nationalist, there was no ad hominum on my part. Kramerman said he would torture someone, though he has since recanted. If someone says they will torture someone, I'm gonna call them on it. Torture is sick and disgusting. People who are willing to engage in torture are a menace and society should be protected from them.
No announcement yet.
Are you for or against capital punishment?
Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
Originally posted by chegitz guevara
nationalist, there was no ad hominum on my part. Kramerman said he would torture someone, though he has since recanted. If someone says they will torture someone, I'm gonna call them on it. Torture is sick and disgusting. People who are willing to engage in torture are a menace and society should be protected from them.
I never recanted. I was never serious in the first place! How many times did i say it was just fanciful thoughts of mine? How many times must I say this. I am sorry, I dont have time to continue presently, I just saw this and had to respond."I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
- BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum
Originally posted by Kramerman
I never recanted. I was never serious in the first place!Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
Originally posted by chegitz guevara
You said it, then after being dragged over the coals for saying it, you said you wern't serious. That's recanting.
That is too true... such bastards are probably deserving of torture. Death is a cake walk compared to what I would do if put in a room with a sicko like that...
'Death is probably a cake walk compared to what I would do to them' ... I see. Well perhaps if I send you a picture of myself, you would see the hint of humor in this remark. Me, put into a room of a murderer... not a good idea, none the less I was refering to roughing them up abit in a brawl - not torture - but me roughing anyone up in a brawl is just fantasy. If you consider this torture, then probably every boy I know has 'tortured' someone in the school yard or someplace like that. If I would of known there would be a jerk like you to attack my integrity over such a frivoluce and fanciful remark, I would of held my tounge. But Oh well. For the 9th time I hope this clears up that i dont believe in torture (then again, this depends on your definition. Is corporal punishment torture? Is spanking your children after misbehaving torture? Is pulling someone's teeth torture? It is relative to what one thinks) and I never have. That is why I dont recant torturing people, cause I never wanted to in the first place. Previously Ive used two sentence posts to clarify things that I have said, but you are appearently malicious (i dunno why) and I have needed to write more to explain. Its ok as long as you understand. If not, well, I am sorry you completely misgauge my character.
EDIT: If you want to go on argueing over whether or not I want to torture people, very well. Though I do not believe in torture, who is anybody to say that R/P/M ( no, not rotations per minute, the other RPM...) should not be or should be tortured. It is relative I suppose, among other things...Last edited by Kramerman; August 7, 2002, 21:51."I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
- BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum
What rights are you referring to? Where did they get these rights if society wasn't giving them said rights?
So, you'd say that slavery was justified/right/lawful/whatever since the majority of people two or three hundred years ago thought that slavery was fine and dandy? By the same token, was it fine for the Nazis to kill the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, etc. because German society at the time generally thought that these things were find and dandy?
from unjustified harm. If those slaves had become slaves because they murdered someone, than we can talk about justification. But almost all slaves were either captured into slavery or born into slavery and held there for little if any justification that they had harmed somebody in this society in anyway. Instead their justification is that 'they are inferior'. So be it, but they brought no harm to anyone, so no harm should be brought to them in the act of punishing and detering future acts of harm.
They're only relative to a small extent, but for the most part they're fairly objective. You can't just arbitrarily redefine them or you run the risk of misapplying them.Last edited by Kramerman; August 7, 2002, 21:46."I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
- BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum
And who is to say that ALL American laws are "just" and "moral" in the world's eyes? Sounds like you're going for cultural relativism here... in which each culture, while in their own culture, is "right" and "just" and must respect the actions of other cultures.
But once a country such as the US gets big enough they start enforcing their cultural relativism on other countries.
The cultural relativism of the world (thinking of all the countries that have the DP vs those that don't) would be that the DP is wrong under those arguements.
EDIT: Flameflash, after rereading yourpost, I dont really know what you are trying to say/ask? Something about how the culture of the world would think poorly on the DP (If this is what you were trying to say, I am sorry but that is not true. A majority of the world population lives in societies that justify the DP) by some arguements. To what arguements are you refering? It is not my arguement I am quite sure, and if it is then either you misunderstood what I wrote or I just did a really poor job writing that post, which is probably more likely, because you wouldnt have been the first to misunderstandLast edited by Kramerman; August 7, 2002, 21:42."I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
- BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum
Originally posted by nationalist
You answered your own question. Consistancy provides the substantive difference.
Therefore, if I base my morals on rational justifications, then consistency is a requirement. If I base my morals on irrational justifications, then consistency gets thrown out the window. "God says that unjustified killing is bad" is substantively equivalent to "God says that unjustified killing is good" because they're both irrational and hence consistency can't provide any distinction between them.
There is no real basis for that consistancy.
I don't know if it is more irrational to believe that a higher power created the universe or to believe that it just created itself out of nothing.
Moral consistancy and cultural relativism are, by nature, the result of our particular culture.
The basis of right and wrong is the idea that there are consequences to one's actions.
It is the belief that he does that has spawned the morality.
It is called socialization. Indocrinations and taboos are just your way of labeling what a society decides is right and wrong.
Revenge is a type of justice.<p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures</p>
Originally posted by Kramerman
I am not dissmissing rehibilitation.
The statement in question
Reform!? If someone could murder someone with the knowledge that they could be 'reformed' and put back in the streets, they might do so.
In that statement I was merely saying that rehiblitaion in prison is not a deterant for murderers, unlike the death penalty, wich is a major deterent for murderers.
Reread that statement with an open mind, instead of a apiteful one so you can support your frivolous arguements, and you will see what I said.
I dunno why it is so hard for you to believe that the US prison system is not hard on criminals at all, and barely serves as a deterant of crime.
I can't be arsed to go traipsing around the internet finding articles, so I just picked up this article, this article, and this article off of the front of the USA page on the Amnesty International website. A google search for "prison reform" ought to yield some results if you are at all interested in enlightening yourself.
Why you think hard labor would be HELLISH is beyond me.Last edited by loinburger; August 7, 2002, 23:36.<p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures</p>
Originally posted by nationalist
Do you think that all of morality derives simply from the "I won't do it to them because I don't want them to do it to me" situation?
This type of morality seems very easy to circumvent. How easily does it evolve into "I'm going to do it to them before they can do it to me" situation?
There is no backbone to it , no ultimate authority that one can depend on when one faces a dilemma.
I think that the idea is fairly sound, but it still stands on the foundation of religion.
Even if the God doesn't actually exist, the belief that the God exists gives people more certainty, makes them think twice about violating their moral code when they face a problem.
Any enrichment that he has contributed to his society is negated by the lost creative potential of the victim.
Loinburger was doing it to everyone.
Loinburger appears to do the same thing. He put words in my mouth, assuming that I thought that you were pro-murder or something silly like that.<p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures</p>
Originally posted by Kramerman
*sigh* Do you read through my posts? Or do you just read certain things to try and spite me? I clearly wrote that laws need to be made to protect a society and everyone who lives in that society from harm.
The statement in question:
You must base laws on what betters society in that societies general view of betterment.
DID SLAVES NOT LIVE IN A SOCIETY? Of course they did. Slavery is obviously very harmful and unjustified against almost all. Therefore laws need to be made to protect thse members of society
from unjustified harm.
Hold on a sec. You can very much so redifine arbitrarlily the definitions of good and evil.
It is ver ignorant to think otherwise. An alien race on another planet could verywell find murder, thefy, lying, and everything else the 10 commandment frobid to be holy. TO THEM THAT IS GOOD!<p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures</p>
Originally posted by Kramerman
Here is what I said:
That is too true... such bastards are probably deserving of torture. Death is a cake walk compared to what I would do if put in a room with a sicko like that...
'They are probably deserving of torture'... hmm... that doesnt sound like I want to mercilessly torture them, does it? But wait, there is more...
'Death is probably a cake walk compared to what I would do to them' ... I see.
Even with the words you wrote right in front of you, you cannot admit what you wrote.You had to add the word "probably." I'm sorry, you didn't use the word probably. "Death is a cake walk compared to what I would do if put in a room with a sicko like that." There is no "probably" in that sentence. You are stating that given the chance, you would do worse than death to them.
I was refering to roughing them up abit in a brawl - not torture - but me roughing anyone up in a brawl is just fantasy.
I took you at your word. I don't know about you, but death is definately not a cake walk to being roughed up a little bit. I'll take a beating over death any day. Hell, you can break my arms and legs, stick a plunger up my ass and beat me 'till Tuesday if it's that or death. I have a low pain threshhold, but a beating wouldn't have me begging to die.
Now, the fact that you claim to be incapable of performing the actions doesn't mean much. Goebbels was a meely little squid of a man, and look what he accomplished. Just because a murderer could probably eat for breakfast doesn't mean that you would be incapable of doing unspeakable things to him. Most torture victims are restrained, so your safety isn't a factor. More important was you saying that you really didn't mean it. I'm glad. Only truly disturbed individuals could do that to someone else, regardless of whether "such bastards are probably deserving of torture."
But I'm not arguing with whether or not you meant it, you already admitted you didn't mean it. What I was arguing with since then was nationalist's mischaraterizations of what I wrote. nationalist made up in his own little mind what I thought and ran with it. Since the argument was about you originally, some things needed to be cleared up for him.Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
Even with the words you wrote right in front of you, you cannot admit what you wrote. You had to add the word "probably." I'm sorry, you didn't use the word probably. "Death is a cake walk compared to what I would do if put in a room with a sicko like that." There is no "probably" in that sentence. You are stating that given the chance, you would do worse than death to them.
such bastards are probably deserving of torture.Last edited by Kramerman; August 8, 2002, 00:52."I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
- BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum
Never argue with a master debater.
Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
EDIT: Flameflash, after rereading yourpost, I dont really know what you are trying to say/ask? Something about how the culture of the world would think poorly on the DP (If this is what you were trying to say, I am sorry but that is not true. A majority of the world population lives in societies that justify the DP) by some arguements. To what arguements are you refering? It is not my arguement I am quite sure, and if it is then either you misunderstood what I wrote or I just did a really poor job writing that post, which is probably more likely, because you wouldnt have been the first to misunderstand
You guys are all talking over my head now, actually... I probably misread your post, however a majority of the "civilized" countries don't support it... that's the community of the world that the US is supposed to be a part of, I'd thought.
I'll try and continue to follow this, because I do find it interesting, but you guys are most certainly my better on debating this kind of stuff.
My head hurts now...
Let me guess, che... you did ethical debate?
<-- Policy debater here... probably why I'm sucking it up in getting a grasp on what's going on.I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...
Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...
Originally posted by FlameFlash
*sighs*<p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures</p>