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MING - lock this forum before it becomes a real spam festival

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  • MING - lock this forum before it becomes a real spam festival

    I thought it was your way of joking with us ... another area 25.. hahaha.

    If it is so - you are bastards.

    If it's not - you're still bastards.

    Meanwhile it's some 50 posts by different people, expressing excitement at this new find, and speculations as to it's nature.

    If left alone - this will grow up to be an Area 25.

  • #2
    My account on what happenned:

    On April 1st in the evening I was contacted by Eli who told me that another dead forum was discovered. I approached the issue with caution, and spent some 5 minutes browsing it, and checking it's connections with the outside world.

    It was hidden from sight. The posts appeared nowhere but on the "Last Post" part in the user profiles, which isn't a place people often visit.

    I immediatelly told Eli that I think we shouldn't allow for another A25 incident, and asked him to yell at FG for making some spammish posts. All of those contained in one short thread.

    Remembering the date I immediatelly began suspecting it's some kind of joke. What was the punchline I wasn't sure. But MarkG and DanQ kept quite quiet, which seemed... suspicios. It also seemed suspicious that such an incident will occur again, this time with vBB.

    Shortly, convinced I understood the hoax, I posted in Snapcase's thread by the same name. It was obviously, I thought, a parody of the Area 25 incident, where a dead forum has been found, and later spammed and filled with Porn.

    Furthermore, I created yet another comedy thread titled "Do not post here" to commemorate yet another mass banning event - in which Ming opened a thread with this inviting title and then banned everyone who posted in it.

    After telling some people about this place, and asking what they thought, I became yet more sure that this was a joke played on us by MarkG. More so I suspected FG cooperatd with him, since he was the first to "fidn" this forum - oh what a coincidence - a few days before April first. A perfect setup - I thought.

    After a while has passed, and no moderator admitted to this hoax, I decided to try and show it to the world, in hope that this would bring more visitors, and increase moderator's satisfaction and he will be able to end this joke calling it a success.

    I created two similar avatars, which I interchanged changed, which I wrote after FG's title given to the forum - G-Spot. To allow for better connection, I called it, like Eli suggested, Area 19.

    I hoped people would start finding it. Eli told me they'll all find it too quick and it'll end bad. He and others behaved as thought they still hoped this was real and we could "inherit" the place, while to me it was obvious this was a hoax. I even thought Eli was in on it.

    Then I created a thread proclaiming this a "real" find and suggesting we invent our own rules if we intend to settle this for good. Thereby I was hoping to draw the attention of the pranksters, among them I thought, were FG and Eli, who were responsible for trasmitting this information.

    Meanwhile Axi failed to understand the avatar so I changed it back. FG Started a thread titled G-Spot in the OT, I'm not sure with what intention. Probably diverting attention from my avatar.

    Eli decided to have some fun and talk about the Forum in code words. I decided to join the fun. This would allowed many people to understand and find the thread by themselves, which is, as I believed, more satisfying that simply following a link. Being an appretnice hacker, I know how much the feeling, of discovering things yourself usng logic and puzzle guessing, is pleasurable.

    Soon came Osweld who I saw as trying to present himself as the "bigger man" by blaiming us of behaving like chldren and posting the link.

    I thought it would be a great opportunity to see what the mods thought of it, whether it was indeed a prank or reality. When I saw no one cared, I decided to continue the prankish mood and posted yet another winking and hinting post.

    This no doubt made Osweld annoyed. How could we have ignored his warnings and continue to play with our foolishness? Otherwise, how can one explain the fact that he bumped this thread, in which no one took interest in, from the middle of page two again to the top?

    And did the content of Osweld's next post change? Slightly. Again, appearing to me as thinking he is Linda Trip or Kenneth Starr, Osweld scolded the two posts appearing after his first as immature, and linked yet again to the Forum discovery, this time using words to explain that it's our "secret hideout", even though I tried to bring people in. Feeling probably that his post would be spammish otherwise (and rightly so), he added some content regarding the thread's official (diverting) topic - Gamespot magainze reviews.

    By that time, it was clear this is not a hoax, since April 1st ended, and no one appeared to call the bluff. People like Eli and FG feared that their discovery might cost them a ban or a post count reduction. I didn't think so, and stated my mind. This is in contrast to a previous post I made which is phoney, and if you "select" it you'll see background colored text prooving my initial thoghts.

    Then I decided to laugh a little at Osweld and his "older than though" attitude. Which he didn't understnad. I found his behaviour, mimicking a journalist exposing a big scoop and repeating the info, quite amusing.


    • #3


      • #4
        April Fool!!
        ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
        ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


        • #5
          let me say for the 10th time. I am NOT anybody puppet. I found it..myself. Is that hard to believe?


          • #6
            What so funny?

            If we had left this alone, this would have grown into Area 25.

            Then we'd ged burned much more.

            We had our fun. It's better to stop now, before damage was done.


            • #7
              Please read the threads themselves prior to decision of giving or not giving punishment.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                Please read the threads themselves prior to decision of giving or not giving punishment.

                ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ming
                  Well... a bunch of people are about to get suspended. And anybody that posts there now will have their penality doubled.
                  Come on Ming......have mercy

                  We could of kept it hidden..Damn. I know im gonna get the hatchette for being the lead man who discovered it.

                  Cant you just give me a PCR and call it even


                  • #10
                    Funny stuff...

                    I fell for it hook line and sinker...
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by faded glory

                      Come on Ming......have mercy

                      We could of kept it hidden..Damn. I know im gonna get the hatchette for being the lead man who discovered it.

                      Cant you just give me a PCR and call it even

                      They should give you a PCI (post count increase) for discovering it for them!
                      ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                      ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Caligastia

                        They should give you a PCI (post count increase) for discovering it for them!

                        Na I just chewed my way out of the last ban. But Im still scratching my head. Why is there P&P forum?

                        Oh and someone else would have found it.


                        • #13
                          This thread exposed G-Spot aka Area 19 aka "CtP-Peace & Prosperity " to the world


                          • #14
                            Any action taken will be determinded by the owners.
                            DanQ is looking into it right now.

                            Good luck folks...
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • #15
                              Would it be a good time to suggest to make you a new avatar?

