A Bugs masterclass in how to become an illegal alien in Britain, avoiding all those nasty immigration types. Just follow these steps.
1- Be white.
2- Speak English.
3- Travel to Britain on a return air ticket, with a fixed date of returm within 3 weeks of departure. Rip it up after you arrive, as you won't be using it.
4- Take a bit of cash- enough to plausibly support you for a couple of weeks.
5- Stroll nonchalently through the airport, and head for the London bars. Listen for bar staff with a vaguely similar accent to your own and strike up conversation by saying "Where are you from, mate?". Ask about work.
6- Relax. You're in. No-one will question you.
It's a fact. If you're white, English-speaking and just fancy bumming around in Britain entering illegally is a piece of cake.
If you're non-white, don't speak English and are fleeing for your life, you're screwed. Bad luck, mate. No darkies.
This is why I love anti-immigration discussions.
1- Be white.
2- Speak English.
3- Travel to Britain on a return air ticket, with a fixed date of returm within 3 weeks of departure. Rip it up after you arrive, as you won't be using it.
4- Take a bit of cash- enough to plausibly support you for a couple of weeks.
5- Stroll nonchalently through the airport, and head for the London bars. Listen for bar staff with a vaguely similar accent to your own and strike up conversation by saying "Where are you from, mate?". Ask about work.
6- Relax. You're in. No-one will question you.
It's a fact. If you're white, English-speaking and just fancy bumming around in Britain entering illegally is a piece of cake.
If you're non-white, don't speak English and are fleeing for your life, you're screwed. Bad luck, mate. No darkies.
This is why I love anti-immigration discussions.