I remember the days of working at a till. I worked at a place where nobody bought anything, but insteads all the pikies sholplifted it. Added to that I was only paid £3/hr so my desire to confront shoplifting gypsies was low. Then again, what do you expect from a place called "Poundstretcher".
What's wrong with asking for cashback on small debit payments, its a whole lot easier to do that than going to a cashpoint and then the store?
Originally posted by Boddington's
Yep, see that kind of thing in supermarkets all the time - paying for £2 or £3 purchases with a credit card.
Even worse, they'll pay by Switch and ask for cash back.
Yep, see that kind of thing in supermarkets all the time - paying for £2 or £3 purchases with a credit card.
Even worse, they'll pay by Switch and ask for cash back.
