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Moral values of Apolyton

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  • #91
    thank you, black dragon... your interest in my moral values poll is appreciated
    "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
    "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


    • #92
      I don't have any morals.


      • #93
        Actually this is one of the most interesting polls I've seen on a forum.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Albert Speer
          thank you, black dragon... your interest in my moral values poll is appreciated
          Much obliged. But care to defend your recent words with regard to the bible saying "judge not lest ye be judged"
          "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

          "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


          • #95
            Immoral? Not really. The standard is lighter than that, though, it was "okay." Despite the misleading name of the thread, that's what the question says.

            Isn't then the desire to watch porn/have premarital relations inborn?

            Premarital relations inborn? You can argue that the sex drive is inborn, but I highly doubt our genes know what marriage is.

            As for porn, again, sex drive might be inborn, but there are other reasons for why porn isn't a good idea.

            I mean, maybe the thrill at going 100 mph is inborn, but if you run somebody over...
            All syllogisms have three parts.
            Therefore this is not a syllogism.


            • #96
              Why do people think it is okay not to inform authorities about child abuse/neglect or spousal abuse?
              Golfing since 67


              • #97
                do you know how often people do not inform the authorities?

                I surprised that so many people think it is wrong to not inform the authorities

                Jon Miller
                Jon Miller-
                I AM.CANADIAN
                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                • #98
                  Black Dragon:

                  All of Christian doctrine is not applicable in today's world... desperate times call for desperate measures...
                  "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
                  "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


                  • #99
                    The problem(?) is that this poll is pretty vague. There could be extenuating circumstances in which nearly anything on the list could be morally justifiable.

                    Curse and swear Yeah sure.
                    Tell a lie to family and friends Generally a bad thing to do. Even if the lies seem justifiable at first, they'll often spiral out of control and cause unforeseen damage.
                    Call in sick eventhough I'm/they're not Yeah sure, as long as you're not backing out on an important obligation by doing so.
                    Drink alcohol Bring back prohition! Alcohol is the devil! (Pass the beer.)
                    Smoke tobacco Sure, just don't be an ass about it.
                    Smoke marihuana Ditto for tobacco.
                    Take drugs, i.e. speed, cocaine, heroin etc. Fine, but you're culpable for anything you do under the influence.
                    Drive while under the influence of alcohol, marihuana or drugs Any circumstances in which this could be justified are extremely far-fetched, so I'll go ahead and label this a "no."
                    Run a red light Done it a few times. I hate driving on a deserted street at 3:00am and hitting three red lights. As far as I'm concerned, red lights turn into stop signs if the street is deserted.
                    Watch/read pornography Yeah sure.
                    Have same sex relations Count me out, but have yourself a ball.
                    Go through a divorce Yup, not every marriage is a match made in heaven.
                    Cheat on my/their spouse or significant other No. I can't think of a single circumstance in which this is justified.
                    Borrow money, knowing I/they can't repay the lender on time I'd consider this to be a second cousin to theft, so you'd better have a damn good reason for doing it.
                    Cheat on my/their tax return See above.
                    Cheat on welfare/social benefits See above.
                    Steal items at the supermarket See above, except that this is theft, not just a second cousin to it.
                    Have an abortion First trimester: Yes, the embryo is not a self-aware being. Second trimester: Debatable. Third trimester: No, the third trimester fetus is developed to the point where it ought to be considered a self-aware being.
                    Have artificial fertilization performed No problem.
                    Have an organ transplant performed No problem.
                    Physically correct or punish my/their kids Abuse is right out, but a swat on the ass isn't abuse.
                    Not inform authorities of child abuse/neglect or spousal abuse No. I can't think of a single circumstance in which this is justifiable.
                    Kill another person in self defense Yup.
                    Kill another person, not in self defense Yes (defense of another, f'rinstance).
                    <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                    • Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                      To those who voted yes on drunk driving: You're repugnant morons. Really.
                      I know I am but what are you.

                      Wait... did I get that round the wrong way again?
                      A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                      • Originally posted by loinburger

                        Have artificial fertilization performed No problem.
                        Have an organ transplant performed No problem.
                        Kill another person in self defense Yup.
                        Kill another person, not in self defense Yes (defense of another, f'rinstance).
                        The trouble going through these one by one is the same as with most things; by the end you get bored and realise you haven't much to say for ALL of them only some and therefore are forced to resort to one word answers.
                        A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                        • An alternative is to go through them one by one, giving one word answers for all of them.
                          <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                          • Curse and swear **** yes
                            Tell a lie to family and friends Nope
                            Call in sick eventhough I'm/they're not Depends on how often, and what for
                            Drink alcohol Sure
                            Smoke tobacco Go for it, just not infront of me
                            Smoke marihuana Go for it, just not infront of me
                            Take drugs, i.e. speed, cocaine, heroin etc. Go for it, just not infront of me
                            Drive while under the influence of alcohol, marihuana or drugs Absolutely not
                            Run a red light Absolutely not
                            Watch/read pornography Absolutely yes!
                            Have same sex relations Yep
                            Go through a divorce Yep
                            Cheat on my/their spouse or significant other Absolutely not
                            Cheat on my/their tax return Absolutely not
                            Cheat on welfare/social benefits Absolutely not
                            Steal items at the supermarket Absolutely not
                            Have an abortion No comment
                            Have artificial fertilization performed Sure
                            Have an organ transplant performed Sure .
                            Physically correct or punish my/their kids I don't have kids so I shouldn't comment
                            Not inform authorities of child abuse/neglect or spousal abuse Always inform for this.
                            Kill another person in self defense Yes, although it shouldn't be intentional killing. You should aim to disable, but if the killing still happens no biggie
                            Kill another person, not in self defense REALLY depends. If you rape and kill my friend, I could very likely kill you.
                            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                            • Originally posted by loinburger
                              An alternative is to go through them one by one, giving one word answers for all of them.
                              Yes but as you can see above/below Asher does things backwards...
                              A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                              • Curse and swear Yes
                                Tell a lie to family and friends Depends, but yes
                                Call in sick eventhough I'm/they're not Yes
                                Drink alcohol Oooh yeah!
                                Smoke tobacco Yep
                                Smoke marihuana Ooohhh yeah!
                                Take drugs, i.e. speed, cocaine, heroin etc. Yep, it´s up to you if you want to put **** in your veins.
                                Drive while under the influence of alcohol, marihuana or drugs Definetly not.
                                Run a red light No
                                Watch/read pornography
                                Have same sex relations Yes.
                                Go through a divorce Yes.
                                Cheat on my/their spouse or significant other No way!
                                Borrow money, knowing I/they can't repay the lender on time§ Depends on who you´re borrowing from.
                                Cheat on my/their tax return No.
                                Cheat on welfare/social benefits No.
                                Steal items at the supermarket Nope.
                                Have an abortion Yes, of course!
                                Have artificial fertilization performed Yes.
                                Have an organ transplant performed Yes.
                                Physically correct or punish my/their kids Definetly not!
                                Not inform authorities of child abuse/neglect or spousal abuse No.
                                Kill another person in self defense Yes.
                                Kill another person, not in self defense It depends, but mostly no.
                                I love being beaten by women - Lorizael

