Well, with all the recent Sweden bashing, I figured it was prudent to celebrate June 6'th, Swedens national holiday. Well, not exactly holiday, since people still work, but as close at it gets :-)
The celebtration here in LA will most likely be confined to a few games of Kubb and maybe a wee bit of Akvavit
Now, lets sing!
Ur svenska hjaertans djup en gaang
en samfaeld och en enkel saang
som gaar till kungen fram
Var honom trofast och hans aett,
Goer kronan paa hans hjaessa laett
Och all din tro till honom saett
Du folk av frejdad stam
Till Konungen!
The celebtration here in LA will most likely be confined to a few games of Kubb and maybe a wee bit of Akvavit

Now, lets sing!
Ur svenska hjaertans djup en gaang
en samfaeld och en enkel saang
som gaar till kungen fram
Var honom trofast och hans aett,
Goer kronan paa hans hjaessa laett
Och all din tro till honom saett
Du folk av frejdad stam
Till Konungen!