Would you have supported someone else intervening in the US if another country invaded and set up Texas as their own puppet state? That is exactly what the Soviets did in North Korea.
But no, I would not support another country forcing its citizens to die under any circumstances.
What if you don't believe in absolute rights and wrongs? Why do you?

Hey, if we used your reasoning, I'm sure the Korean people would feel a whole lot better about being under a Stlainist government - "Hey, my brother just got shot for complaining about the price of bread,and I can't afford to buy food, and I'm not allowed to say anything about it, but that's all right, because it meant 38 000 Americans could stay home and the US could save a few billion dollars."
In any case, committing a wrong (conscription) in order to right another (perceived) wrong (in this case, unified Stalinist Korea) is not OK because the ends can't justify the means. Further, the US government had no right or authority to violate the natural rights of American citizens (or anyone else, for that matter).
I would feel bad if Korea had been unified into a Stalinist state. I really would have. But me feeling bad about something is not enough for me to support violating someone's rights.