I'm beginning to think that it is (see Australia migrant thread- I'm too lazy to copy paste ).
Plus you watch these reality cop shows and you begin to wonder. And you see these cops harrass people for stuff like drugs. It seems they only push certain agendas. They don't seem to enforce all laws equally. The police force has become too political minded for my tastes.
I do see drastic changes as soon as 20 or 30 years. I believe that we will live in a country where you have id cards that have to be scanned for any major area you go. I don't want to live in a country like that. I'm even prepared to move to Canada or Australia if I have to . Yes very drastic measures indeed.
I don't see manned police checkpoints like in some sci-fi movie. This will all be tracked electronically. Every movement you do will be tracked. Certain activities such as hiking or travelling will require permits. I figure any movement whatsoever outside the city will require a permit. These measures will be put in place to track terrorists and other deadly criminals of course. And they will say this makes us safer.
Plus you watch these reality cop shows and you begin to wonder. And you see these cops harrass people for stuff like drugs. It seems they only push certain agendas. They don't seem to enforce all laws equally. The police force has become too political minded for my tastes.
I do see drastic changes as soon as 20 or 30 years. I believe that we will live in a country where you have id cards that have to be scanned for any major area you go. I don't want to live in a country like that. I'm even prepared to move to Canada or Australia if I have to . Yes very drastic measures indeed.
I don't see manned police checkpoints like in some sci-fi movie. This will all be tracked electronically. Every movement you do will be tracked. Certain activities such as hiking or travelling will require permits. I figure any movement whatsoever outside the city will require a permit. These measures will be put in place to track terrorists and other deadly criminals of course. And they will say this makes us safer.