Ban guns. Hike taxes and pump the revenues into schools and getting more police on the streets, particularly police from minority groups.
Split the CIA in two, with common access to all facilities. Have each half invistigating, "morally auditing" and controlling the budget for the other. Bonus funding to the half that discovers the other half behaving in an unacceptably crappy way.
Drop those whacky state-specific laws and get some nationwide uniformity in place. Drop age for drinking to 18. Drop age of consent to 16.
Downscale the "war on drugs". Abandon "3 strikes and you're out" and judge according to the crime and the criminal. Drop that star wars rubbish. Get some emissions controls in.
Have every politician accepting more than $50 from a single personal or corporate source publicly humiliated and stripped of office.
That's a start.
Split the CIA in two, with common access to all facilities. Have each half invistigating, "morally auditing" and controlling the budget for the other. Bonus funding to the half that discovers the other half behaving in an unacceptably crappy way.
Drop those whacky state-specific laws and get some nationwide uniformity in place. Drop age for drinking to 18. Drop age of consent to 16.
Downscale the "war on drugs". Abandon "3 strikes and you're out" and judge according to the crime and the criminal. Drop that star wars rubbish. Get some emissions controls in.
Have every politician accepting more than $50 from a single personal or corporate source publicly humiliated and stripped of office.
That's a start.