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A War Crime in Jenin?

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  • According to ABC news radio... the accusations of war crimes in Jenin are false.


    • S.Kroeze : ... you take him seriously. *points finger and laughs*


      • Originally posted by Dalgetti
        S.Kroeze : ... you take him seriously. *points finger and laughs*
        I guess you are right here.

        At the same time, I fear that the disastrous policy of Israel and its Western allies during the last 35 years will inevitably result in the complete ruin of Israel AND the Middle East.
        The attack on the WTC was probably only the beginning....
        Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


        • well, I don't think it has to do only with the western alies. The people of the region don't throw away their obsolete habits.


          • Originally posted by Dalgetti
            well, I don't think it has to do only with the western alies.
            The people of the region don't throw away their obsolete habits.
            Again I agree.

            That's the reason why it would have been better when Israel wouldn't have been created. And without Hitler and the Holocaust it would never have been.

            No one EVER asked the Arab population whether they liked to become part of a Jewish state.
            Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


            • sure they did ask. The arabs said 'no'.

              but the jews that already were in parts of the country, and even were a majority in them, said 'hell yeah! we want a country!'.
              The arabs said, 'No way , jose. It's all mine'. The brits said , "fvck it, we're going home" .

              war errupted. jews won.


              • Originally posted by Dalgetti
                The arabs said 'no'.
                I would consider that a clear warning.....
                Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


                • oh , so now we should be afraid of bullying?


                  • Originally posted by Dalgetti
                    oh , so now we should be afraid of bullying?
                    Whether you should be afraid is your personal decision.

                    Yet I am not the only one believing the state of Israel is utterly doomed.
                    "The second Holocaust"
                    So when you value your life, I would advise you to migrate as soon as possible -and I really mean it.
                    Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


                    • Where would you recommend he go and how will that make Jews safer in the long run? It seems axiomatic to me that having military force makes survival more likely.


                      • An interesting picture that shows the true proportions of the "destruction" and the "massacre".

                        "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                        • Originally posted by jimmytrick
                          Israel has the means to kill thousands upon thousands of Palestinians, but they don't.

                          Arafat has the means to kill dozens of Israelis. And he does.

                          Israel may not hold the moral high ground but to insinuate that their actions are as reprehensible as Arafat's is insulting to our intellegence and plainly insentitive to the truth.
                          I completely agree with Jimmytrick (for the first time ever...)
                          "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is to have with them as little political connection as possible... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world, so far as we are now at liberty to do it." George Washington- September 19, 1796


                          • those pictures do not show the people that are killed, only the building that are destroyed.
                            Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                            • Originally posted by S. Kroeze

                              Whether you should be afraid is your personal decision.

                              Yet I am not the only one believing the state of Israel is utterly doomed.
                              "The second Holocaust"
                              So when you value your life, I would advise you to migrate as soon as possible -and I really mean it.
                              And when kids start bullying my children in school because they are Jews(happened recently in Norway), they'll move to another school? And when i'm attacked on the street because i'm a Jew(France), I'll run away? And we'll help fixing the local synagogue once in a month(all of Europe)? And repainting the graves of my parents once in a while, removing the swastikas painted on them?(world wide)

                              Nope. I'd rather die like the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising than to hide my identity in any place I go to(and such day will eventually come for the European Jewry).
                              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                              • Originally posted by Eli
                                I'd rather die like the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising than to hide my identity in any place I go to(and such day will eventually come for the European Jewry).
                                It is amazing how well you are able to express the emotions of the Palestinians. They have been living for some 35 years under ghetto-like circumstances.

                                They cannot travel abroad, marry or even dig a well without permission of the Israeli government.

                                And most of them are willing to die.....

                                Should the British have tried to continue their empire in India, though this is a far more -less desert, more mineral resources- alluring country?

                                I suspect you never read newspapers. Otherwise you would know that European Muslims are frequently despised, not the Jews.
                                Personally I do not like women with headscarfs.
                                Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State

