Originally posted by Chris 62
Chris62: I was planning on ignoring you, but you kept on going. So...
Do you not realize that everytime you try to argue with me, your arguments get cut to shreds? You end up resorting to insults, and usually quite quickly. Do you not realize how you look to everyone else?
Perhaps you're a glutton for punishment.
But the thing is, you're boring. I can't remember the last time you provide some facts to support your ramblings. In fact, you rarely add anything constructive to any discussion.
There are a lot of people who I routinely argue with, and I respect many of them even though I often disagree with them. The reason I respect their viewpoints is that they provide facts to back up their arguments, or they provide worthwhile opinion. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for you.
So go ahead and have the last word because it is not worth my time to respond to you.