Patrolman: "Sir, do you know why I stopped you?"
Ming: "No, but it better be good"
Patrolman: "You were doing 65 in a 55mph zone"
Ming: "You don't know who you are talking to"
Patrolman: "Yes, I do, it says right here on your license,
Mr. Ming, the Great and Terrible and express lane hall monitor"
Ming: "If you don't knock off the name calling your headed for a vacation buster"
Patrolman: "Perhaps you should step out of the car"
Ming produces his rod and whacks the officer across the nose. Officer pulls gun and trys to say something but no words come out of his mouth.
Ming drives off, looks at camera and winks. "Ignore list"
Ming: "No, but it better be good"
Patrolman: "You were doing 65 in a 55mph zone"
Ming: "You don't know who you are talking to"
Patrolman: "Yes, I do, it says right here on your license,
Mr. Ming, the Great and Terrible and express lane hall monitor"
Ming: "If you don't knock off the name calling your headed for a vacation buster"
Patrolman: "Perhaps you should step out of the car"
Ming produces his rod and whacks the officer across the nose. Officer pulls gun and trys to say something but no words come out of his mouth.
Ming drives off, looks at camera and winks. "Ignore list"