and if you want to go in to "why didnt the US help france with the French Revolution, it's just obvious that we didnt have the power too, that plus Washington's Neutrality speeches.
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A note of thanks to the USA from one of the more grateful Europeans.
ok, i'll say it.
I'm an American thanking France for aid in the American Revolution. You deserve today as much as we do. Cheers.
Also, thanks for the Statue of Liberty. It shall forever (minus a terrorist attack) be a lasting bond between our two great nations."I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
If you consider helping tip the balance sufficiently to avoid a few more million deaths "useful"....
Rogan- you're wrong. Britain was fighting hard but was in very bad shape economically. Without major assistance from the US we'd have been choked off in a few years. Any such "peace treaty" would have been one that left Britain as little more than a semi-independent vassal state with a far-right government. We wouldn't have had an empire either. India was always going to break free, and (let's be blunt) the other bits weren't that valuable.The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland
"In WW1 American help was merely usefull, not crucial."
True, probably would of ended in a stalemate which allowed the germans continued occupation of belgium and more of a ceasefire then the versaille treaty. the BEF and French armies werent going to counter attack anytime soon without fresh troops. France was bled dry and Britian was heading down that path.And I doubt germany had the stomach for another go at Paris. So you would of had much more unfavorable results for the allies. Which may have been enough to prevent world war2. But we could of done that with the real life armistice. But despites Wilsons plea's not to punish germany. The Europeans pressed on forced Germany to pay billions. Which, alas. Lead to the rise of the Nazi's and the second world war.
I agree with Paul. This is retarded. I only know a handful people who have fought in these wars and none of us really dont give a ****. We are just cheerleading for our side on stupid forum. Think about it? Its kind of pathetic.
Even before our government declared war. Thousands of Americans who believed we should get involved enlisted for the Canadian armys. The Laffeyyete Federation was one of them. A volunteer unit which fought in the Battle of France. A good portion of the pilots who fought in the battle of britian where americans who enlisted in the Canadian branch of the Air Force. These people volunteered to help, they had nothing to gain but respect. You shouldnt disrespect them
Originally posted by Boris Godunov
We were, up until the French became obnoxiously ungrateful to the U.S.A. following WWII. If they can't be grateful, why should we?
Well, I AM grateful to USA. I LIKE to be grateful. I am just someone with a deep sense of loyalty, I like to thank people for what they did for me (and to thank nations for what they did to mine).
Still, there is nothing to cold down the thanks than acting like a prick. I would have been one of the firts to thank USA, but you know, seeing a post from ones of the kind of Chris62 or Faded Glory is sufficient to kill any sense of gratitude for some years.
Just can't imagine I could thank someone like that. It would be an insult to the others that receive the same thank.Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.
Originally posted by Dissident
actually the U.S. may be at fault for ww2.. If Germany had a more favourable position after ww1 who knows.
Err wait we are supposed to be talking about independence and naked women.
See if Brazil was doing all this now, in South America. Do you think we would let them get away with it? Point made.
"Because we did not spent the 60 next years after your independance constantly waving our flag in your face and reminding you "we saved your arses". "
How do you know? Where you there? Tell us about it. I'de love to hear. I thought men the likes of Napoelon made it clear there power by using these examples.
Yep, time to thank for US sacrifices especially during ww2.
I would also like to thank finnish veterans for stopping the communism spreading to europe from northern front. Without any help. It is often forgot who gave Stalin the biggest spankingIn da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.
Originally posted by Jaakko
Okay, that's silly, but so is Americans asking Finns for gratitude in WW2.I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio