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BBC Sport rapes history

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  • Originally posted by Palaiologos
    All slavs regardless where they live ( FYROM, Russia, Serbia etc...) want a piece of Greece. They still have that inferiority complex that the Byzantine Empire left them.
    Why would anyone have a inferiority complex against a country like Greece? I'm sorry to say but the only thing that greeks have shown on this site on the matter lately has been easily portrayed as a inferiority complex.

    Sure, it might be wrong of the former macedonian govement to make the claims they did on history (although Greece should stop living on what might have happend two milleniums ago) and what the brittish sports press wrote was garbage. However, most things that sports press in general, and brittish sports press in particular, writes is garbage so i don't see why Greeks have to go ballistic about it. Germany gets loads of that kind of crap each time england and germany meets and they seems to be able to handle it.


    • Palaiologos,
      I think they already had it.

      But we should not forget even Albania is split in two. It has two races which hate eachother and speak a different language. The Greek minority in Albania is the third ethinicity there.


      • The Balkan Wars are a perfect example what can countries with strong armies do. The Balkan allies IGNORED the wishes of the Great powers and invaded the Ottoman Empire. The result was that England, France etc... unwantably recognised their victory over the Turks and granted us lands. They were pressuring King George and the other Balkan leaders to leave Turkey alone but the Balkanians having trust in their armed forces told them to f**** off and invaded anyway.
        "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

        All those who want to die, follow me!
        Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


        • And won.


          • Aren't Albanians running Europe's drug- and sex slave trade?

            Some of the profit goes to the UCK and Albanian rebels in Macedonia.

            Soon they'll create a Greater Albania and rule the Balkans


            • The Balkan Alliance between Greece, Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria was succesful and pushed Turkey further back.

              However, the 2nd Balkan war in which Balkanians fought between themselves, nomatter that Greece gained a lot of territory because of that, was to a large degree the result of interference of France, UK and Russia.


              • Albania split in two?
                Apart from Albanians and Greeks no other nation leaves there.
                Are you refering to Muslem, catholic and orthodox albanians as a different race?
                "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

                All those who want to die, follow me!
                Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


                • No muslim Albanians are split into two ethnicities themselves and hate eachother's guts.

                  They don't even speak the same language.

                  I don't remember the names of those two ethnicites now, sorry.


                  • They are devided between North and South, in Albania proper.


                    • Actually it was Bulgaria's fault. Having defeated the Ottoman army mostly by themselves( believing they were invisible) and infuriated at the loss of Thessalonica by the Greeks attacked both Serbia and Greece simultaneusly. The subsequent Greek counter-offensive drove them back to the metropolitan lands of Bulgaria, and we were only forced to halt our army 20 kilometers from Sofia because the Rommanians threatened with intervention. No France, UK etc... interference there.
                      "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

                      All those who want to die, follow me!
                      Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


                      • I think the "north Albanians" make up only about 10% of the pop.


                        • The albanians are divided into tribes: The gegides the tsamides, the tsotsides? etc...
                          Also FYROMians live there, in Pogradets.
                          "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

                          All those who want to die, follow me!
                          Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


                          • North Albania is predominaly Muslem, South is orthodox and Central is catholic.
                            "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

                            All those who want to die, follow me!
                            Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


                            • (sigh...) I told you this thread should never have started...
                              "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell


                              • Originally posted by paiktis22

                                it means not having control of your country, like FInland
                                Based on what facts do you describe finlandisation? Isn't that more like hellenic hippocracy?
                                "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

