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Why I believe capitalism is morally wrong and evil...

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  • It's hot and I'm watching ligthening creep up on my location.
    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


    • Che, I am surprised that you didn't argue that the growth in the 19th century was the result of good old regular Labor.

      There was a massive redistribution of available labor at the time, as hands came in from the countryside to work in the cities. It was the readily available sweat-capital that made this great leap forward possible. Free market capitalists like myself would be hard pressed to argue against that fact. Though we would say that jobs continued to grow by the reivestment of that capital...

      Enron ends up being a good story for capitalism. They lied to the sources of capital, and went out of business. Absolutely Darwinian. If you practice a form of business that is rapacious, you get f'ed by the capital markets.

      Does anyone still care, in this thread, why an equity stake in UAL is worth less than one of the company's planes?

      It is always 60 here, kinda boring.
      Be the bid!


      • Tell You what Che,

        You move to Hotlanta and I'll buy first round for both you and Imran

        Og of Marietta
        "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

        “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


        • Sorry for not getting back to this thread for a while, I do have a life outside these forums (unlike some I see ).

          Anyways, I need to point something out that I repeated have to point out because people don't listen; and well, not to be offensive here, but some people on these boards are just flat out retarded.


          ahhh much better, now you ****ing trolls should listen up... I won't name names, its fairly obvious who's trolling and who is actually partaking in an intelligent debate.

          1) Health care should either be a.) government run by tax money, and completely non-profit... or b.) run by private corporations but non-profit... to compensate I would support large tax benefits for these corporations in their other industries; or possibly putting them higher on the list for government contracts. I don't know, I'm open to suggestions from people who know more about these industries than me.

          2.) Education should be completely communal in terms of how money is spent and the quality of education. Of course, there will be some people who say, "I don't want my tax dollars spent on other schools." Well, to those people, I say, stop being selfish. This world sucks, and the least we can do is provide education to people who don't have the luxury of being born into rich, predominantly white suburban communities. More education = less crime... more education = more jobs and opprotunities for EVERYONE.

          3.) Energy and public transit should also be standardized and have either non-profit corporations running them or regulated profit margins. I would also support some sort of other benefits to honest companies that would lose out. For instance, perhaps giving advertising space, government contracts, or tax benefits to companies.

          For all other sectors of the economy... I would support near laissez faire capitalism... for instance, consumer goods. Aside from imperialism, the thing that has made America a rich and powerful nation is the enterpreneurial spirit. My grandfather came to this country and ran his own successful shoe repair business. He's 82 and still works 6 days a week; much more than 40 hours.

          Just because I'm against the evils of corporate America and the United State's imperialistic policies, doesn't mean that I'm a commie. The idea of working for your money needs to be preserved, but at the same time; it is my belief (and the belief of the US's founding fathers) that everyone should be entitled to education; not just the rich and middle classes.

          Asher: seriously, don't bother posting any more troll boy... this discussion has no room for ignorant people. I do think for myself, I don't listen to the blather that is pop-culture. You have previously shown your submissive nature towards everything pop-culture and whatever the TV happens to tell you. I do have some advice, go to your local library, read some philosophy, and come up with your own ideas. Just because I happen to agree with an ancient philosopher, Xunzi, does not mean I hold his writings under my pillow when I sleep. There are lots of stuff that I've read that I completely disagree with. It is not my intention to direct insults directly at you. Prove me wrong... it is apparant that you don't read. I admit my own ignorance all the time. In fact, I know little about the inner-workings of business and government. As a 22-year-old student, I see the evils in the world, and I'm making my own suggestions. People like OgieOglethorpe and Dino Doc are offering intelligent arguments against me. Even connor said he was abstaining from this discussion because of his own professed ignorance.

          The whole point of this thread, and any other debates I create are for people to listen to my ideas and educate me on how the world works, and how we can make it a better place. I have no patience for people who just say, "Your idea sucks, you are stupid." Frankly, these forums, and the world, would be better off without you (I am speaking in general and not at any particular person).

          Again, I apologize in advance, it is not my intent to name-call, but sometimes ignorance needs to be pointed out. One of the biggest problems in this world is ignorance.
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • WOW! Sava and I share practicaly identical views.


            • I know, many people seemed to be turned off to my views simply because of my methods. I like to get people pissed off so they use their minds for a change. In reality, many share my views.

              Even though I seem like it on the boards, I'm really not a psycho-tree hugger or anything like that. I'm just a good moral person who sees the potential for human civilization to be closer to Utopia.
              To us, it is the BEAST.


              • Originally posted by Sava

                Don't underestimate me Asher. My family came to this country from war torn Europe with nothing and has built a moderately high degree of economic standing. Each generation has been more successful than the previous one. My grandfather built a successful business, and at 82, still works 6 full days a week. My mother is a VP for a clinical laboratory company that employs 40k. I am currently on my way to finishing a 4 year degree in computers. I'm 5 years, I'll have my own company. I plan on getting an MBA and going to law school.

                The world is my oyster, I have not yet come to a goal or obstacle I cannot attain or overcome. Am I a lazy person? Hah... Don't worry, I'm sure in ten or twenty years when you're sitting in your small 2 bedroom house in rural Canada, you'll see on TV a young idealist pushing his way into the American government. But I doubt you have the mental capacity to even remember someone like me. Just remember the name Sava. You can bet that I'll be laughing on the inside at all the naysayers.
                While everything you wrote in the full length post from which this was snipped was crap, I find this part to be particularly revealing of your narcissism. Just because you are blessed with an above average IQ (I'm being generous here) doesn't make you the smartest person in any particular group. In this forum for instance you have not only shown an incapability to hold your own in an argument, but an annoying tendency to rant and completely discount the opinions of other posters who are more intelligent, more experienced, and considerably more mature than you are. You have none of the attributes that make a good leader, least of all humility. In fact your combination of mediocre intellect (in the broad sense, here on Apolyton I put you one step above Fez) combined with your high opinion of yourself and you low opinion of everyone else seem destined to make you loathed by anyone unhappy enough to have to deal with you on a daily basis.
                He's got the Midas touch.
                But he touched it too much!
                Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                • I love it when you play the role of a little boy

                  Originally posted by Sava
                  Asher: seriously, don't bother posting any more troll boy... this discussion has no room for ignorant people.
                  Perhaps you should keep that in mind before pressing the New Thread button in the future...

                  I do think for myself, I don't listen to the blather that is pop-culture.
                  No, you still don't get it. You're one of those people who is anti-pop culture. You don't think for yourself, as shown by how you back up every single one of your assertions with a book someone else wrote instead of talking about it yourself.

                  You have previously shown your submissive nature towards everything pop-culture and whatever the TV happens to tell you.
                  That's entirely not true -- I'm a utilitarian. I use what I like and I don't give a damn about the philosophy behind it.

                  I prefer doing my compsci homework in Linux over Windows because that's what it's geared towards. I like music that I like, which is a healthy mix of mainstream stuff as well as some really rare stuff I've found. I live in a country where my political opinion is a minority.

                  In what way do I buy whatever the TV tells me? Do you have any respect for anyone else on this board or are you high on yourself? I hope it doesn't have anything to do with your appearance because everyone here has been very generous about not saying anything about some of your pics.

                  I do have some advice, go to your local library, read some philosophy, and come up with your own ideas.
                  That's grand.
                  I have my own ideas, Sava, how many right wing Liberals do you know? I'm hardly mainstream when it comes to politics, are you mistaking me for someone else?

                  It is not my intention to direct insults directly at you. Prove me wrong... it is apparant that you don't read.
                  It's obviously not your intention, you seem to think that you're taking a high road by thinly disguising your insults with condescending crap. I'm not buying it, I actually find it quite amusing.

                  I admit my own ignorance all the time.
                  I can definitely see how you have to do that a lot.

                  The whole point of this thread, and any other debates I create are for people to listen to my ideas and educate me on how the world works, and how we can make it a better place. I have no patience for people who just say, "Your idea sucks, you are stupid." Frankly, these forums, and the world, would be better off without you (I am speaking in general and not at any particular person).
                  Do you know how obvious you are when you assume the role of a pseudo-intellectual? It's a complete 180 from how you behave in the other threads. You not only present anything to back up your arguments other than quoting some philosopher from centuries ago, you seem surprised when most people read your post and laugh.

                  Again, I apologize in advance, it is not my intent to name-call, but sometimes ignorance needs to be pointed out. One of the biggest problems in this world is ignorance.
                  I completely agree, Sava, but unfortunately if I had my way you'd be sterilized for that very reason. But that's for another thread.

                  If we put a poll here on Apolyton, asking who was more ignorant: Asher or Sava, it would be really interesting to see what the results would be. Not to sound arrogant, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like them.
                  "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                  Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                  • Originally posted by Sikander
                    While everything you wrote in the full length post from which this was snipped was crap, I find this part to be particularly revealing of your narcissism. Just because you are blessed with an above average IQ (I'm being generous here) doesn't make you the smartest person in any particular group. In this forum for instance you have not only shown an incapability to hold your own in an argument, but an annoying tendency to rant and completely discount the opinions of other posters who are more intelligent, more experienced, and considerably more mature than you are. You have none of the attributes that make a good leader, least of all humility. In fact your combination of mediocre intellect (in the broad sense, here on Apolyton I put you one step above Fez) combined with your high opinion of yourself and you low opinion of everyone else seem destined to make you loathed by anyone unhappy enough to have to deal with you on a daily basis.

                    Spot on.
                    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                    • Originally posted by Sava
                      I'm really not a psycho-tree hugger or anything like that
                      I am


                      • Sava, you say you believe in lassiez faire, yet critisize corporations at every turn.

                        Frankly I don't believe you when you say you are lassiez faire in all but your 3 exceptions.
                        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                        • If I remember correctly I was a good bit like Sava when I started posting on poly (although a good bit more polite IIRC), it really does a good bit of good both for your own sanity and for the enjoyment of the people who read you posts to mellow out so that what Sikander said doesn't apply to you quite so well as it does...
                          Stop Quoting Ben


                          • Sava seems to think grand of himself because his parents earn something like 100K combined(displaying how rich his family is), because he's studying computer science(showing off how smart is), and because he has great future plans(MBA, Law School..).

                            Well, I can tell you something. There are people in this forums who will beat you in every category, from money earned to academic achievements. And just because you and your family shows off some above average statistics doesn't mean you are any more superior to another human being.

                            BTW, may I ask which school you are at?


                            • About american silver and gold, and the rise of capitalism:

                              How exactly did it help the accumulation of capital ? Silver and gold are pretty useless apart from jewelry, unless their scarcity makes them tender.

                              Having a huge amount of gold leaves you with a huge amount of an unproductive thing. Accordingly all the inflow of Spain's silver and gold produced was inflation.

                              Also around the mid of the 16th century, Spain's state revenue from taxes in Castile and the Netherlands was much larger than the value extracted from the Spanish colonies (Kennedy, Rise and Fall of the Great Powers gives some numbers on this). Early european capitalism emerged in Flanders and northern Italy - and this was all related to trade, not colonialism. The roots of this go back to the great european economic expansion of the 10th-13th century.


                              • Originally posted by Sten Sture
                                Does anyone still care, in this thread, why an equity stake in UAL is worth less than one of the company's planes?
                                I am, I lay down my reasoning. What's yours?

                                1) Health care should either be a.) government run by tax money, and completely non-profit... or b.) run by private corporations but non-profit... to compensate I would support large tax benefits for these corporations in their other industries; or possibly putting them higher on the list for government contracts. I don't know, I'm open to suggestions from people who know more about these industries than me.
                                America is the leader in biotech by far for one reason....
                                The companies are for profit. The huge costs and profits from sale of drugs are funneled into research to create more new drugs.
                                Also, I think you place too much faith in "non-profit" organisations. The CEO's of non-profits still make a tremendous amount of money.... (Red Cross, and United Way) and are extrememly inept at getting their "product" to the "market."

                                2.) Education should be completely communal in terms of how money is spent and the quality of education. Of course, there will be some people who say, "I don't want my tax dollars spent on other schools." Well, to those people, I say, stop being selfish. This world sucks, and the least we can do is provide education to people who don't have the luxury of being born into rich, predominantly white suburban communities. More education = less crime... more education = more jobs and opprotunities for EVERYONE.
                                The problem I have with government funded schools is there are always so many strings attatched as to what can and cannot be taught.

                                Also, a little bit about American government workers last year......
                                64,000+ rated as poor performers.
                                643 fired.
                                It takes over 18 months to fire a government worker due to all of the loopholes you must jump through.

                                Another Statistic for you to chew on:
                                Average yearly cost for Private school student.... $2,200
                                Average yearly cost for public school student.... $5,100
                                Public schools spend over twice as much, and the kids come out worse off....

                                3.) Energy and public transit should also be standardized and have either non-profit corporations running them or regulated profit margins. I would also support some sort of other benefits to honest companies that would lose out. For instance, perhaps giving advertising space, government contracts, or tax benefits to companies.
                                Daniel Kahneman and Vernon Smith just won the Noel Prize for Economics for writing how de-regulating the energy market would be good for the consumer.
                                Mass transit is simply unrealistic in most American cities. A private bus company would only provide to the markets were mass transit were feasible, and this would be in the compact core of major metropoli.
                                Pentagenesis for Civ III
                                Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
                                Pentagenesis Gallery

