes kalbame apie kapitalizma kaip apie ekonomine sistema, o ne valdymo forma. 3-cio reicho valdymo forma buvo fasizmas, bet fasizmas neturi "savo" ekonomines sistemos. Dauguma fasistiniu/fundamentalistiniu valstybiu turi ivairia ekonomine sistema, pavyzdziui Irakas, Iranas - kapitalizma, o Libija ir S. Koreja - socializma.


                          • Kapitalizmas, reiskiantis laisva laisvu verslininku veikla ir privacia gamybos veiksniu nuosavybe ir kontrole. Tereikia paskaityti apie zydu verslininku likima vokietijoje ir pamatysi, kad toli ten iki kapitalizmo. Ten arciau iki vergovines sistemos, ypac po Alberto Speero reformu i karo pabaiga.
                            Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                            Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                            Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                            • You will post in English, or this thread is toast and so are you
                              Keep on Civin'
                              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • Cool. Should I translate, oh almighty ?
                                Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                                Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                                Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.

