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MING - lock this forum before it becomes a real spam festival

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  • #16
    I wrote apology do dan.....I know im probably gonna get the worst for not telling a mod in the first place.


    • #17
      DanQ has requested me to make "recommendations" for their approval. Now remember, I'm the guy that now has to review all that was posted... so if you have anything to say, I would suggest sending me a PM in the very near future
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #18
        Don't worry, we'll start our own apolyton support forum.
        We'll call it G-spot

        I'm sorry that I had to "squeak" but there was quite a crowd that knew about area 19 and didn't post.

        There was more crowd, who was getting to know area 19 via my temporary avatar and Osweld's direct links.

        If this wouldn't have stopped now, we'd only have more to regret


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ming
          DanQ has requested me to make "recommendations" for their approval. Now remember, I'm the guy that now has to review all that was posted... so if you have anything to say, I would suggest sending me a PM in the very near future
          Im sorry! Just be lucky an idiot like me found it and told the the wrong people.

          Please no ban?


          • #20
            come on FG, let's do the manly thing.

            we have two options:

            1. begin to blame each other and bash accusations while shifting responsability
            2. be grown ups and go cry together in a corner


            • #21
              IT WAS ELI!!!!! HE MADE US DO IT!

              EDIT- WINK ICON


              • #22
                Please be advised that neither Eli, nor PH nor snapcase are online and are able to send you clarifications.


                • #23
                  I've saved all the threads, and the forum should be deleted by now. Now for the fun stuff... I get to make a list after reading through every post... this should be fun

                  I'd like to thank all of those involved for wasting mine and DanQ's time...
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #24
                    Or you could just not worry about it, or maybe give 'em each a 50 post PCR
                    Follow me on Twitter:
                    Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:


                    • #25
                      I have ICQ logs proving that I didn't post in the thread until i became utterly convnced it was a hoax by one of the site's owners (specifically - markos)

                      And hey - wasting time is what we in the OT do for a living


                      • #26
                        I was thinking more like 10% and zeroing out those that don't have many posts. And maybe a week in the islands for the ring leaders... still thinking about it as I waste my evening reading through it
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • #27
                          Interesting. SUCKERS!!! You knew you'd get found out eventually! **ROTFL** Yet you still posted to "Area 19." It was either an April Fools joke all along or a genuine "unknown" forum to TPTB. Either way, I bet some PCRs are forthcoming.

                          Hey, has anyone on this thread watched "Groundhog's Day"? You know, the movie where the guy repeats the day over and over again? Kind of like posting in Area 25, then posting again in Area 19? Repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Sheesh. Can't wait til the next "unknown" forum rears its head next year on or about April 1.

                          May the Force be with thy Area 19 posters. You shall need it, for the Dark Side is strong!

                          "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

                          "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


                          • #28
                            Has anyone changed their minds about bannanas and strawberries??
                            A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                            • #29
                              Follow me on Twitter:
                              Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:


                              • #30
                                Ok, the evidence I've gathered so far from my ICQ logs prove that from around 11 PM local time, (8 hours and 45 minutes ago) when I learnt about it, I was until midnight convinced it was a hoax.

                                This conviction begins to wear down much later, when arond 3 AM I slightly begin to worry that perhaps this isn't a joke after all, and ask mark_lipovrovsky whom I've told this, not to tell to other people, including moderators.

                                Could post it

                                Shutup mr. fun

