i was born and raised in the us.
however, every year since i was 6 i'd been to korea for the summer, a good 3-4 months; i've gone during winter break sometimes, too. the last time i went, however, was almost a year and half ago. i'm 19.5 now, so~
i'd say i have at least 6-7 years of experience living there, and fairly knowledgable of what i'm talking about.
that, and my mom, born and raised there, and my dad, born and raised there, haven't had it... and none of my relatives, extended family, their friends... who were born and raised and still live there...
so you see, this myth about eating dogs and exaggerated percentages for those that eat them regularly are quite false.
by your standards. who are you to judge? you don't have any basis for application of your morality, your ideals, over another culture which didn't even have a parallel development with your own.
eating dogs is no more barbaric than eating cows. and eating cows isn't barbaric at all from a certain point of view.
however, every year since i was 6 i'd been to korea for the summer, a good 3-4 months; i've gone during winter break sometimes, too. the last time i went, however, was almost a year and half ago. i'm 19.5 now, so~
i'd say i have at least 6-7 years of experience living there, and fairly knowledgable of what i'm talking about.
that, and my mom, born and raised there, and my dad, born and raised there, haven't had it... and none of my relatives, extended family, their friends... who were born and raised and still live there...

Q: Your making it sound like im bashing all Koreans for being terrible dog eaters, im not...i've never said that, but those that do are barbarians(as are anyone who eats cows).
eating dogs is no more barbaric than eating cows. and eating cows isn't barbaric at all from a certain point of view.