To all those opposed to choice:
I cannot understand why you bother the poor souls who are trying to abort their 1st trimester fetuses.
If you truly believe that life begins at conception, you must begin by attacking Bristol-Meyers and all the pharmaceuticals who manufacture birth control pills, and rather than targetting abortionists, target any doctor who prescribes birth control pills.
If destroying a zygote is murder, than abortions are a miniscule fraction of the "murder" that is going on.
Because contrary to the name "contraceptive" birth control pills do NOT prevent conception. They prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterine lining.
So, for each year a woman is on BCP, there are probably an average of four "murders". Do the math.
I cannot understand why you bother the poor souls who are trying to abort their 1st trimester fetuses.
If you truly believe that life begins at conception, you must begin by attacking Bristol-Meyers and all the pharmaceuticals who manufacture birth control pills, and rather than targetting abortionists, target any doctor who prescribes birth control pills.
If destroying a zygote is murder, than abortions are a miniscule fraction of the "murder" that is going on.
Because contrary to the name "contraceptive" birth control pills do NOT prevent conception. They prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterine lining.
So, for each year a woman is on BCP, there are probably an average of four "murders". Do the math.
