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  • Re: fall l/y

    Originally posted by faded glory
    "come here you little girly man"
    That picture reminds me of someone from Full Metal Jacket.

    Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

    Do It Ourselves


    • "Sounds like a cool game... I'll check it out..." Actually its an old game. But fortunately for me, I used to be a subscribing member of TEN back in the day. There, a guy who worked there named Mo made a small IP application with the permission of SSI which allowed 2 players to connect and play a 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 game. I should, if I had webspace, put it up and re-distribute it. There are alot of SP3 grognards out there who would give an arm and a leg for this. But I am probably one of a maybe dozen to still have. I gave it to Jon Miller. I was going to delete it back in 97 already. But I kept moving it from new CPU to new CPU


      • I have a few more older pictures actually. I scanned all of these at work and sent them to a long time friend, She used to be my old neighbor when I was little. We hadnt seen each other in like 20 years. Then I saw the value of putting them on the ACS picture threads.I have a few pics of my girlfriend too


        • Let's see your girlfriend's pics.
          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


          • This is a way older one. Like 4 years with an X.
            Attached Files


            • I lied when I said "Pictures" I meant, picture

              she sent me this before we moved in together. So about 1 1/2 years. You can also flip back and see one. Oh **** and this picture reminds me I need to take down the insulation on the window in the cpu room. No wonder its like a Suana.

              Oh ya and thats it from me tonight

              I have no more pictures to show you. Those will have to wait till future picture threads.
              Attached Files


              • Re: Re: fall l/y

                Originally posted by Osweld

                That picture reminds me of someone from Full Metal Jacket.

                That guy looks like he's having a hard time?


                • Originally posted by faded glory
         you realise that Boris gay?

                  Do you know what he is going to do with that picture? uhuh.....

                  Do you realise you are not very muscular at all? You baby...dont suck it in.
                  What, pray tell, will I do with it?

                  Actually, I tend to like the beefier looking men. That'd be you, FG. (but don't worry, you're personality as repulsed me... )

                  But I can find faaaaaaaaar better picks to to on the Web than you internet geeks.

                  Sava, my compliments. You seem pretty fit to me. The only thing I'd advise is more work on your arms. Pump it!
                  Tutto nel mondo è burla


                  • Originally posted by Asher

                    I would love to see that fight.

                    Although I'm 5'10 and 150, you're not too much bigger than I am.

                    When I was like 17,18 I was skinny weak, tall bean. After I broke my leg and made the transformation from skinny to fat-ass. I decided to dedicate 2 hours a day to working on my tone and running alot.After like a year I became a well-shaped person. But if I let up, it turns to flab. so I never let up.


                    • Originally posted by Boris Godunov

                      What, pray tell, will I do with it?

                      Actually, I tend to like the beefier looking men. That'd be you, FG. (but don't worry, you're personality as repulsed me... )

                      But I can find faaaaaaaaar better picks to to on the Web than you internet geeks.
                      Ill give you a call if I decide to switch my sexuality.

                      Is this how you get your boys off the net boris?

                      "Blondechick4uBG" I am a hot babe 17/f/cheerleader lookin for some fun lovin? Any hot men out there?

                      Never trust these supposed "women" in the AOL chat rooms. There all bloody perverts.


                      • Hehehe.

                        No, I am only into gay men, because straight men give very bad head.
                        Tutto nel mondo è burla


                        • Dunno all the women Ive been with say I give awesome head

                          oh wait..ya never mind...

                          Only joking. even if you cant tell. Im pretty jittery tonight.

                          Now I think ill go roll in the grassy hills and chase leperchauns out from under the mushrooms.


                          • Just try to imagine a place where you'd not like to get stubble burn.
                            Tutto nel mondo è burla


                            • ok one more......
                              Attached Files


                              • Wtf I never realised how ugly UK soldiers were in that game.....wrong one.

                                Once I got into the back of a bedford truck and there were like 8 of those guys staring at me. Needless to say, I jumped off to my death

