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European Song Contest

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  • I have said before he looked like you, winston.

    But for some reason, he makes the impression of being somewhat... conservative. Maybe that is because he actually is, but that's not an excuse for being such. Therefore, proven inductively, he's bad


    • In view of your last statement, you couldn't have chosen a better avatar andy.

      That is if you really had to have one. It's by far the coolest not to, you know.


      • the coolest not to what?

        and guess why I picked that one


        • Having an avatar is a clear sign of vanity and general mental despair. I think.

          So why have one at all? Leave it blank, it's like running naked in the street every time you post. Gotta love it.


          • Did that until some people started considering me stupid some weeks ago. That is my protest.


            • Looks like a clothing iron to me.

              We're basically spamming aren't we? I feel so naughty.


              • Having an avatar is a clear sign of vanity and general mental despair. I think.

                And voting for our current PM isn't? Never trust a politician who's wearing nice clothing! They're eeevil I tell ya!


                • Ah, you're so young Monk. I'm sure you'll understand eventually though. You can't always vote for people with no clothes on.


                  • No Winston, I'll never grow up and think like you and get married and vote for a real party and become smart and educated and look like the prime minister and stop smoking weed and buy a house in the suburb and raise two children


                    • Winston, are you Denmark's PM?


                      • Having an avatar is a clear sign of vanity and general mental despair. I think.
                        Having avatar is like having clothes on. You horrible naked little pervert.

                        Anyway, you Danes and your Rasmussens.
                        "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
                        "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


                        • You Finns and your Toms.


                          • My advice would be to go study abroad and settle down there afterwards Monk. Forget deciding on Ã…rhus or København. Much cooler abroad, for sure.

                            Just trying to help.

                            Andy, I have been known to be booed at in the street. Unfortunately I'm not at liberty to tell you any more.


                            • Monk, is that your PM dancing in your Avatar? or are you happy to see me?


                              • Oh, and I never stopped smoking weed. I was much too intellectually gifted to ever begin.

                                I still smoke though, but that's mainly to annoy the people around me.

