Originally posted by Palaiologos
All slavs regardless where they live ( FYROM, Russia, Serbia etc...) want a piece of Greece. They still have that inferiority complex that the Byzantine Empire left them.
All slavs regardless where they live ( FYROM, Russia, Serbia etc...) want a piece of Greece. They still have that inferiority complex that the Byzantine Empire left them.
Sure, it might be wrong of the former macedonian govement to make the claims they did on history (although Greece should stop living on what might have happend two milleniums ago) and what the brittish sports press wrote was garbage. However, most things that sports press in general, and brittish sports press in particular, writes is garbage so i don't see why Greeks have to go ballistic about it. Germany gets loads of that kind of crap each time england and germany meets and they seems to be able to handle it.