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Would Finland have been better off if it had remained part of Russia?

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  • #46
    mannerheim-linija rakennettiin kesäällä -39
    eiköne opeta tätä ennää koulusa?
    suomalaisena siun, tuoremehu, pitäs se tietää.

    and same with that other official language of Apolyton

    mannerheim-line was build in the summer of -39
    and Tuoremehu, as a finn you should know that.
    don't they teach that in school any more?
    My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


    • #47
      Originally posted by Andemagne
      mannerheim-linija rakennettiin kesäällä -39
      eiköne opeta tätä ennää koulusa?
      suomalaisena siun, tuoremehu, pitäs se tietää.(..)
      Yliksellä ei nykyään enää paljoa opi...

      Ja eikös Apolytonin virallinen kieli ole Suomen kirjakieli?


      • #48

        Follow the Hurricane's link to teach more about the Mannerheim Line

        The Finland's campaign last only 100 days, it is impossible to create such fortifications in such short time. The Mannerheim Line was constructed ealier with help of Brits, French and Germans if I remember corectly.


        • #49
          oho! tämä vieti tuli kahesti.
          My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


          • #50
            Originally posted by Tuomerehu
            Ja eikös Apolytonin virallinen kieli ole Suomen kirjakieli?
            murrekki on suomia!

            Murrekkin on Suåmea!
            meniköse nyt oikein?
            My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


            • #51
              Originally posted by Serb

              With minefields, somethimes with 40 lines of barbed wire instead of usual 2-3 lines, with 2 meters bunkers walls made of concrete and another 2,5 meters of rocks beynd the bunkers walls and very favourable terrain. Do not insult people who created this line, it was very good fortification complex.

              So at the end of October 1939, when the war started, the actual Mannerheim Line had in the area between the Gulf of Finland and Vuoksi, some 80 km wide, 55 concrete fortifications (20 of them built in the 1920's and not repaired/modernized during the 1930's) and in the Vuoksi-Suvanto-Taipale area, some 55 km wide, 26 concrete fortifications (all of them built during the 1920's). If the concrete fortifications had been dispersed evenly along the line, the distance between two of them would've been over 1,5 km, i.e. roughly 0.6 concrete bunkers / km.
              Also note that the Mannerheim Line was not used as the main defensive line during the continuation war. Instead, a new defensive line (the VT-Line) was built, and it was here that the battles of 1944 were fought.


              • #52
                I say finland should be part of Sweden!
                Hell, they where swedes before they where finns!

                Interestingly enough, the definition finland back in the 1630s was all swedish land east of Tavasteland
                No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                • #53
                  You are amazing. In your previous link there was absolutely different information. For example, that Red army take more then 140 bunkers during this campaign.
                  You may continue to say stories about weaknes of Finn's fortifications or about Stalin wanted to conquer Finland or about anything else. Those stories good for Americans and etc. You forget that those events are part of our own history and we study them to. I've read few books about Winter war and I'm disagreed with your position.


                  • #54
                    Sorry, I don´t get your point. What campaign are you referring to? And in what way was there different information there?

