mannerheim-linija rakennettiin kesäällä -39
eiköne opeta tätä ennää koulusa?
suomalaisena siun, tuoremehu, pitäs se tietää.
and same with that other official language of Apolyton
mannerheim-line was build in the summer of -39
and Tuoremehu, as a finn you should know that.
don't they teach that in school any more?
eiköne opeta tätä ennää koulusa?
suomalaisena siun, tuoremehu, pitäs se tietää.
and same with that other official language of Apolyton

mannerheim-line was build in the summer of -39
and Tuoremehu, as a finn you should know that.
don't they teach that in school any more?