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The right to vote in America

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  • I agree. English should be the only language tolerated in the US.
    Anyone who spells 'colour' as 'color' should be immediately deported!


    • Originally posted by Rogan Josh
      I agree. English should be the only language tolerated in the US.
      Anyone who spells 'colour' as 'color' should be immediately deported!
      Should I be deported for habitually spelling armour as armour?

      I can't help it. All the books on Knights in Armour I read as a kid were from England.


      • I can't help it. All the books on Knights in Armour I read as a kid were from England.



        • Speer, its very hard to take anything you say seriously. Having the name of the Nazi arms and munitions minister really goes against what little credibility you could have. And coming from me (self-proclaimed troll) that says a lot.
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • Its fun to read my drunken trolls the next day .
            "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


            • Originally posted by Ron Jeremy
              If people see an advantage in learning English, they will attempt to do so. What they don't need is pubescent Goebbels wannabees attempting to restrict their liberties.
              Dont you think they are restricting their own liberties by refusing to learn english? Surely its not unreasonable to expect them to learn english. You may not be aware of the huge sums of money required to print ballots in different languages. By printing them only in english, not only are we saving money, but we encourage everyone to learn english. This will be of great benefit to them in the long run.
              ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
              ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


              • umm... as far as i can tell, virtually all korean immigrants here are trying to learn english in one form or another... and by the time they ARE eligible to vote, as in, being citizens, they definitely know enough english to not require any multilingual ballot.

                As for your differentiation between right and personal responsibility, that is an interesting argument.
                You're saying that irresponsible people should not be denied the right to vote, so what is the issue that concerns you??
                Only purely non-English speaking voters??
                i'm not sure what you mean exactly here. i'm saying nobody should be denied the right to vote-- but if they don't know enough about the issues, if they can't speak the language, if they can't read, and if they can't figure out basic directions written in basic, simple, first-grade english, then they themselves should realize this and refrain from voting until they are more educated.

                that said, i also don't think the government should go out of its way to help these people vote when they're not willing to go even a step in the direction of the rest of the society. citizenship is a partnership, one between the individual citizen and the body politic, and the body politic gives the individual rights.
                the individual, then, should accept these rights, and their attendant responsibilities, and actually try to move forward and learn about the issues at hand, learn the language, and learn to be literate if they wish to actually participate in any meaningful fashion.

                that's the tragedy here-- most american citizens think their rights are free, not to be purchased or paid for by mucky things like blood, sweat, toil, tears, and responsibility.

