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French Elections : Will Le Pen make it to the second round?

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  • Originally posted by Eli
    I believe that in the next election campaign, or at the one after it, Le Pen or his successor will win.

    The classical Eli Bull-****.
    The main problem that is a higher rate of people didn't vote.

    Actually 50% of people who voted for FN didn't rely want to see it as president.

    Now the good point of this ****. We will see how many french want to see LePen as their president.

    In this case I will prepare my passport. Looking for another state.
    Zobo Ze Warrior
    Your brain is your worst enemy!


    • BTW, I am amused when reading Europeans bash "Dubya" for being so damn conservative. For the most part he's fairly moderate, more of an economic conservative than a social conservative. By the way, why are European countries so much more liberal than the U.S.?
      Remember that you are looking from American perspective. From European perspective, it's self-evident that Dubya is a far-right conservative, as a member of European conservative party would be a center-left Democrat in America. For instance, Dubya seems to be pro-life, as in ban all abortions except to save mother's life - this alone makes him socially very conservative if you look from European perspective. To use a way of explaining this that only Finns will understand, Republican party is like cross between Pia-Noora Kauppi's economic ideals and Mika Ebeling's social ideals.

      (and it's doubtful that these images were truly from september, as some people said they were from a 1991 news)
      If people would just stop with old rumors already.
      "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
      "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


      • What I just heard on CNN made me sick. Some pro-Israel group in the USA said that "Europe hasn't learned enough from WW2". Sick bastards.
        Last edited by Saint Marcus; April 22, 2002, 07:33.
        Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


        • Originally posted by Saint Marcus
          What I just heard on CNN made me sick. Some pro-Israel group in the USA said that "Europe hasn't learned enough from WW2". Sick bastards.
          Isn't that quite typical for pro-Israeli's?
          I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


          • Since the Oslo treaty, there were only right-wing governments in Israël, and they all made nearly all what they could to sink the peace. That's why Europe is not feeling sympathy for Israël.
            la la la , you don't know what you're talking about , lalala....
            no true lalala

            Why Palestinians were happy to hear about the Two Towers (and it's doubtful that these images were truly from september, as some people said they were from a 1991 news) is perfectly explained by the sentence in bold in your quote.
            defending the undefendable... lalalala....


            • Isn't that quite typical for pro-Israeli's?
              Don't know, but it's certainly out of line. All our nations have suffered tremendously in the worst war in human history, and left a permanent scar.

              And the Israelis, of all people, say that the Europeans haven't learned enough from WW2. As I see it, they are the ones who haven't learned. They have been oppressed throughout history, and they should know how bad oppression is. Yet, now that they have power they are becomming oppressors themselves.
              Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


              • I wonder if Animal Farm was translated into Hebrew...


                • Originally posted by Eli

                  Good : 8/10 on Eli European BS scale.

                  That's why I voted for him. The enemy of your enemy...
                  I'm sure you would have voted for this scvm. And jew don't have (for now) be afraid by LePen, many french jew are agree with its (non-)policies.

                  Let me show what I'm thinking about such quote : (No body have gaging smiley ?) : S H I T
                  Zobo Ze Warrior
                  Your brain is your worst enemy!


                  • Originally posted by Ecthelion
                    You voted Le Pen? Just let me get this straight, you moved there, "acquired" French citizenship (no Provost, he didn't download it ) and then voted for HIM?
                    or in the poll?
                    Sorry for pals, but I prefere that Lepen and all its spawns acquired Israeli citizenship and go out from here ! I'm sure he will find friends over here.
                    Zobo Ze Warrior
                    Your brain is your worst enemy!


                    • Originally posted by ZoboZeWarrior

                      Sorry for pals, but I prefere that Lepen and all its spawns acquired Israeli citizenship and go out from here ! I'm sure he will find friends over here.
                      No need. He has enough friends in France, 17% of the population. And in the next elections campaigns it will only grow and grow.
                      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                      • Originally posted by Boddington's
                        Don't you want to see something done about crime? About employment?

                        Le Pen isn't against the immigrants themselves (ie, he isn't a racist), but he is against immigration. Big difference.

                        Without such a pandering to political correctness, France will be able to deal more effectively with crime (with the acknowledgement that minorities do commit more crime). Etc etc.
                        He's racist. Sometime he forget to play the non-racist guy and then it's "funny".

                        He is talking only demagogy. Using fears. He using the same old tricks. If u have problems, its the stranger. French r perfect and the best people. But strangers spoil your country ...

                        Sad to see such basic trick is so efficient.
                        Zobo Ze Warrior
                        Your brain is your worst enemy!


                        • I support either Chirac or Le Pen. More Le Pen because I think France needs to reassert itself in the world. These election results is good news for France. Even if Le Pen loses, this would be a major blow to the socialists and that is a positive thing.

                          If Le Pen is elected it would be even better for my world plan... J/K

                          Europe is shifting right, face it... that is what is happening.

                          (My opinion, I know because I am right-wing aswell)
                          For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                          • Iknow I shouldn't care since some americans are vigorously anti-palestinian anti-muslim and racist even if the know it or not.

                            Faelin or what's his name said I advocate arming Palestine.

                            Where he seen me say it I don't know.

                            But some americans are really blind and jump on the anti-semitic train to justify their blindness to the middle eastern conflict and their inability to see both sides of the argument.

                            I couldn't care less.

                            I support the creation of a Palestinian state.

                            Also it is funny how anti-muslims jump on the anti-semitic european argument.

                            Well you can bash as much as you want.You are only being funny. Go protect the blacks and then come and teach us something about respet. Go abolish the death penalty too.

                            Jesus some of you guys are pathetic and the source of the problem.

                            As far as Palestine being armed. Against what? A 100 times armed Israel??

                            palestine gets support from Europe and will continue to get support until it gets its freedom.

                            Some of the americans are too one-sided.


                            • Palestine gets support from Europe? You mean Northern Europe?

                              Bush doesn't support the creation of a seperate state for Palestine?

                              Huh? Am I missing something??

                              Paiktis you got problems of jumping on people for having different beliefs.

                              Some of you socialist europeans are too one-sided.
                              For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                              • Palestine gets support from the EU.

