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The Palestinian.

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  • #76
    It didn't before you edited it you Honk

    What the hell is a "honk", my dearest Hun?
    12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
    Stadtluft Macht Frei
    Killing it is the new killing it
    Ultima Ratio Regum


    • #77
      Originally posted by Sirotnikov

      The term "hebrew" is no longer. It has been unified with "Jew" and now every Jew is either Jew in religion, either in nationality / ethnicity or both.
      Here in Greece we still call you Hebrews. You'll never here the word Jew unless specifically refering to the respected religion.

      Siro, why is Jew preferable than Hebrew? Does religion overpasses nationality or did you always called yourself Jews rather than Hebrews?

      Originally posted by Sirotnikov

      However, unlike Islam, the Jewish religion/nationality is not binding and does not have a single mainstream.
      I will have to disagree on this. Islam does not bind religion with nationality. Perhaps they are first muslims and then anything else but they do distinguish their nationalities. Modern history dictates that. Iran-Iraq war, Iraqi attack on Quwait and the Arab rule over the Palestians in Jordan. But yes, when a non-muslim nation attack a muslim nation all muslims all over the world unite.

      As Jew I guess you know better than I do but don't you have to be Hebrew to be Jew? If that's true then isn't religion bind to nationality?

      Originally posted by Sirotnikov

      You will hardly hear of Jewish religious preachers getting near politics.
      That applies for preachers of all religions in democratic states, at list in the Western world.
      And believing in a religion does not necessarily makes you a preacher.

      Originally posted by Sirotnikov

      You'll never get "blind support" for anything, and most likely, some half of the people will disagree with you on any topic what so ever.
      True. But sometimes many even the majority might agree with you

      Originally posted by Sirotnikov

      As far as the "murder" of the mother and child... I frankly cast serious doubt on it.

      I've heard a claim that they were shot and left to bleed to death, as ambulances were not allowed to arrive. That's wierd since the picture shows almost no blood, and if they bled to death, there should have been plenty.

      Furthermore, if you don't believe in IDF's morals, it would seem rediculous for IDF to even waste bullets on that.

      They could have very well died of other reasons. And it wouldn't be the first time.

      Some several months ago, a Pal doctor invited the press to watch a dying child, told them he was hurt from Israeli fire, and now he died.

      After a few days, the truth surfaced, that the kid was simply mortally injured from something else, and the Pal doctor decided to earn some sympathy points.

      I don't have the source now, but I can try and track it.
      Siro, I wasn't an eye witness of the event so you might be right but I some how doubt. Yes, I find the event with the doctor you mentioned very possible and I don't need the link, I frankly believe you. But I find kind extreme that a father would face his dead wife and son and would passively claim that it was Israeli's work while it wasn't. OK, if there is no blood at all anywhere near it could be a Palestinian propaganda and that would be sick but perhaps they died just outside the door and he drew them inside. Blood after a while stops spilling even if you're dead.


      • #78
        Originally posted by paiktis22

        Yeah I thought so. The yalazio and the mple.
        Stop trying your dirty Greek homosexual advances on me!

        You and the Italians must have made a perfect pair; they'd turn their backs to run and you'd introduce them to the "Spartan" way of doing things...
        12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
        Stadtluft Macht Frei
        Killing it is the new killing it
        Ultima Ratio Regum


        • #79
          Originally posted by KrazyHorse

          Stop trying your dirty Greek homosexual advances on me!

          You and the Italians must have made a perfect pair; they'd turn their backs to run and you'd introduce them to the "Spartan" way of doing things...
          You were the one desperate for olive oil not so long ago. And when I told you I don't do guys you got angry.

          Besides I have proof that all Canadians are gay.

          A friend of mine went to Canada and got layed 5 times in a week. The girls there were desperate for some c0ck. And when they found the Greek one, the best in the world, they jumped all over it.


          • #80
            Originally posted by KrazyHorse
            What the hell is a "honk", my dearest Hun?
            Hint #1: It's not a worker with a tool in each hand.

            And I agree about paiktis. What is a yalazio anyway?


            • #81
              Paiktis, you idiot!

              Those were men!

              Your friend just thought they were girls because they didn't have as much back hair as your women do.
              12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
              Stadtluft Macht Frei
              Killing it is the new killing it
              Ultima Ratio Regum


              • #82
                Originally posted by paiktis22
                You were the one desperate for olive oil not so long ago. And when I told you I don't do guys you got angry.

                Besides I have proof that all Canadians are gay.

                A friend of mine went o Canada and got layed 5 times in a week. The girls there were desperate for some c0ck. And when they found the Greek one, the best in the world, they jumped all over it.
                They jumped over the WHAT please? I hope you don't mean what I think you mean But then I never know with Greeks, so I'm prepared for anything. BTW, it's interesting how you turn your back(side) on me now that KH is here. Found some new arse to desperately long for?


                • #83
                  At last a good one

                  Originally posted by KrazyHorse
                  Those were men!

                  Your friend just thought they were girls because they didn't have as much back hair as your women do.

                  Nah, he would have known the difference. Telling Canadian men from women is very hard though. I give you that.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Ecthelion

                    They jumped over the WHAT please? I hope you don't mean what I think you mean But then I never know with Greeks, so I'm prepared for anything. BTW, it's interesting how you turn your back(side) on me now that KH is here. Found some new arse to desperately long for?
                    I've used yours and now I dumped you. Get over it, you'll have something to tell your grandchildren.


                    • #85
                      BTW my little uneducated german nazi crypto gay.

                      jumped on what?

                      what do you think?

                      there is a c0ck. there is a girl. let your imagination run wild.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Shi Huangdi

                        Maybe, but Constantinople is named after a ROMAN emperor. SO why don't you use the Greek name Istanbul instead of the one named after a country that occupied you? You must be a traitor to Greece.
                        Constantine the Great might have been Roman but it doesn't necessarily means that his name was Roman too. Ever crossed your mind that it might have been a Greek name? There is a logo regarding the Greeks and the Italians well known in both countries. "Una fatcha una ratcha" (not sure for the spell). It means "one face one race"

                        Besides my first name is Constantine so do not expect me to call it anything else than Constantinople


                        • #87
                          Stop lying to yourself and admit you were not half as close as you wish you were

                          Originally posted by paiktis22
                          BTW my little uneducated german nazi crypto gay.
                          Is that all you can come up with nowadays? Quite feeble for someone trying that hard to be a troll...


                          • #88
                            Stop fantasizing.

                            Originally posted by Ecthelion

                            Is that all you can come up with nowadays? Quite feeble for someone trying that hard to be a troll...
                            Look cherry, you're in the game or you're not. Don't alter states from silliness to seriousness. Stick to the first.


                            • #89
                              4/10 at best, and that is yesterday counted in!

                              Look paiktis, this is getting boring. You failed in entertaining me, quite a disappointment.

                              I'll go look after some blonde German ladies now. Go amuse that boy mowing your lane instead. Being of your kind he should be a little more into your prefered practiques than I am.


                              • #90
                                oooh, little ecthelinaki is putting grades

                                Originally posted by Ecthelion
                                Look paiktis, this is getting boring. You failed in entertaining me, quite a disappointment.

                                I'll go look after some blonde German ladies now. Go amuse that boy mowing your lane instead. Being of your kind he should be a little more into your prefered practiques than I am.
                                I'm sorry to break this to you handsome, but with a face like yours, the only thing you can hope for is a deraaanged german factory worker with a foot fetisch, not your female beasts.

