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What's your favourite webcomic?

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  • Originally posted by JohnIII
    It's hardly a semantic argument. You rail against plot comics, I say 'hang on a minute, there are some really good ones', you say 'they are all soap operas', I say 'no they aren't', you say 'yes they are', I say 'look at this', you say 'I meant most of them'.
    Did I use the word "all"?

    I guess I should be more verbose next time. I thought it'd be quite obvious to the reader that there are some plot comics that, for example, would revolve around blowing **** up rather than a soap opera. But for the most part, the serialized plot comics online are soap operas.
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • But, you see, you just said 'plot comics', which, quite clearly, conjure up different images (hah!) for both of us. I think good storytelling, rarely updated; you think soap opera, frequently updated.


      • Originally posted by Asher

        I said "usually". Most good books do not become serialized.
        My point in piping up was to point out that serialization does not mean bad literature, or television, or...

        Did you see the latest Sluggy thread I posted in here?
        Tell me that's not a soap opera.
        Point for Asher. Except it's not really a 'soap opera' in that the strip does not usually deal with the mundane. I can see how many people can't relate to the highly fanciful stories though.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • Originally posted by KrazyHorse
          I find him very normal.
          I've never met another educated person who doesn't read fiction. I've never heard of anyone else who's main complaint against adventure films is that their endings are predictable, and that they therefore carry no meaning. I've never met anyone else who likes Nickelback. (Caveat: Apparently over 20 Million people do.) He's just... Strange. Sees things from an entirely different perspective.

          Which I suppose is a good thing. I have a roommate who, frankly, isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but she occasionally asks questions from angles that will stump me for minutes at a time. It helps intellectual development that we're all different.

          Asher is trickier because since our precepts are so different it's impossible to get a substantial grip anywhere on him. Attempt to argue Art, Music, Films or (here) Literature with him, and you'll find yourself struggling no matter how wrong he is. Because all the familiar values that intellectuals supposedly share do not apply to Asher. He's... Strange.
          Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
          Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21


          • Originally posted by Snapcase I've never met another educated person who doesn't read fiction. I've never heard of anyone else who's main complaint against adventure films is that their endings are predictable, and that they therefore carry no meaning. I've never met anyone else who likes Nickelback. (Caveat: Apparently over 20 Million people do.) He's just... Strange. Sees things from an entirely different perspective.
            Check, check, and check. I need to meet better people .

            Oh, and the turn. I want to finish you off.


            • Originally posted by Snapcase
              I've never met another educated person who doesn't read fiction. I've never heard of anyone else who's main complaint against adventure films is that their endings are predictable, and that they therefore carry no meaning. I've never met anyone else who likes Nickelback. (Caveat: Apparently over 20 Million people do.) He's just... Strange. Sees things from an entirely different perspective.
              I like things that I like. I don't do things simply because everyone else does them, but I also don't do things because nobody else does them. I like bands that I enjoy listening to, I don't care if they "develop" as artists or if they're "copying" or "just another rock band" or whatever. I think you look too much into music to the point of not enjoying it for what it is.

              And there are tons of educated people who don't read literature.

              Asher is trickier because since our precepts are so different it's impossible to get a substantial grip anywhere on him. Attempt to argue Art, Music, Films or (here) Literature with him, and you'll find yourself struggling no matter how wrong he is. Because all the familiar values that intellectuals supposedly share do not apply to Asher. He's... Strange.
              The problem here is you think there is a right and a wrong in art, music, films, and literature.
              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


              • There is a right and a wrong. But they are subjective.

                I think you look too much into music to the point of not enjoying it for what it is.
                But there has to be something there, something that interests you...that Nickelback song, You Remind Me or whatever, just drones, and drones, and drones. On the other hand, Squarepusher positively fizzes.


                • Originally posted by JohnIII
                  There is a right and a wrong. But they are subjective.

                  Am I surrounded by pompous music critics again?

                  But there has to be something there, something that interests you...that Nickelback song, You Remind Me or whatever, just drones, and drones, and drones. On the other hand, Squarepusher positively fizzes.

                  I like it.

                  It's okay if you have different opinions, but there still is no right and wrong. People who claim are rights and wrongs in this type of thing tend to be pretentious music critics.
                  "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                  Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                  • No music critic I, I just listen to the stuff. That was just a joke.


                    • Ah, okay, I can't tell when people are joking about that sort of thing.

                      Anyway, Snapcase, it's true that I think differently from what most people tend to do. When I'm in school the teacher tends to explain things in ways that make sense to most students by drawing comparisons and all that, but most of them make no sense to me. I've got to study the books myself before I begin thinking of it in my own quirky ways to understand it.

                      And it can be quite a benefit to have unorthodox thinking, especially in a field like computer science which is about problem solving.
                      "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                      Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                      • Originally posted by Asher
                        Someone find me a good joke from Sluggy. I've never seen one on there in my life.


                        No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                        • Originally posted by Asher
                          * Asher notes the latest comic is setting up the for the joke, as you can tell by the "To be contiunued" part at the bottom.

                          Plus, as you can see, the artwork is way, way better than Sluggy.
                          I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. Many of the Sunday strips, and pretty much the entire Fire and Rain storyline, has some of the best art I've seen in webcomics. BTW, I don't like Penny Arcade's artwork -- it's much too loud for my tastes.

                          If you told Pete that Sluggy dosen't have the best artwork...well, he'd agree. Sluggy isn't about the artwork. It's about the characters, the story, and the really, really bad puns.

                          Last edited by The Mad Monk; June 2, 2002, 07:31.
                          No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                          • Hmm... some of my usual visits have been mentioned, some haven't.

                            In no particular order:

                            User Friendly is what got me into webcomics in the first place, although I've been less fond of the recent material.

                            Angst Technologies is in a vaguely similar vein, and since I have friends working at video game companies, somewhat relevant to me.

                            Megatokyo. Quite possibly the first "big" American made doujinshi. Excellent stuff.

                            Strange Candy. More fun for the Otaku in You.

                            Exploitation Now. It has rather evolved over the course of time, and right now seems to be the Fun for the Evil Genius in Us All webcomic. Good stuff.

                            Fire Always Makes it Better. With a title like that, how could you not love it? The artwork is pretty variable, but the story is interesting.

                            Schlock Mercenary. Pigs in space... wait, wrong story. Good, messy fun. With plasma cannons.

                            Something Positive. Choo-Choo Bear. I don't need to say more.

                            "Who's daddy's favorite weapon, huh? Is it Choo-Choo? Yes, it is! Such a good hand-to-hand weapon you are."
                            -- Davan ("Something Positive")

