Originally posted by Lemmy
must be one of those laws that are ignored by the police, like how prostitution and soft-drugs are theoretically illegal, but most policemen have enough commen sense to realize that enforcing those laws is a waste of time.
I've never heard of a law like this btw
I got it from dear St Markus, and the nice thread he posted about Dutch law.
Must be disheartening to realize you live in a police state like Holland that censors your free speach, eh?
Must be disheartening to realize you live in a police state like Holland that censors your free speach, eh?
must be one of those laws that are ignored by the police, like how prostitution and soft-drugs are theoretically illegal, but most policemen have enough commen sense to realize that enforcing those laws is a waste of time.
I've never heard of a law like this btw
Why do you trust anyone to determine which laws are enforced and which ones are ignored?
Why don't your politicians get rid of those laws if they don't intend them to be followed?