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Anime Apolyton

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  • #91
    --"Good recommendation on Jin-Roh"

    Definitely one of my favorites. Great care was taken for everything. One of the guys I went to see this with kept insisting that the backgrounds were actually photos instead of animation. Love the story too, although I'm sure the pacing will throw off a lot of the US audience.

    --"I also saw Blood: The Last Vampire"

    Yeah, it's short and light on story. It was actually nominated for an Oscar (animated film) but was too short to fit their requirements...
    Several anime have been nominated, actually, but so far every single one of them have been excluded on technicalities.

    --"Love miyazaki's work.. didnt you say before that his older films are making a reappearance in theather? if so which ones?"

    Well, they may be. There's nothing really set yet. However, Disney does have the international distribution rights, and it looks like they're finally going to make a move towards doing something with the movies. They've done theatrical releases of the two they've released so far, so it's possible we'll get more. Depends on how well they do at the box office, I guess.
    Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away aren't going to top Disney's revenue chart, but they've both set some rather impressive per-screen records. Disney's just been doing very limited releases with little to no publicity.

    --"So EoE on DVD is not out?"

    It is out, it's just that the DVD is having major problems. You may want to wait a while on buying it until the DVDs with the big manufacturing glitch are out of the channel (however many that may be). I've been hearing that the Canadian release (still US Manga, but different UPC) doesn't have problems, so you might try ordering from there.

    "Aaah! They cut out all my scenes!"
    -- Dug Finn ("Dragon-Half")


    • #92
      Originally posted by Seeker
      Hey Calc, what is the good Korean anime and manga?

      Koreans seem to devour the stuff, but if you ask them about Made in Korea stuff they get all defensive and claim it's Japanese or something.
      ? asking a wrong person... I dunno much.
      Wouldn't a person be proud of korean mangas and pretend its korean instead of vice versa, unless its really bad i guess

      right now I am really into berserk mangas. I seem to be absorbing into "death theme" in my movie/manga watchings. I just recently watched the seventh seal, kurosawa's Ikiru and read "how good muslim shoudl prepare death" (or somethign like that) plus death and trial of socrates for my literature class called death and afterlife..


      • #93
        "Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away aren't going to top Disney's revenue chart, but they've both set some rather impressive per-screen records. Disney's just been doing very limited releases with little to no publicity."

        I think they're going mainly for the DVD market. Considering that Disney only gets 1/4 of their revenue from the theatrical release, they are probably using it as a way of gaining buzz for the DVD market (reviewers cover first run releases, but don't for straight-to-DVD).

        Revenue for Spirited Away isn't so bad. About $2.5m - $3m. Something over 100 screens. Maxed out so far ranked at 15 or so.

        I saw it last night (dubbed ) and there was an OK crowd. It was a difficult movie to grok, unlike Princess Mononoke.
        I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


        • #94
          Spirited Away (subbed!) just came out in Ohio, so I'm planning on seeing it sometime next week. (I don't like paying full price, but I'll probably wind up going to the 10pm showing -- I hate having a movie ruined by screaming kids, and the PG rating might convince some parents that this would be an excellent movie for their kids to ruin.)
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          • #95
            --"right now I am really into berserk mangas."

            Yeah, you'll definitely be finding the death theme there. One of the darker anime/manga around.

            Completely different in tone, but still on the death theme, you might want to try Saishuuheiki Kanojou (My Girlfriend, the Ultimate Weapon). The subtitle for this is "The Last Lovesong on this Little Planet", so you've been warned what to expect.

            --"I think they're going mainly for the DVD market."

            Probably. Mononoke they had to do a theatrical release for because of their contract, but I'm not sure what else they're obligated to do so for.

            --"It was a difficult movie to grok, unlike Princess Mononoke."

            Well, Spirited Away is a fairytale, basically. It does help to know something about Japanese myths and legends, but it isn't required. The overall plot isn't near as much the point as Chihiro's growth.

            --"Spirited Away (subbed!) just came out in Ohio,"

            Excellent. None of the theaters near me had the subbed version.

            --"and the PG rating might convince some parents that this would be an excellent movie for their kids to ruin."

            It is an excellent movie for kids, as long as their parents haven't been ludicrously over-protective of them (oddly enough, the film makes a commentary on over-protective parents). The showing I went to had a number of kids of all ages, and they were actually quite quiet for the whole film. There were some "I'm scared" and so on comments from the kids at various points, but it certainly seemed to engage their attention.

            "I saw somebody's goodies!"
            -- Dug Finn ("Dragon-Half")

