Originally posted by MOBIUS
It comes to something when you have a almost 1,000 page guidebook of the US and there isn't even a sentence devoted to Jacksonville...
It comes to something when you have a almost 1,000 page guidebook of the US and there isn't even a sentence devoted to Jacksonville...
It was the site of the first European settlement in Florida, Ft. Caroline (the remnents of which still have yet to be found), in 1563. It was settled by French Hugenots who were massacred a year later by Spanish forces settling at San Agustín (today St. Augustine). St. Augustine (just 30 miles away) is the oldest permenent European settlement north of Mexico.
There was a major outbreak of yellow fever here in the 19th Century.
Jax was the original home of American filmmaking, but the great fire of 1901 destoryed most of the city. The Film studios then moved to Hollywood, CA.
The city is named for Andrew Jackson, who invaded the territory during the war of 1812.
Jacksonville is the largest city in the world in terms of sheer physical size. All of Duval county is Jacksonville (with one exception in the western end of the county).
Jacksonville is the home of the USS Kennedy and her battle group), and is very much a navy town. There are seven different military installations here.
Jacksonville is a major shrimp producer.
Jacksonville is hosting the 2004 Superbowl.
Jacksonville is a stop in the Hooters Roadtrip video game.
Jacksonville is one of the safest places on the East Coast as far as hurricanes go. The last major storm to hit Jax was in 1964. Because of the geography, stomrs go South of us, or turn to the north. We we grazed by a hurricane four years ago, bu the eye was many hundred of miles out to sea, so it was very mild here. (We did have a tropical storm come through last September, but it came through the other side of the state and was very diminished in strength by the time it got here).
The politics of Jax are heavily influenced by the First Baptist Church which has 25,000 members and takes up several whole blocks of the downtown area. Several of the churches emmbers are on the city council, and one is a state legislator.
Jax has a green law. All construction must either leave existing trees in place or plant new ones elsewhere in Jax. Although the law was passed in he '80s, it wasn't enforced until a citizen referendum mandated that the city enforce the law. Citizens here take their enviroment seriously (although they certainly litter the place up, but I suspect that's a general East Coast thing).
Jax has the 8th deadliest police force in the country.
Jax has the 8th worst drivers in the county (five of the bottom ten are in Florida).
Jax has horrid public transportation. We do, however, have a monorail. It's rather useless, however, as it only serves downtown. Still, it's better than Seattle's monorail, which only goes six blocks.
Although there are definately some very nice aspects to living here, we're not staying, unless I get another job here. We thought about moving to St. Augustine, but now we're pretty sure we're moving to Miami-Ft. Lauderdale. We need to be in a big city, and while Jax may be the biggest city in the world, it's a paltry little hicksburg of 800,000.