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Congress spends quarter million to combat Goth culture in Missouri

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Albert Speer
    Get called a sand ni**er by one of these freak goths...
    Damn Speer, you're beginning to sound as pitiable as the Goths. "I was teased by the gangster dudes once and..."

    Combine that with your frequent and flagrant eye popping posts and what do you have? You guessed it, attention deprivation syndrome (I made that up). And the best way to deal with it is? No, the best way to deal with it isn't galavanting about pinning for eveyones attention.

    You people are on one hell of a highway of emotinal instability.


    • #62
      I'm a metalhead, not a goth, but I must say:

      I was the first. Yes you heard it here first. When all you wannabe goths were in your diapers I was dressing in black and goth attire. So all goths should get on their knees and pray to the almight Dissident.

      BTW I do hate most "goth" music whatever that is. I assume it is like cradle of filth. I can't stand the screaming cradle of filth does. but I do like their 2 cover songs Hell Awaits, and hallowed be thy name. they also have 1 or 2 other songs I like.

      But I do like Marylin Manson. But only his eariler stuff that Trent Reznor produced. You can see the differenct Reznor made. His best work was smells like children and anti-christ superstar. After Treznor stopped producing the work, the quality has dropped off. Mechanical Animals only had a few good songs, the rest sucked.


      • #63
        Marylin Manson is not considered "Goth" here. It is considered "fake"


        • #64
          Albert Speer, what the hell are you talking about? You're off your head! All the gothy types I have ever met, despite being somewhat differently dressed, have always been very pleasant and definitely way above average intelligence in all case, and amongst which racism is far less prevalent.

          And speaking of racist Albert, why do you still persist on using the name of a Nazist as your username. Talk about blatant hypocrisy!

          paiktis, so true too
          Speaking of Erith:

          "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


          • #65
            Congress spends quarter million to combat Goth culture in Missouri
            Perhaps Marilyn Manson could spare a quarter-million to combat Republican culture in Missouri.


            • #66
              Speaking of Erith:

              "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith

