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Another suicide bombing:Why doesn't Israel deal with it?

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  • #76
    If Israel does not retaliate, there could still be Palestinian suicide bombers.

    But the logic does NOT follow that if Israel does retaliate, there would not be any Palestinian suicide bombers.

    If anything, it's the reverse.
    Poor silly humans. A temporarily stable pattern of matter and energy stumbles upon self-cognizance for a moment, and suddenly it thinks the whole universe was created for its benefit. -- mbelleroff


    • #77
      Originally posted by ranskaldan
      If anything, it's the reverse.
      Until you reach a certain point.
      The vast majority of the Israeli actions in the past were :
      A) Retaliation, without any iniative. "You hit us, we will hit you back".
      B) Directed against the PA, not the other terror organizations. "Today's bombing of this and that building is a sign for Arafat to stop terror". So there was no true operational goal behind the retaliations.

      Lately, after one of the last big teracts(I already lost count) Israel started with the incursions to the refugee camps. This is, finally, a smart move. While you risk civilian casualties you hit many gunmen, find lots of weapon and missile catches and the terrorists are busy with fighting the IDF instead of sending suicide bombers to Israeli cities. Of course, that doing only such actions is not really productive, because there are many other places to hit.

      IMO, Israel should change the way it thinks and accept that there is no chance for peace with the current leadership. We gave more than we can, and they didnt accept it. Whether it's right or not, we cant give more.
      And now, when an enemy is defined you stop with the stupid point B logic, and hit wherever you want, whenever you want with one goal in mind, to destroy everything that causes damage to us. Without waiting for a teract to happen, without blaming everything on a 70 years old child molester locked in his office and without all the restraints we had until today.


      A suicide bomber, member of the military wing of the Fatah movement blew up in some roadblock near Jenin. One man lightly injured.
      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Dr. Stiby
        You know what you get when you retaliate to every single teract. Not only did it amount to huge losses of innocent lives on both sides.
        That's because we dont retaliate strong enough, and not on the right targets. See my previous post.

        you also got the public opinion of practically the entire world against.

        I dont care about public opinion while my life are in danger. Besides, the US will be with us in almost all possible scenarios and Europe is Europe, we shouldnt even expect support.

        Not retaliating will gain much respect and increase pressure on Arafat.
        This pressure will not stop the suicide bomber who will explode in my bus. Also, by now, after 38 years with Yasser, we should've understood that all cease fires he makes are tactical ones and stop a minute after he sees the world is with him again.

        This one was a response to the argument that it's time for hamas and IJ to see peace is the final option. I have to agree I made a mistake there. Those organisations want only one thing and that's to get every Israeli out of the ME, alive or dead, probably alive. It's organisations like this that make it hard for muslims worldwide to gain respect and trust. If Arafat and Sharon could come up with peace terms. Hopefully he'll also give you a carte blanche to arrest all members of those organisations.

        Until the next time he decides to start an Intifada and release them all?

        So, is this your pride bothering you? What exactly are his demands concerning your surrender? If it's losing part of your country and go back to the borders of 1967? That's a small price to pay for living in peace and not being afraid to die every time you leave your house, IMHO.
        His demands are simple. Return to the 1967 borders, make transfer for 200,000 Jews, divide your capital, and then we'll talk about further concessions you have to make for a permanent peace treaty. And then, he can start looking for a reason to begin another Intifada.
        "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


        • #79
          Two terrorists were killed after the police caught their car in the entrance to the Malha mall in Jerusalem. The Fatah claimed responsibility.

          It looks like Arafat will be allowed to go to the summit, but IMO he will either decide not to go or he will go and not return.
          Tommorow is the Pesach eve, the police and the IDF are on the highest alert possible, all policeman are out in the streets.
          Despite this, tomorrow and the next few days will be bloody bloody days. And if Arafat is smart enough he will not go to the summit, knowing that after those teracts he wont be able to return.

          Btw, March, is the most bloody month of the Intifada. 72 Israelis were killed, and around the 200 Palestinians.
          Just think how many lives could be saved if Israel had invaded the territories in the first week of the Intifada, when it was clear to the intelligence services that the Palestinians plan to continue with the terror for couple years.
          "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.

