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American position on the PA

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  • None of the above.
    What then?

    It's a simple question. You saw fit to insult me over it, I think I can demand an answer.

    It is clear that you don't understand the distinction between military and civilian, and the reason it's important.
    Please enlighten me.

    So the policies of the US government which made the US a target for terrorism and culminated in 9/11 make us all legitimate targets, despite the fact that a "landslide" election victory usually means 60%/40% ?
    No, because the US is not occupying Saudi-Arabia. Amazing how hard that concept seems to be to israeli apologizers. The US bombings in afganistan are more related the palestinian bombings in Israel than Israels occupation of palestine.

    Regarding the children, yes I agree they are innocent. How should that influence the the resistance? Are you defending the practice of using children as human shields? It is up to the parents of the children to either end the occupation or to move away from Israel. The blood of every slain Israeli child is on Sharons hands, not Arafats.
    Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


    • Forgot one thing: the whole point of a democracy is that the entire society take responsibility for the actions the majority decided. Claiming that the minority aren't responsible won't work...
      Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


      • That, of course, is the one single biggest problem with democracy.

        Tyranny of the majority.
        Poor silly humans. A temporarily stable pattern of matter and energy stumbles upon self-cognizance for a moment, and suddenly it thinks the whole universe was created for its benefit. -- mbelleroff


        • Yeah, I know... You end up with people like Bush. Oh, wait, that wasn't democracy... Anyway...
          Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


          • CyberGnu, Could you please check out the thread on the German court holding that Nazi reprisals are justified? I asked you a question in the first post that may have some relevance here as well.


            • Originally posted by DanS
              What Bush said makes a lot of sense. I have little faith that either of the current leaders can move toward peace. It looks to me like Bush thinks this as well, with Arafat going this year and Sharon going in the next couple of years. It's sort a mid-term bet.

              Arafat isn't going to last much longer anyway. What is he, 80 years old? Sharon's an old fart too.
              Arafat born 1929. 73 year old sometime this year.
              Sharon had to be in his 60s.
              These two hate each other and nothing will happen alone as these two are in power.
              There is really only one problem over there. Each wants his country to have a border that goes to Leb. and Syria in the north, Jordan on the east and Egypt in the south and the Med. in the west.


              • Originally posted by CyberGnu
                Siro, you might want to read through my post a few times. Eventually you might even understand it.

                Explain it to me, oh intelligent one.

                In the meantime you should probably try to be a little more civil. Insulting someone for a point you misunderstood only reflects poorly on you.

                Insulting you? Me? Never!

                I understand that you are frustrated and maybe a little shaken to learn that the media you have trusted as a kid turned out to lie habitually... But when you finally manage to wrap your mind around it you will be so much better off.


                Either prove that it is lying, or get the f*ck out of my threads and quit spamming them.


                • Regarding the children, yes I agree they are innocent. How should that influence the the resistance?

                  Hmm.... how about not targetting children?

                  Are you defending the practice of using children as human shields?

                  You are defending the practice of using children as targets.

                  Who is worse?

                  Anyway, you still owe me an answer to a question I asked several threads ago.

                  If you steal my house, is it moral that I come and kill your relatives one by one until you give it back?


                  • Ned, sorry, I didn't read that post until now, and I don't have time to read the whole thing, so would you mind clarifying one thing for me? Was the man who was aquitted ordered to do what he did?

                    If yes, I agree with the ruling. Disobeying an order was a capital offence in the german system... If not (which from what you have posted seems likely), then the court decision is crap. I think the guy should accompany Sharon to the firing squad.
                    Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                    • Explain it to me, oh intelligent one.
                      I've done that, repeatedly.... Go back and read again.

                      Insulting you? Me? Never!
                      Well, then, I'll remind you about that next time there is talking about extracting items from lower orifices.


                      Either prove that it is lying, or get the f*ck out of my threads and quit spamming them.


                      again, proving a negative. Look, most of the stuff you post is sourced from israeli media ir intelligence. They in turn usually don't source at all. I could theoretically interview every palestinian alive , and even then I can't prove that I missed someone, or maybe that he died before I got to him, or that one of them lied to me but told the truth to Israeli media etc.

                      You see?

                      The correct assumption is to believe it is not true until it is verified by a trustworthy source, such as a NYT journalist.
                      Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                      • Hmm.... how about not targetting children?
                        Have they knowingly attacked a kindergarten or a school? (take note of the word knowingly). And if so, was it part of a policy or an isolated incident? You are fond of pointing out that one bad apple doesn't represent every one else...

                        Have israeli children died? Yes, sure they have. And whose fault is that? Sharons. Very simple.
                        Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                        • You are defending the practice of using children as targets.

                          Who is worse?
                          Intriguingly, I don't defend the practice of targeting children. I think it is criminal to bring children with you when you commit a crime.

                          But you, my friend, just admitted to defending the practice of using children as human shields.... Are you a settler at heart, Siro?
                          Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                          • Anyway, you still owe me an answer to a question I asked several threads ago.

                            If you steal my house, is it moral that I come and kill your relatives one by one until you give it back?
                            Hmm, can't remember you asking that... But it's been a long thread.

                            Anyway, if my family insists on bringing food and ammo to me while I occupy my house, feel free to shoot them.

                            If they sit tight in their house and don't involve themselves in my crime, attacking them would be wrong. Just like attacking jews in Europe for Israels atrocities.
                            Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                            • Have they knowingly attacked a kindergarten or a school? (take note of the word knowingly). And if so, was it part of a policy or an isolated incident? You are fond of pointing out that one bad apple doesn't represent every one else...

                              Let me remind you of several incidents

                              1. A bomb is put next to school. Explodes 10 minutes before it the end of school, luckily.

                              2. A small bomb in a milk carton placed near a kindergarten (iirc)

                              3. Two israeli teens are murdered while taking a walk in the territories.

                              4. Several teens in a school in the territories, playing basketball are all gunned down.

                              5. Teen is lured over the internet to meet with a palestinian woman and then slaughtered

                              6. Suicide bomb at a disco for young (below 18) teens.

                              7. Suicide bomber approaches a bus stop in which only children are standing. Begins talking to them, gathering them around, explodes.

                              8. Suicide bombers which get on buses around 7, when children go to school, and over 50% of people on the bus are children.

                              9. Terrorist enters civilian house, guns down mother. guns down naked little girl which walks out of bathroom.

                              10. Terrorist enters school, guns down children in dorms.

                              11. Terrorist enters civilian house, shoots everyone in thier beds, including children.

                              I'm sure there have been lots of incidents I forgot.


                              • Well, then, I'll remind you about that next time there is talking about extracting items from lower orifices.


                                Little gnu is offended by expressions such as 'ass'.

                                Well, to yee of little knowledge of english:
                                "talk out of ones ass" = "speak bull****" = "talking without having the slightest idea or basis of his words"

                                It's a standard english expression. But I understand than english is a difficult language, and you being of the smart elite are probably not acquainted with slang.

                                Look, most of the stuff you post is sourced from israeli media ir intelligence. They in turn usually don't source at all. I could theoretically interview every palestinian alive , and even then I can't prove that I missed someone, or maybe that he died before I got to him, or that one of them lied to me but told the truth to Israeli media etc.

                                1. I doubt that even a third of what I post here is intelligence.

                                2. It being intelligence, you have a full right to take it with a grain of salt.

                                3. If an Israeli newspaper quotes a palestinian civilian or politician, you should trust it, unless you have an example of Israeli newspapers forging evidence.

                                4. You claims about not being able to substatiate said quotes applies equally to NYT and so on. And I do no accept the claim that NYT is "well known" etc, since just a month ago I read about a journalist in some major american newspaper (NYT or WT or WP) fabricating articles out of his arse. I see no difference between the liability of NYT and Haaretz or Jerusalem Post.

                                However, you are now minimizing your claims.

                                You have also claimed that Israeli newspapers bring quotes from arab speaking newspapers, which are obviously false, or misrepresented.

                                You must have an actual example of false quotes if you think so, or else, your opinion is unfounded and therefore I regard it as false.

                                Infact, I have also recently provided you with an Arabic -> English translator, which you could use to translate arabic newpapers and prove once and for all, that Israeli newspapers have a habbit of lying.

                                You can not automatically assume that the Israeli media is untrustworthy, just because you think so. You have to have some basis for it.

                                Other wise, you are infact inventing those claims, based on your prejudices.

